Wrestling was built on a lot of shyt 50 years ago that has no relevance today. Babyfaces used to not be seen in public with heels, now they go on podcast with a dude they just attacked 3 days later and shoot the shyt. It's a different world.
When you have to book 2-5 hours of TV every week and try to string together characters/storylines, etc. you can't have ppl doing whatever the fukk they want. Some scripting is fine, the problem is the old man signing off or driving the direction of the scripts.
You need that some structure and you need that final say. I'm not saying it should be Vince anymore, but it needs to be someone. That was the one thing all the WCW dudes said when they left, was nobody knew who was running the show and who to go to. In WWE for better or worse you know its Vince. In AEW if Ambrose wants to do some shyt, who does he run it by? Does he just do whatever he wants? Does Jericho have to get something approved by fukkin Matt Jackson?

Does Tony Khan have the balls to tell a established dude like Ambrose or Jericho that he doesn't like their idea?
That's the kinda trouble you run into when you talk about "Creative freedom" and shyt like that... it sounds great on paper, but when you get to the reality of it, shyt can get sticky real quick.