Judge Declares Mistrial in Bill Cosby Case


Feb 16, 2017
Wouldn't Bill Cosby be a c00n for shaming black men ? It get it, he's Bill fukking Cosby but why are we jumping on this train now?


May 1, 2012
Bill likely did it but I fukk it if Ronan Polanski is still skating with a conviction under his belt I'm not gonna trip if Cosby slides.

The thing is although he might have admitted to drugging women before every woman who comes forward and the prosecution needs to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Bill drugged THEM. Statements saying he did it I. The past won't be enough. They'd need police reports, medical reports, etc.
The duck are you talking about? He's never admitted to "drugging" anyone. There's absolutely no evidence him and no reason to believe that he did anything other than just takin the random word of whites women who many of which have been exposed as liars.


May 1, 2012
"fukk off, Stupid fukking cac"

Yeah I stand by what I said, you think saying things like this is going to make white people less racist? All it's going to do it create more racists and piss more white people off, I'm not racist but when people say things like this to me man sometimes I can relate to them, "stupid fukking cac", why? Cause I said I've fallen out with people over them saying racist things? I had a close best friend for nearly 10 years who started spouting racist shyt and dropping N bombs every 5 minutes, I said cut the shyt out it's not cool, he didn't stop, and I haven't spoken to him since. My Dad is a huge racist... I don't talk to him anymore.

I've lost a best friend and a father over them being racists, and I what do i get in return? A bunch of black people online saying fukk off cac this, and fukk off cac that. I mean I'm a patient guy but shyt you guys got me thinking why did I lose a father just for black people to hate me even more :francis:

And yeah "see this is why some white people hate some black people!!". Yeah I stand by that. I'm trying to see the world from everyone's perspective unlike some on here, when a white cop shoots a black man I can 100% see why some black people hate white people with a passion, 100%. I can totally get that. Just like when a bunch of Muslims blow themselves up I can see why some people may start to dislike them, although I disagree with them I can see where they're coming from, perspective. And yes, when "some" black people constantly go on about hating cacs, and let's be honest spouting racist things out of their own mouth, I can kinda see why "some" white people would become a little racist. Perspective.

All I'm getting is "fukking cac, fukk off cac, fukk you cac euro shyt, fukk off cracker", for what, voicing my opinion? For what, trying to understand different sides, views and perspectives? Just out of order. I haven't once used a racial slur or said anything of the kind to any black person on here, but all I'm getting in return is racial slurs and worse fired back at me.

I honestly think some of you guys need to look in the mirror. But as I type this, I know all I'm going to receive is "fukk off cac, neg" so what's the point, I guess humanity is destined to hate each other based on colour for the rest of time basically, fair enough. :francis:
You're right, there is no point in you trying to run that here because there are too many of us who see through it. You crackers are racist because you crackers are racist. You find yourself sometimes sympathizing with other white racists because you're a whites racist. It's nobody else's fault and nobody else is to blame. White racism is all on you and other whites. Take this weak ass psychology and shove it up your loose ass.


Dec 14, 2015

as stated, fukk off you stupid cac

You just dont understand. And you dont want to understand. Its the reason you get negged.

You see the difference with me and you.

I KNOW I'm bigoted. I would never deny it. I dont particularly like cac behavior and I dont pretend as if I do.

You, obviously lack this same self awareness. So much so that I am almost certain the next thing you'll say is that white people "are not allowed to be racist"

You are a euro cac piece of shyt. You know why? BECAUSE YOU'RE INTELLECTUALLY DISHONEST. And if you actually bothered to understand the black experience you would have tried to understand this instead of marching up desperate to defend your white supremacist viewpoints and playing victim when you're not agreed with. LOL and you have the audacity to define your ignorance as patience. THIS is why you get negged, your race based superiority complex seeps through everyone of the asinine posts you make.

For me to add context, lets put this argument in a direction we both understand. Men and women. As a man, I have no idea what it feels like to be a woman...to fear sexual violence, rape culture, patriarchal society or the myriad other things women have told me they struggle to deal with. Hell, many of my views would be considered misogynistic among many. Here is what I dont do though, I dont go marching up to women displaying my views and then playing victim when they dont agree with me. I dont say shyt like "see ladies, this is why men rape you!!" when some broad vents about her negative experiences with the opposite sex.

Go fukk yourself

You're right, there is no point in you trying to run that here because there are too many of us who see through it. You crackers are racist because you crackers are racist. You find yourself sometimes sympathizing with other white racists because you're a whites racist. It's nobody else's fault and nobody else is to blame. White racism is all on you and other whites. Take this weak ass psychology and shove it up your loose ass.

