Judge Declares Mistrial in Bill Cosby Case


Dec 14, 2015
The coli is a retarded on racial issues . Ttry not to take these fukk bois too serious a good laff nothing more

Thanks man, appreciate it, nice to know someone has my back :salute:

But you may have opened the flood-gates for all kind of abuse for you :huhldup:


Jul 5, 2012
There's not going to be new evidence or new arguments. Cosby has the playbook.

Getting the "right" jury for a conviction could happen. But it wouldn't hold up in appeal.

How can you find a jury that has no opinion on Cosby yet alone hasn't followed the case to some degree? You would literally need to find people not from the USA.

All that being said the accuser wanted show tickets & kept calling him after the supposed incident. Wanted to introduce Cosby to her parents, lol. Come on! Whateva happened was consentual and/or she didn't care until she couldn't use him anymore.


We're on the blood path now
May 2, 2012
Center self, inner self
"go fukk yourself grey boy"

"fukk off you stupid cac"

"I don't particular like cac behavior"

"You are a Euro cac piece of shyt"

"white supremacist"

"race based superiority"

"go fukk yourself"

"you crackers are racist"

"because you crackers are racist"

"other white racists"

"you're a white racist"

"white racism is all on you"

"shove it up your loose ass"


I haven't said one offensive or rude thing to a black person on this forum yet I've been struck with all this and more. This is exactly my point. I'm not racist and never will be, like I said I've lost a best friend and a father because they said racist things. But you say all these racist and offensive things to someone and a lot of people are going to become racist even if they're not, now you can say "fukk off cac cracker" a thousand times and the last thing I'll be is racist, it's just an internet forum at the end of the day, but try to understand that not everyone is like me, and you hand out this much racist white abuse at a lot of white people, they're not going to take it on the chin like me and move on; they going to become racist and hate black people. I knew someone in high school who wasn't a racist, got beat up by a black man for no reason and was racist for life after that. I don't agree with him becoming racist over that, it was one person and it was an isolated incident, but it proves that some white people only need a little push to turn out like that, and writing a hundred racist abuse messages online isn't going to help anyone in the long run.
I haven't said one racist thing yet I've received dozens and dozens of racist attacks back at me, who's the real problem here? :francis:

But I know all I'm going to receive is neg, fukk off cac, neg, fukk off cracker so honestly you guys are only just proving my point. :hubie:
No...they're not going to "become" racist just because they've been targeted by bigoted behavior. It's either they are or they're not.


Probably drunk
Nov 18, 2013
I have no doubt that he definitely raped a lot of those women, buuuut just a couple of days ago a murderous cop got off scott free so fukk everyone :lolbron:


Dec 14, 2015
Fair enough, you're right friend, my bad, I'll stay out of these kind of threads in the future :hubie:

This got negged with "and fukking stay out you cracker piece of shyt".

And people say white people are 100% the problem :snoop:


May 1, 2012
I'm not justifying white racism, I'm just saying if you say "fukk off cac cracker" a hundred times to white people, some of them aren't going to shrug it off and move on, some are going to get annoyed/offended and lash out. I don't agree with it, nor do I relate to it, but I believe both parties are wrong. If everyone just said nice things to each other the world would be a much happier place :gladbron:
^^^This is you justifying white racism in a sneaky underhanded way. The entire premise of your argument is a lie. "Since blacks call whites name I kinds understand why they would be racist.....I mean in not saying it's right and I don't condone it:skip:..........but I kinda understand". Get the fukk outta her with that. Whites are because racist because whites are racist. We call you names because you're racist and has done nothing but terrorize and oppress us for the last 500 years. We didn't start calling you names first, you were racist and declared war on us first. If you go out and sneak up on an unsuspecting person and you beat/assault them, then your victim calling you names doesn't justify you to continue beating/assaulting. If whites stopped being racist then I guarantee that blacks would stop saying things like "fukk off cracka"

"wet dog smelling ass" just no need for such insults :upsetfavre:
There's no need for the bullshyt you're trying to run, it's actually an insult to black people's intelligence. You choose to be passive and I choose to be direct:yeshrug: At the end of the day tho, my name calling won't effect you in the least while the racist system that you're maintaining effects my every day and could one day make me a hashtag.

