JonBenet Ramsey, so it was the parents?


Sep 11, 2012
I will say what makes this case interesting is that you can poke holes in all of its theories. A lot people think it was her brother, but what 9 year old is staying quiet for all these years.

People think it was the parents but that doesn’t explain why they killed her in such a brutal way on Christmas Eve of all days.

Some think it’s an intruder but what intruder is breaking into someone’s house l and hang around and write a ransom note and wait hours before killing her.

I think it’s a combo of a few of these theories but it’ll never be solved unfortunately


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Who breaks into someone house, hits a little girl in her head, wait an hour to strangle her, and then hang around and write a ransom note :russ:

Anyone who thinks it’s anyone but the parents don’t know this case at all

This is just me talking, no disrepect or shouting people down or any of that shyt

I would say your timeline is wrong, and that the suspect was highly motivated, and also things didn't go the way he planned. The time spent inside with other people is unusual for sure, but not impossible, esp. in a house like the Ramseys, in the basement.

- he planned to kidnap her, not just molest her, I think the ransom note was about throwing off the authorities or trying to, because it obviously was huge clue

-so he goes in ready to abduct her, writes the ransom note

-takes Jon Benet from the room to the basement, which is where he entered

-molests her possibly one time, because he can't help himself, he has a fetish for whatever he did to her

-things go wrong, he hits her on the head, possibly not meaning to kill her, and wraps her body, leaves her in the basement and leaves


May 26, 2012
San Diego
I will say what makes this case interesting is that you can poke holes in all of its theories. A lot people think it was her brother, but what 9 year old is staying quiet for all these years.

People think it was the parents but that doesn’t explain why they killed her in such a brutal way on Christmas Eve of all days.

Some think it’s an intruder but what intruder is breaking into someone’s house l and hang around and write a ransom note and wait hours before killing her.

I think it’s a combo of a few of these theories but it’ll never be solved unfortunately

The parents theory makes sense, in the way that it usually is the parents. But, besides that nothing really works. They digitally penetrated their own daughter and made a garrotte handle out of paint brush and choked her out? Cracked her head so hard it gave her a skull fracture? Or the 9 year old did that? None of that works.


May 6, 2012
DNA trace is so minuscule. It could belong to anyone handling the evidence that's how small of a sample it is. I know this case really well and it all points to the mother more than anyone

Almost all of the evidence points to Patsy (her mom). The garrote had Patsy’s fibers from her sweater embedded in the knot. Patsy’s fibers were found underneath the duck tape that covered JonBenet’s mouth. The note pad that was used to write the ransom note belonged to Patsy. Patsy could have been frustrated with JonBenet’s constant bed wetting and killed her in anger. JonBenet was redressed with oversized underwear. This could point to Patsy not wanting to wake anyone up upstairs and used whatever she could find that was close to her.

Patsy was the last person to see JonBenet alive. she was seen wearing the same Christmas sweater from the night before with her make up still on…implying she never went to sleep the night of the murder. But she claims she went to bed and was asleep at the time of the murder. Patsy was very high maintenance and would never be caught dead in the same outfit twice.

The mom did it and the dad helped cover it up. He's now trying to clear his name with bullshyt documentaries.

The ransom note always stood out to me. Like you said, it was her note pad, it was 3 pages long which is weird if it was someone who broke in the house. You'd think they'd make it straightforward. The amount of ransom money was weirdly specific. Plus the wording of the note had a lot of phrasing that Patsy used on a regular basis.
It's good to see a few people on here still know what's what.

You know how we have that thread about what are some creative projects you're working on? I've never really thought it appropriate or necessary to share this on the Coli but for the past two years I've been dedicating a lot of time and energy to investigating mainly the linguistic aspects of this case.

I know how this will sound but no Coli ducktales, no trolling, no bs, I have uncovered a lot of new information which heavily incriminates both Patsy and John Ramsey and which sheds light on the true circumstances surrounding JonBenét's death. I've got something coming down the pipeline soon to make that case and I don't really care for Reddit much but I want to spread the message so maybe I'll share it here first as a Coli exclusive.

It's very frustrating to see that John Ramsey is still so successful at fooling so many people with these ridiculous manipulation campaigns of his, but thankfully, there is a silver lining to it as I will soon show because just about every time he opens his mouth he manages to incriminate himself more and more.

It's getting harder and harder just to get through the noise around this case and to get police or anybody to take a good look at serious information and I may not be able to get the right people to see it and move the case ahead but I guarantee I can show you things that will have you thinking very differently about many longstanding key questions in this case and give real answers to them. If you, like many, believe that it's impossible for new information that's relevant to solving the case to come out after all these many years and with all the attention it's received and the rehashed points that keep getting repeated, get ready for a miracle.

