Just found out my son has a girlfriend...

Rockstar Mom

Aug 13, 2012
Don't be so non chalant.

Like someone else stated, Im pretty sure once the lil girl gets caght up, she'll say that your son stole it from her:manny:

Family Man

May 5, 2012
All of this happened within the past hour prior of me typing this. My son is in 1st grade, I go to pick him up like I always do on my off days. The chaperone brings him to the car & says "your son is a little playa", I laughed about it & didn't think too much of it. So then my son pulls out a shoe box from his backpack with brand new toys in it, I reach in the back seat & grab it & on the front of the box was an envelope with a girls name on it.

I ask my son who is this girl, he starts blushing & says it's his girlfriend. So the light turns red & I open up the envelope & there a little card she drew that says "I love you" along with a $50.00 dollar bill & toys r us gift card & wal-mart gift card that all equaled up to $200.00. My son goes to a private elementary so I assume a lot of kids parents have money. I thought it was kinda cute but was I shocked that a little girl would give him all of that considering they didn't have school of monday so she planned this out. I teased my son about it a little & we joked about it until we got home.

So when we got home I told his mom(my wife) about it & she became so infuriated & started yelling & cursing(as I type this she's still going off) Talking about she's taking off tomorrow to go up there & talk to the principal, the teacher & the girls parents. Personally I think it's no big deal, I think kids will be kids. They are only 6yrs old. But if the daughter was mine I know I would feel a certain type of way. Since I don't think it's a big deal I may have to sleep on the couch tonight but being that as it may, how would you guys feel if this was your daughter or son? Big deal or no deal at all?
Sleep on the couch? Man tell your wife to fukk off. You should have used this as a teaching moment for your boy and tell him to return everything to that girl. Let him know a man can't be bought with gifts.
I feel bad for the little girl. Hopefully her parents will instill some self-esteem in her so she knows better not to trick on any dude, or allow herself to be taken advantage of.
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May 18, 2012
Sleep on the couch? Man tell your wife to fukk off. You should have used this as a teaching moment for your boy and tell him to return everything to that girl. Let him know a man can't be bought with gifts.
I feel bad for the little girl. Hopefully her parents will instill some self-esteem in her so she knows better not to trick on any dude, or allow herself to be taken advantage of.

Im surprised it took that long for somebody to mention the sleeping on the couch part. I never understood that shyt in movies and shyt, I'll be damned if Im sleeping on a couch in my own house if I dont want to. Especially over some shyt like that :childplease:
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All Star
May 12, 2012
All of this happened within the past hour prior of me typing this. My son is in 1st grade, I go to pick him up like I always do on my off days. The chaperone brings him to the car & says "your son is a little playa", I laughed about it & didn't think too much of it. So then my son pulls out a shoe box from his backpack with brand new toys in it, I reach in the back seat & grab it & on the front of the box was an envelope with a girls name on it.

I ask my son who is this girl, he starts blushing & says it's his girlfriend. So the light turns red & I open up the envelope & there a little card she drew that says "I love you" along with a $50.00 dollar bill & toys r us gift card & wal-mart gift card that all equaled up to $200.00. My son goes to a private elementary so I assume a lot of kids parents have money. I thought it was kinda cute but was I shocked that a little girl would give him all of that considering they didn't have school of monday so she planned this out. I teased my son about it a little & we joked about it until we got home.

So when we got home I told his mom(my wife) about it & she became so infuriated & started yelling & cursing(as I type this she's still going off) Talking about she's taking off tomorrow to go up there & talk to the principal, the teacher & the girls parents. Personally I think it's no big deal, I think kids will be kids. They are only 6yrs old. But if the daughter was mine I know I would feel a certain type of way. Since I don't think it's a big deal I may have to sleep on the couch tonight but being that as it may, how would you guys feel if this was your daughter or son? Big deal or no deal at all?

overall i dont think its a big deal either but it is a weird gift. i have more of a problem with this sleeping on the couch shyt. fukk that noise. that aint never happening to me. i wish my wife would try that shyt


it is what it is
Mar 16, 2013
What kind of family did you grow up in where you were getting $50 bills and gift cards worth $150 when you were 6?:what:

We don't know what her family situation is. Her parents could have decent jobs for all we know and a couple of gift cards totaling $200 isn't shocking. Maybe if it was $500+ or something than I would be a little worried but a couple of $50 gift cards isn't something I 'd get all riled up about.


All Star
Jun 7, 2012
We don't know what her family situation is. Her parents could have decent jobs for all we know and a couple of gift cards totaling $200 isn't shocking. Maybe if it was $500+ or something than I would be a little worried but a couple of $50 gift cards isn't something I 'd get all riled up about.
Why would a 6 y/o have a gift card anyway? I could understand toys - which I would still give back to her parents since she was the one they bought them for. But a gift card? Nobody would give a 6 y/o that as a present so she obviously got it from somewhere/someone else.


it is what it is
Mar 16, 2013
Why would a 6 y/o have a gift card anyway? I could understand toys - which I would still give back to her parents since she was the one they bought them for. But a gift card? Nobody would give a 6 y/o that as a present so she obviously got it from somewhere/someone else.

Again were just assuming. You never know these days.


Down By Law
May 1, 2012
Dallas, TX
Sleep on the couch? Man tell your wife to fukk off. You should have used this as a teaching moment for your boy and tell him to return everything to that girl. Let him know a man can't be bought with gifts.
I feel bad for the little girl. Hopefully her parents will instill some self-esteem in her so she knows better not to trick on any dude, or allow herself to be taken advantage of.

Im surprised it took that long for somebody to mention the sleeping on the couch part. I never understood that shyt in movies and shyt, I'll be damned if Im sleeping on a couch in my own house if I dont want to. Especially over some shyt like that :childplease:

overall i dont think its a big deal either but it is a weird gift. i have more of a problem with this sleeping on the couch shyt. fukk that noise. that aint never happening to me. i wish my wife would try that shyt

Well one thing about me is that I HATE to argue. Usually I'd rather concede the point(even if I'm right) because I don't like going back & forth with people. My wife is very firery & the polar opposite of me, she loves to debate, argue, etc.. And she gets really upset when I don't argue back. And like this situation, even if I agree with her now she'll say I'm just being dismissive to get her shut up so really I can't win.

It's probably best if I just be quiet & let pass it over & let her handle it tomorrow. She gave me a different perspective on how to look at it so we'll see what happens. Right now it's just 6pm so hopefully she'll forgive me so I can sleep in the bed tonight.

Btw it's not like I can't sleep in the bed if I wanted too but when we have disagreements it ends up being an all night dialogue & I have work tomorrow, dont wanna hear her mouth all night when she's upset. Been married for two months now, this is our first little disagreement...


Born Greatest
Aug 15, 2013
My mom was like that in the 3rd grade i had girls calling my house and my mom got mad and started haten on me.:smugdraper::ahh:

Told the lil girls to stop calling her house smh if only she knew that would be the most attention i ever got from females in my life she would have just let me live.:sadbron:

Now she wonder why i don't got a gf. It cuzz im ugly now!!!!!!!!!:damn:
awe sounds like you need a hug :hug: