Judge Declares Mistrial in Bill Cosby Case


Dec 14, 2015
fukk off

Stupid fukking cac
I swear a lot of you are so fukking see through

"see this is why white people hate black people!!"

Yeah, really? This?

And you think adding your bullshyt little vise versa attempt at lessening your white centric bullshyt is not entirely transparent

I swear, why are all of you so fukking passive aggressive? Its like I have never, a day in my life, seen any of you just actually admit to sharing some bigoted views. Hence why I respect those that do more than the intellectually dishonest cowards like you

"You see kneegrows?? This is why white people hate you!! Your distrust of the justice system is total justification for white supremacy and discrimination!! I'm not racist by the way!! In fact I dont even see color!! A legacy of race based disparities in the justice system and race based decision making by jurors dont actually mean anything!! Its totally about whether you're guilty or innocent!!"


"fukk off, Stupid fukking cac"

Yeah I stand by what I said, you think saying things like this is going to make white people less racist? All it's going to do it create more racists and piss more white people off, I'm not racist but when people say things like this to me man sometimes I can relate to them, "stupid fukking cac", why? Cause I said I've fallen out with people over them saying racist things? I had a close best friend for nearly 10 years who started spouting racist shyt and dropping N bombs every 5 minutes, I said cut the shyt out it's not cool, he didn't stop, and I haven't spoken to him since. My Dad is a huge racist... I don't talk to him anymore.

I've lost a best friend and a father over them being racists, and I what do i get in return? A bunch of black people online saying fukk off cac this, and fukk off cac that. I mean I'm a patient guy but shyt you guys got me thinking why did I lose a father just for black people to hate me even more :francis:

And yeah "see this is why some white people hate some black people!!". Yeah I stand by that. I'm trying to see the world from everyone's perspective unlike some on here, when a white cop shoots a black man I can 100% see why some black people hate white people with a passion, 100%. I can totally get that. Just like when a bunch of Muslims blow themselves up I can see why some people may start to dislike them, although I disagree with them I can see where they're coming from, perspective. And yes, when "some" black people constantly go on about hating cacs, and let's be honest spouting racist things out of their own mouth, I can kinda see why "some" white people would become a little racist. Perspective.

All I'm getting is "fukking cac, fukk off cac, fukk you cac euro shyt, fukk off cracker", for what, voicing my opinion? For what, trying to understand different sides, views and perspectives? Just out of order. I haven't once used a racial slur or said anything of the kind to any black person on here, but all I'm getting in return is racial slurs and worse fired back at me.

I honestly think some of you guys need to look in the mirror. But as I type this, I know all I'm going to receive is "fukk off cac, neg" so what's the point, I guess humanity is destined to hate each other based on colour for the rest of time basically, fair enough. :francis:


May 1, 2012
Bay Area
Bill likely did it but I fukk it if Ronan Polanski is still skating with a conviction under his belt I'm not gonna trip if Cosby slides.

The thing is although he might have admitted to drugging women before every woman who comes forward and the prosecution needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bill drugged THEM. Statements saying he did it I. The past won't be enough. They'd need police reports, medical reports, etc.

bill did not rape 56 fukking women bruh stop it

56 fukking women? Im sure thatd be near some kind of record as well

Bill fukking cosby is not the biggest fukking rapist in world history man come on say that shyt aloud and you know this trial was bull shyt from the start

sounds ridiculous just typing that stupid shyt out

#1 pick

The Smart Negroes
Jul 13, 2012
Lamb of God
Darren Sharper went to jail for doing the same thing Cosby was accused of.The difference is the women reported Sharper immediately after it happened.The women in the Cosby case waited years.
Sharper is the prime example of a rapist. Cosby is the prime example of being railroaded