Explain this then to an uneducated man, there was a thread on here a while back that had the title "is there any cacs you like?" Most responded with no one, don't like any, struggling, maybe one or two. Really? Many on here dislike 99% of white people? Well if that is the case, which is silly; then how come the film and TV threads are crazy hot despite them featuring mostly white people? Little hypocritical?

Or when I've seen dozens of posts say "Tom Brady is a fukking racist cac... but he's my QB so I love him he's the GOAT etc etc".

That seems a little silly to me :jbhmm:
I have no problems conceding that generally speaking black peoples are very hypocritical in some ways. We love to talk shyt but the truth is that generally speaking blacks love whites.......to our own detriment even. Like I explained earlier tho, actions speak louder than words. There's little to no action backing up anti white feelings towards whites whites there's plenty of action backing up anti-black racism from whites. White supremacy and anti-black racism is the foundation of this country and western society as a whole.
Last edited:


Dec 14, 2015
We call you names because you're racist and has done nothing but terrorize and oppress us for the last 500 years. We didn't start calling you names first, you were racist and declared war on us first. If you go out and sneak up on an unsuspecting person and you beat/assault them, then your victim calling you names doesn't justify you to continue beating/assaulting. If whites stopped being racist then I guarantee that blacks would stop saying things like "fukk off cracka"

There's no need for the bullshyt you're trying to run, it's actually an insult to black people's intelligence. You choose to be passive and I choose to be direct:yeshrug: At the end of the day tho, my name calling won't effect you in the least while the racist system that you're maintaining effects my every day and could one day make me a hashtag.

I have no problems conceding that generally speaking black peoples are very hypocritical in some ways. We love to talk shyt but the truth is that generally speaking blacks love whites.......to our own detriment even. Like I explained earlier tho, actions speak louder than words. There's little to no action backing up anti white feelings towards whites whites there's plenty of action backing up anti-black racism from whites. White supremacy and anti-black racism is the foundation of this country and western society as a whole.

I can totally get on board with that view point, but I didn't oppress you, I didn't have anything to do with slavery, when a cop shoots a black man it pisses me of just as much as it pisses black people off. I 100% can see why black people hate on white people with the way black people have been treat for hundreds of years, things like blowing off the noses/lips of Egyptian statues because it proves Egyptians were black pisses me off like crazy and sometimes even makes me ashamed that white people do that, I just don't get it. But it's like people hating on Muslims when 99% of them are nice, normal, friendly people. A few bad eggs doesn't mean the whole batch is bad, and a few racist whites doesn't mean all of them are like that :yeshrug:

I apologize if I've said anything that's considered offensive, or rude, or ignorant, like some have said on here I can't really see things from a black person's perceptive no matter how much I try, so that's my bad, I hold my hands up there, sorry :hubie:

"White supremacy and anti-black racism is the foundation of this country and western society as a whole."

I know, and that pisses me off, makes me ashamed of our species and makes me think "no wonder aliens don't want to talk to us, we hate and kill each other bases on skin colour, religion or difference of opinion". I mean I'm a wrestling fan and nothing frustrates me more than the fact there has never been a black WWE champion, the fact that black people are constantly paraded as idiots and booked like shyt; and the fact that the fans chant "yes" "one more time" when a black wrestler gets beat up. shyt boils my blood. Living in England, we're no different, Brexit happened cause we're one of the most racist countries on the planet, shyt is horrible over here. :francis:


Kristina Schulman Bro
Mar 4, 2015
The Real Titletown
Allegations aren't enough to get one CONVICTED in a court of law. Looking at the allegations, it may seem very likely that something happened, but that's why there's a court of law where you need to prove one violated the law beyond a reasonable doubt.

In today's day and age, if someone is on trial for RAPE and don't get convicted, there was CLEARLY not enough solid evidence. People get convicted of rape all the time with littler solid evidence. With the jurors not all agreeing, it's clear there wasn't enough solid, concrete evidence to lock him up.
Nov 28, 2016
Over 100 In Film Community Sign Polanski Petition

Sep 29, 2009 11:08 am

AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested Sunday in Switzerland on a warrant for a 1977 underage sex case in the United States. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar are among the 100 and counting film industry figures who have signed the petition, coordinated from France by the SACD, an organization which represents performance and visual artists.

“We demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski,” urges the petition. “Film-makers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision… It seems inadmissible to them that an international cultural event, paying homage to one of the greatest contemporary film-makers, is used by police to apprehend him.”

The following is the SACD petition, followed by a list of names of people who had signed it as of tonight. For a more extensive detailing of Polanski’s arrest and potential extradition to the United States, check out indieWIRE‘s coverage from earlier today.

Petition for Roman Polanski

Polanski petition signatories, as of September 29th:

Fatih Akin
Stephane Allagnon
Woody Allen
Pedro Almodovar
Wes Anderson
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Alexandre Arcady
Fanny Ardant
Asia Argento
Darren Aronofsky
Olivier Assayas
Alexander Astruc
Gabriel Auer
Luc Barnier
Christophe Barratier
Xavier Beauvois
Liria Begeja
Gilles Behat
Jean-Jacques Beineix
Marco Bellochio
Monica Bellucci
Djamel Bennecib
Giuseppe Bertolucci
Patrick Bouchitey
Paul Boujenah
Jacques Bral
Patrick Braoudé
Andre Buytaers
Christian Carion
Henning Carlsen
Jean-Michel Carre
Patrice Chereau
Elie Chouraqui
Souleymane Cisse
Alain Corneau
Jerome Cornuau
Miguel Courtois
Dominique Crevecoeur
Alfonso Cuaron
Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Jonathan Demme
Alexandre Desplat
Rosalinde et Michel Deville
Georges Dybman
Jacques Fansten
Joël Farges
Gianluca Farinelli
Jacques Fansten
Etienne Faure
Michel Ferry
Scott Foundas
Stephen Frears
Thierry Fremaux
Sam Gabarski
René Gainville
Tony Gatlif
Costa Gavras
Jean-Marc Ghanassia
Terry Gilliam
Christian Gion
Marc Guidoni
Buck Henry
David Heyman
Laurent Heynemann
Robert Hossein
Jean-Loup Hubert
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Gilles Jacob
Just Jaeckin
Alain Jessua
Pierre Jolivet
Kent Jones
Roger Kahane,
Nelly Kaplan
Wong Kar Waï
Ladislas Kijno
Harmony Korine
Jan Kounen
Diane Kurys
Emir Kusturica
John Landis
Claude Lanzmann
André Larquié
Vinciane Lecocq
Patrice Leconte
Claude Lelouch
Gérard Lenne
David Lynch
Michael Mann
François Margolin
Jean-Pierre Marois
Tonie Marshall
Mario Martone
Nicolas Mauvernay
Radu Mihaileanu
Claude Miller
Mario Monicelli
Jeanne Moreau
Sandra Nicolier
Michel Ocelot
Alexander Payne
Richard Pena
Michele Placido
Philippe Radault
Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Raphael Rebibo
Yasmina Reza
Jacques Richard
Laurence Roulet
Walter Salles
Jean-Paul Salomé
Marc Sandberg
Jerry Schatzberg
Julian Schnabel
Barbet Schroeder
Ettore Scola
Martin Scorcese
Charlotte Silvera
Abderrahmane Sissako
Paolo Sorrentino
Guillaume Stirn
Tilda Swinton
Jean-Charles Tacchella
Radovan Tadic
Danis Tanovic
Bertrand Tavernier
Cécile Telerman
Alain Terzian
Pascal Thomas
Giuseppe Tornatore
Serge Toubiana
Nadine Trintignant
Tom Tykwer
Alexandre Tylski
Betrand Van Effenterre
Wim Wenders


Aug 18, 2014
Over 100 In Film Community Sign Polanski Petition

Sep 29, 2009 11:08 am

AFP is reporting that a grand assembly of filmmakers, actors and producers from around the world have signed a petition urging the release of director Roman Polanski, who was arrested Sunday in Switzerland on a warrant for a 1977 underage sex case in the United States. Woody Allen, Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu, Martin Scorcese, David Lynch, Wong Kar Wai, Harmony Korine, Stephen Frears, Alexander Payne, Michael Mann, Wim Wenders, Tilda Swinton, Julian Schnabel, and Pedro Almodovar are among the 100 and counting film industry figures who have signed the petition, coordinated from France by the SACD, an organization which represents performance and visual artists.

“We demand the immediate release of Roman Polanski,” urges the petition. “Film-makers in France, in Europe, in the United States and around the world are dismayed by this decision… It seems inadmissible to them that an international cultural event, paying homage to one of the greatest contemporary film-makers, is used by police to apprehend him.”

The following is the SACD petition, followed by a list of names of people who had signed it as of tonight. For a more extensive detailing of Polanski’s arrest and potential extradition to the United States, check out indieWIRE‘s coverage from earlier today.

Petition for Roman Polanski

Polanski petition signatories, as of September 29th:

Fatih Akin
Stephane Allagnon
Woody Allen
Pedro Almodovar
Wes Anderson
Jean-Jacques Annaud
Alexandre Arcady
Fanny Ardant
Asia Argento
Darren Aronofsky
Olivier Assayas
Alexander Astruc
Gabriel Auer
Luc Barnier
Christophe Barratier
Xavier Beauvois
Liria Begeja
Gilles Behat
Jean-Jacques Beineix
Marco Bellochio
Monica Bellucci
Djamel Bennecib
Giuseppe Bertolucci
Patrick Bouchitey
Paul Boujenah
Jacques Bral
Patrick Braoudé
Andre Buytaers
Christian Carion
Henning Carlsen
Jean-Michel Carre
Patrice Chereau
Elie Chouraqui
Souleymane Cisse
Alain Corneau
Jerome Cornuau
Miguel Courtois
Dominique Crevecoeur
Alfonso Cuaron
Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne
Jonathan Demme
Alexandre Desplat
Rosalinde et Michel Deville
Georges Dybman
Jacques Fansten
Joël Farges
Gianluca Farinelli
Jacques Fansten
Etienne Faure
Michel Ferry
Scott Foundas
Stephen Frears
Thierry Fremaux
Sam Gabarski
René Gainville
Tony Gatlif
Costa Gavras
Jean-Marc Ghanassia
Terry Gilliam
Christian Gion
Marc Guidoni
Buck Henry
David Heyman
Laurent Heynemann
Robert Hossein
Jean-Loup Hubert
Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu
Gilles Jacob
Just Jaeckin
Alain Jessua
Pierre Jolivet
Kent Jones
Roger Kahane,
Nelly Kaplan
Wong Kar Waï
Ladislas Kijno
Harmony Korine
Jan Kounen
Diane Kurys
Emir Kusturica
John Landis
Claude Lanzmann
André Larquié
Vinciane Lecocq
Patrice Leconte
Claude Lelouch
Gérard Lenne
David Lynch
Michael Mann
François Margolin
Jean-Pierre Marois
Tonie Marshall
Mario Martone
Nicolas Mauvernay
Radu Mihaileanu
Claude Miller
Mario Monicelli
Jeanne Moreau
Sandra Nicolier
Michel Ocelot
Alexander Payne
Richard Pena
Michele Placido
Philippe Radault
Jean-Paul Rappeneau
Raphael Rebibo
Yasmina Reza
Jacques Richard
Laurence Roulet
Walter Salles
Jean-Paul Salomé
Marc Sandberg
Jerry Schatzberg
Julian Schnabel
Barbet Schroeder
Ettore Scola
Martin Scorcese
Charlotte Silvera
Abderrahmane Sissako
Paolo Sorrentino
Guillaume Stirn
Tilda Swinton
Jean-Charles Tacchella
Radovan Tadic
Danis Tanovic
Bertrand Tavernier
Cécile Telerman
Alain Terzian
Pascal Thomas
Giuseppe Tornatore
Serge Toubiana
Nadine Trintignant
Tom Tykwer
Alexandre Tylski
Betrand Van Effenterre
Wim Wenders

Not surprised by this nasty fukk being on the list, you know him and Polanski are in the same demonic elitist club.:scust: