I can totally get on board with that view point, but I didn't oppress you, I didn't have anything to do with slavery, when a cop shoots a black man it pisses me of just as much as it pisses black people off. I 100% can see why black people hate on white people with the way black people have been treat for hundreds of years, things like blowing off the noses/lips of Egyptian statues because it proves Egyptians were black pisses me off like crazy and sometimes even makes me ashamed that white people do that, I just don't get it. But it's like people hating on Muslims when 99% of them are nice, normal, friendly people. A few bad eggs doesn't mean the whole batch is bad, and a few racist whites doesn't mean all of them are like that
I apologize if I've said anything that's considered offensive, or rude, or ignorant, like some have said on here I can't really see things from a black person's perceptive no matter how much I try, so that's my bad, I hold my hands up there, sorry
"White supremacy and anti-black racism is the foundation of this country and western society as a whole."
I know, and that pisses me off, makes me ashamed of our species and makes me think "no wonder aliens don't want to talk to us, we hate and kill each other bases on skin colour, religion or difference of opinion". I mean I'm a wrestling fan and nothing frustrates me more than the fact there has never been a black WWE champion, the fact that black people are constantly paraded as idiots and booked like shyt; and the fact that the fans chant "yes" "one more time" when a black wrestler gets beat up. shyt boils my blood. Living in England, we're no different, Brexit happened cause we're one of the most racist countries on the planet, shyt is horrible over here.