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Also my first thought was …. They had a strange house as far as the layout was concerned. A complete stranger breaking in would be hard pressed to find out where she was in the dark and trying to be quiet And then take her to the basement

The house was laid out in an abnormal way. I believe if it was not the parents it had to be an another family member or someone who had access to the house before hand.


Sep 11, 2012
This is just me talking, no disrepect or shouting people down or any of that shyt

I would say your timeline is wrong, and that the suspect was highly motivated, and also things didn't go the way he planned. The time spent inside with other people is unusual for sure, but not impossible, esp. in a house like the Ramseys, in the basement.

- he planned to kidnap her, not just molest her, I think the ransom note was about throwing off the authorities or trying to, because it obviously was huge clue

-so he goes in ready to abduct her, writes the ransom note

-takes Jon Benet from the room to the basement, which is where he entered

-molests her possibly one time, because he can't help himself, he has a fetish for whatever he did to her

-things go wrong, he hits her on the head, possibly not meaning to kill her, and wraps her body, leaves her in the basement and leaves
That house is like a labyrinth. Have you seen the layout of that basement? How is an intruder doing all of that in the dark?

The biggest flaw in the intruder theory is the ransom note had a time limit on it. It said if they didn’t get the money by a certain time it was over for them. Well the time passed and nothing happened.

And they weren’t worried about Burke at all. Someone kidnaps your daughter and you’re not worried about the safety of your other child? You even send him off to a friends house while your daughter is “missing”?

Intruder theory is straight bullshyt.

Once police were about to search the house John conveniently found the body.


May 26, 2012
San Diego
"Mr. Ramsey,
Listen carefully! We are a group of individuals that represent
a small foreign faction. We xx respect your bussiness
but not the country that it serves. At this time we have
your daughter in our posession. She is safe and unharmed and
if you want her to see 1997, you must follow our instructions to
the letter.

You will withdraw $118,000.00 from your account. $100,000 will be
in $100 bills and the remaining $18,000 in $20 bills. Make sure
that you bring an adequate size attache to the bank. When you get
home you will put the money in a brown paper bag. I will call you
between 8 and 10 am tomorrow to instruct you on delivery. The
delivery will be exhausting so I advise you to be rested. If we
monitor you getting the money early, we might call you early to
arrange an earlier delivery of the money and hence a earlier

delivery pickup of your daughter.

Any deviation of my instructions will result in the immediate
execution of your daughter. You will also be denied her remains
for proper burial. The two gentlemen watching over your daughter
do not particularly like you so I advise you not to provoke them.
Speaking to anyone about your situation, such as Police, F.B.I.,
etc., will result in your daughter being beheaded. If we catch you
talking to a stray dog, she dies. If you alert bank authorities, she
dies. If the money is in any way marked or tampered with, she dies.
You will be scanned for electronic devices and if any are found
, she
dies. You can try to deceive us but be warned that we are familiar
with Law enforcement countermeasures and tactics. You stand a 99%
chance of killing your daughter if you try to out smart us. Follow
our instructions and you stand a 100% chance of getting her back.
You and your family are under constant scrutiny as well as the
authorities. Don't try to grow a brain John. You are not the only
fat cat around so don't think that killing will be difficult. Don't
underestimate us John. Use that good southern common sense of yours

It is up to you now John!
. Victory!
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May 26, 2012
San Diego
You are telling me that was written by a nine year old, or Jon or Patsy Ramsey?!

if you go line for line, some of those threats are from movies like Speed and Ransom or close to them. Both movies came out in 1995 and 1996.


Sep 11, 2012
You are telling me that was written by a nine year old, or Jon or Patsy Ramsey?!

if you go line for line, some of those threats are from movies like Speed and Ransom or close to them. Both movies came out in 1995 and 1996.
Explain why when the time limit expired nothing happened. The note says not to call police but they did. But nothing happened

The ransom note has one goal…it was for John and patsy to get their dead daughter out the house unnoticed


I love you, you know.
Sep 3, 2015
The Multiverse
Yeah, the $118k request is just….odd.

However it was noted that the $118k was paid earlier in the year and was, however, listed on all of his paychecks since then.

So, perhaps the killer was in their house looking at their documents and shyt and saw 118k bonus called out on one of his paycheck stubs.

I don’t fukking know…


May 26, 2012
San Diego
Explain why when the time limit expired nothing happened. The note says not to call police but they did. But nothing happened

The ransom note has one goal…it was for John and patsy to get their dead daughter out the house unnoticed

Because the ransom note itself is delusional. it's designed to scare and delay, and cause confusion. The references to an organization. The shadowy group he represents. All an attempt to intimidate. And scare, and confuse.

if you believe that he wrote it before, which is probably right, I think, then there's your answer.

If you believe he wrote it after, it's to cause even more chaos, because he's scared and panicked, and did not intend to leave a body. I think the first makes more sense.

The note was written on stationary in the Ramsey's house.
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