Just found out my son has a girlfriend...


Its Lavish, hoe
May 2, 2012
Tdot.. till the death of me
I appreciate all the feedback, just wanted to give an update for those who may be interested:

We(me, wife) went up to the school this morning to return the items & meet with the principal, dean & guidance counselor. I explained it to them the same I explained it to my wife & you guys. What they told me was kinda disturbing, come to find out her giving my son gifts wasn't an isolated incident. The principal went on to explain to me that they have had problems with this particular little girl on different instances bringing money to school & giving it away. They wouldn't get into all the specifics(which I understand) but one thing they did tell me was on one occurrence last year, her art teacher saw her giving out money to different kids in class.

I'm not a braggadocio, but I make excellent money but if $20.00 was missing out of my money I would find out why. I don't know what this little girl's parents do for a living but it's kinda crazy that they can't miss lots of money gone at one time. Obviously the baby doesn't have a concept of money & I blame the parents 100%. I don't know what the school can do legally but they did say they will take "swift & stern action" because it's happening too much.

Next week we have open house so I'll get the meet the little girl & the parents. I won't bring up this incident because I don't think it's appropriate. But I did have a talk with my son & I explained to him to not accept gifts from people just to be their friend or in this case girlfriend. He's only 6 but I think he understands but it's a bad situation for a young kid to be in. I do feel sorry for the little girl, I hope her parents do something because she can get extorted by older kids or the teachers can take money from her.

Also I've read a lot of comments basically saying I'm a punk because I mentioned sleeping on the couch. Let me clarify something, yesterday when I told my wife about this I was basically :blessed:the whole time & that's why she got upset because I wasn't taking it serious & was kinda saluting my son, thats why she was so upset. My wife has NEVER made me sleep on the couch or told me I can't sleep in the bed. If you guys clearly read my first post I said I would probably have to sleep on the couch or basically have hear her talk about the incident all night in bed while I'm trying to sleep, that's all. I think my comment( about sleeping on the couch) was taken way out of context. We have a great friendship & terrific marriage.

And finally for the poster @TRBM, you said it's not adding up if I've been married for 2 months with a 6yr old son. I don't understand what you don't understand. We've been together for almost 9yrs, we were engaged for 3 of those & decided when we had everything together & finished school with careers that we should get married, hope that answers your question.

I don't know what that the "get married brehs" means on here & I don't know how many of yall are actually married.But what I do know is when you're married, arguing with your significant other is like going to war. You have to pick & choose your battles because everyday you have to wake up to that same person until you die so you want things to go as smooth as possible.

you clarified alot with this post. I take back my comment about you being a bytch n!gga :ehh:

it was just the way you worded it


All Star
May 7, 2012
All of this happened within the past hour prior of me typing this. My son is in 1st grade, I go to pick him up like I always do on my off days. The chaperone brings him to the car & says "your son is a little playa", I laughed about it & didn't think too much of it. So then my son pulls out a shoe box from his backpack with brand new toys in it, I reach in the back seat & grab it & on the front of the box was an envelope with a girls name on it.

I ask my son who is this girl, he starts blushing & says it's his girlfriend. So the light turns red & I open up the envelope & there a little card she drew that says "I love you" along with a $50.00 dollar bill & toys r us gift card & wal-mart gift card that all equaled up to $200.00. My son goes to a private elementary so I assume a lot of kids parents have money. I thought it was kinda cute but was I shocked that a little girl would give him all of that considering they didn't have school of monday so she planned this out. I teased my son about it a little & we joked about it until we got home.

So when we got home I told his mom(my wife) about it & she became so infuriated & started yelling & cursing(as I type this she's still going off) Talking about she's taking off tomorrow to go up there & talk to the principal, the teacher & the girls parents. Personally I think it's no big deal, I think kids will be kids. They are only 6yrs old. But if the daughter was mine I know I would feel a certain type of way. Since I don't think it's a big deal I may have to sleep on the couch tonight but being that as it may, how would you guys feel if this was your daughter or son? Big deal or no deal at all?
Breh you may as well let your son post on your account from now on :steviej: Atleast he could teach us a thing or 2 about these hoes out here:lolbron:


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
He's only been married for 2 months and already scared to be sleeping on the couch. :sad:

Yeah man, and she's goin on and on raising hell and being the alpha and decision maker, while he's sitting there in the other room all quiet and afraid. He needs to be a man and straighten that woman out, or else it'll only get worse. This sounds like one of those 'passive nice guys married to an overbearing unpleasant type' relationships. And it's only 2 months in!?

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
I dont know why I find it funny he's charming his way into getting some low self esteem lil girl into pick pocketing her father.

Good thing I'll never have kids because if it were me I'd be like "ask her for a gc from best buy, and next time ask her why only $50? true love is $100 for 100%"

Box Cutta

Bumbling Sidekick
May 1, 2012
Sanitation Department
Your bytch (Do you mind if I call your wife that? We're all fam on The Coli.) was right o be concerned. 200 bones from a 6 year old...that's a big deal, and it doesn't surprise me at all that this is a pathology and not just an isolated incident.

Honestly, I'm kinda surprised that you could just laugh that off like it was nothing. Would you really take your son to Toys R Us, spend 200 dollars, and never consider just where the hell the money came from or how she got it?

What race are you, your son, and the girl? Just wondering.