"go fukk yourself grey boy"

"fukk off you stupid cac"

"I don't particular like cac behavior"

"You are a Euro cac piece of shyt"

"white supremacist"

"race based superiority"

"go fukk yourself"

"you crackers are racist"

"because you crackers are racist"

"other white racists"

"you're a white racist"

"white racism is all on you"

"shove it up your loose ass"


I haven't said one offensive or rude thing to a black person on this forum yet I've been struck with all this and more. This is exactly my point. I'm not racist and never will be, like I said I've lost a best friend and a father because they said racist things. But you say all these racist and offensive things to someone and a lot of people are going to become racist even if they're not, now you can say "fukk off cac cracker" a thousand times and the last thing I'll be is racist, it's just an internet forum at the end of the day, but try to understand that not everyone is like me, and you hand out this much racist white abuse at a lot of white people, they're not going to take it on the chin like me and move on; they going to become racist and hate black people. I knew someone in high school who wasn't a racist, got beat up by a black man for no reason and was racist for life after that. I don't agree with him becoming racist over that, it was one person and it was an isolated incident, but it proves that some white people only need a little push to turn out like that, and writing a hundred racist abuse messages online isn't going to help anyone in the long run.
I haven't said one racist thing yet I've received dozens and dozens of racist attacks back at me, who's the real problem here? :francis:

But I know all I'm going to receive is neg, fukk off cac, neg, fukk off cracker so honestly you guys are only just proving my point. :hubie:


May 1, 2012
I haven't said one offensive or rude thing to a black person on this forum yet I've been struck with all this and more.
You don't get to tell people what they are and aren't offended by. Every post that I've seen from you is offensive. You're basically justifying white racism and that makes you a racist yourself. That's why you're a "cracker, grey boy" and all that other shyt. Like I said, you're wasting your time with this psychology that you're trying to run because not many here will go for it. Keep posting tho, you're just giving people more opportunities to insult your wet dog smelling ass.


Jun 23, 2012
I'm not saying he did or didn't do it, but there have been enough falsely accused black men that were found guilty for me not to see this as a win. This isn't downplaying any of the women's experiences, if it did happen, but women lie all the time about this type of thing so...


May 1, 2012
All good fam. We even :russ:
Dude is not only a racist, he's a complete c*nt

Those are the types of whites who like to run around black spaces spreading their bullshyt.

Whats fascinating is I have actually had discussions with whites who were far more upfront with their dislike of "black behavior" and we could at least come to some kind of mutual understanding of our differing viewpoints. This motherfukker wants to silence black people with his passive aggressive bullshyt whilst, at the same time, using racism of his fellow whites as some kind of threat.

These are the most toxic fukking white people u can ever come across.


Dec 14, 2015

this is my point about them....didnt listed to a thing I said, just filled up with veiled threats of racism from "other white people" because we have audacity to call out cac bullshyt
Didnt address a single point I made...just went right back to playing victim

See as he continues to justify white racism more and more with each post


Cacs like you are the worst because, in most cases, you're even more bigoted than your cac counterparts who are upfront about it. Look at how many times you have to run around telling us "you're not racist"...textbook example of a fukking racist if there was one. What next? You're not racist because your friends are black???

Nah I agree with you there, more white people are racist than black people are racist; and white people started doing/saying more shyt long before black people did. If we use the playground analogy of "He started it", then yes, white people 100% started it and are predominately to blame.

Yes I am playing victim, because I'm the one receiving racist abuse, not the one giving it out.

And I'm not trying to justify white racism, I'm repeatedly saying it's wrong and the white people in those scenarios are to blame.

But calling me a bigot is rich, the dictionary definition of bigot "a person who has strong ideas, esp. about race or religion, and who thinks anyone who does not have the same beliefs is wrong" Aren't we all doing this? Don't we all have strong ideas about race and we think someone with a different belief is wrong? :jbhmm:

You don't get to tell people what they are and aren't offended by. Every post that I've seen from you is offensive. You're basically justifying white racism and that makes you a racist yourself. That's why you're a "cracker, grey boy" and all that other shyt. Like I said, you're wasting your time with this psychology that you're trying to run because not many here will go for it. Keep posting tho, you're just giving people more opportunities to insult your wet dog smelling ass.

I'm not justifying white racism, I'm just saying if you say "fukk off cac cracker" a hundred times to white people, some of them aren't going to shrug it off and move on, some are going to get annoyed/offended and lash out. I don't agree with it, nor do I relate to it, but I believe both parties are wrong. If everyone just said nice things to each other the world would be a much happier place :gladbron:

"wet dog smelling ass" just no need for such insults :upsetfavre:

Explain this then to an uneducated man, there was a thread on here a while back that had the title "is there any cacs you like?" Most responded with no one, don't like any, struggling, maybe one or two. Really? Many on here dislike 99% of white people? Well if that is the case, which is silly; then how come the film and TV threads are crazy hot despite them featuring mostly white people? Little hypocritical?

Or when I've seen dozens of posts say "Tom Brady is a fukking racist cac... but he's my QB so I love him he's the GOAT etc etc".

That seems a little silly to me :jbhmm:


Dec 14, 2015
Dude is not only a racist, he's a complete c*nt

Those are the types of whites who like to run around black spaces spreading their bullshyt.

Whats fascinating is I have actually had discussions with whites who were far more upfront with their dislike of "black behavior" and we could at least come to some kind of mutual understanding of our differing viewpoints. This motherfukker wants to silence black people with his passive aggressive bullshyt whilst, at the same time, using racism of his fellow whites as some kind of threat.

These are the most toxic fukking white people u can ever come across.

"He's a racist, a complete c*nt" More unnecessary abuse :snoop:

I don't run around black space spreading my BS, I like this forum because it features every type of sub forum, people actually have good conversations and debates about different things from real life events to films or wrestling; and this forum does crack me up, the amount of funny shyt people post is :bryan:
Some of the gifs/smileys/posts you guys write :whew:

I don't want to silence black people with my bullshyt or whatever, I like black people, the women are hot, I have black friends, some of my best friends at work are black, some of my favourite actors/movies/music is by black people, this is the best internet forum etc etc.

I'm not using racism of white people as a threat, I'm just saying it's a dangerous world full of haters and people are always looking for reasons to hate on someone or something, and using a ton racist white abuse isn't going to help anyone anytime soon :beli:


May 1, 2012
"go fukk yourself grey boy"

"fukk off you stupid cac"

"I don't particular like cac behavior"

"You are a Euro cac piece of shyt"

"white supremacist"

"race based superiority"

"go fukk yourself"

"you crackers are racist"

"because you crackers are racist"

"other white racists"

"you're a white racist"

"white racism is all on you"

"shove it up your loose ass"


I haven't said one offensive or rude thing to a black person on this forum yet I've been struck with all this and more. This is exactly my point. I'm not racist and never will be, like I said I've lost a best friend and a father because they said racist things. But you say all these racist and offensive things to someone and a lot of people are going to become racist even if they're not, now you can say "fukk off cac cracker" a thousand times and the last thing I'll be is racist, it's just an internet forum at the end of the day, but try to understand that not everyone is like me, and you hand out this much racist white abuse at a lot of white people, they're not going to take it on the chin like me and move on; they going to become racist and hate black people. I knew someone in high school who wasn't a racist, got beat up by a black man for no reason and was racist for life after that. I don't agree with him becoming racist over that, it was one person and it was an isolated incident, but it proves that some white people only need a little push to turn out like that, and writing a hundred racist abuse messages online isn't going to help anyone in the long run.
I haven't said one racist thing yet I've received dozens and dozens of racist attacks back at me, who's the real problem here? :francis:

But I know all I'm going to receive is neg, fukk off cac, neg, fukk off cracker so honestly you guys are only just proving my point. :hubie:
The coli is a retarded on racial issues . Ttry not to take these fukk bois too serious a good laff nothing more


Dec 14, 2015
If "we're all doing this" why do you keep on denying that you're racist?

fukk off with the virtue signalling man. Its tiring. As said, most virtue signallers are even worse than their white counterparts who skip the bullshyt altogether.

You still go back to saying brehs talking shyt on the coli is some kind of cause for white racism...shyt, your lack of self awareness is impressive

You're even up in here with the age old classic fake cac "why cant we all just stop seeing color and be nice to each other?!! :troll:"

Its like you're not even trying to stop yourself from looking like you're completely full of shyt. What next an MLK quote? Go on, give me an MLK quote to prove how stupid you actually are.

The definition of a racist - "a person who shows or feels discrimination or prejudice against people of other races, or who believes that a particular race is superior to another." I don't believe any race is superior to any other, or have prejudice against any race. I'm the furthest thing from a racist, maybe it's hard to tell over the internet :manny:

And yes, I dream of a perfect utopia where we all stop seeing color and are nice to each other, but I'll probably have to wait till I die and go to Heaven for that, God will show us the light :mjgrin:

"I have a dream" :jawalrus: But seriously I am pretty stupid, I failed high school and work a min wage job, I know my intelligence isn't high which I why I like posting on here, to have deep intellectual conversations which might teach me a few things that perhaps I didn't learn in school :jbhmm: