Nate Parker had been exonerated YEARS before any scandal hit and when it DID hit he explained his side and was still blackballed.
Explaining your “side” as a black man doesn’t mean shyt if the powers that be want you gone. And i’m not talking about the illuminati or any such foolishness. I’m talking about the studios, mainly Disney, who have lost out on tens of MILLIONS of dollars now having to re-arrange their entire strategy for an entire arc of films. The agents who lost out on their commissions. The managers who lost out on their 5-10%. The actors who may have been negotiating roles that will now be dropped and replaced. You think the Director of Magazine Dreams is going to be clamoring for Jonathan Majors to get another chance? The Producers? The financiers? That movie was primed to be Oscar bait and now its in danger of being a redbox rental.
A BUNCH of moving parts got fukked up by this bullshyt. A BUNCH of money has been lost and will be lost. And nobody is going to care that there’s no evidence whatsoever to say he ever threatened her. Nobody is going to care that he wasn’t convicted of INTENTIONAL assault. Nobody is going to care that the accuser testified ON THE STAND that she stole his property and wouldn’t give it back. Nobody is going to care that out of her OWN MOUTH she said he never laid a threatening hand on her before that night. Nobody is going to care that from what we HAVE seen of that night the only time he touched her was in defense and it was to put her back in the car and AWAY from him.
All they’re going to care about is how much opportunity, time, preparation, and MONEY was lost.
There is no “Welcome Back” from that amount of lost capital. Not at first at least. He’ll need 2-3 years of work and social rehabilitation before Hollywood will even consider banking on him for mid-budget roles. And not even as the lead.