Jokic is really about to be a 3peat MVP

In The Zone '98

Oct 30, 2017
Neither of you two know what the fukk you're talking about.

Jokic doesn't need to average x-amount of wins, he just needs to beat out his competition during that season. It's got nothing to do with who I like or dislike - it is reality. Jokic isn't competing against Bird, Bill, Wilt or whoever the fukk else you wanna bring up. Whoever has the best argument for MVP deserves to win. They don't have to get 50, 60, 70 wins, or make it to the Finals or any of this arbitrary nonsense. They just need to be the best for that [regular] season.


A ton of mvps with no rings would devalue the award.


I've Destroyed Whole Planets
Jun 1, 2012
I probably watch more Nuggets games than the average NBA fan (and still not as much as I’d like to because of stupid Altitude) so I’m aware of some of these puzzling losses and I’d be lying if I said it doesn’t make me question whether these Nuggets are actually ready to contend for a championship. But I feel like every single team has had these kind of losses. So the question is why do you hold this against Jokic in a way you don’t to these other MVP candidates? You seem to want to factor postseason success into whether someone should be MVP but like you acknowledge—it’s a regular season award and we don’t have a crystal ball that tell us how teams will perform in the postseason. You also seem to want past seasons to play apart in the consideration but that’s flawed too. for example, there are folks that were arguing the case for Book (or CP3) to win the MVP last year because they came off the heels of an NBA Finals appearance to win 64 games and nab the number 1 seed in the West. And then what happened—they lost, albeit in 7 games, to Luka’s Mavs in the semis. Why aren’t you holding that against Book’s candidacy this year because of them being upset last year? And context is everything. Sure, I’ll concede that Jokic and the Nuggets have not had the kind of playoff success they were expected to have since the bubble but a lot of that is perhaps due to injuries. He didn’t have his number 1 or 2 or scoring options last year and they still managed to win 48 games and make it tough on the would-be champs. They’re not even fully healthy this year but again they are winning games. Remains to be seen how this year will shake out; I just don’t see how fans of basketball who actually watch games look at Jokic and come up with these takes and narratives that he doesn’t deserve to be mentioned in MVP convos because of blah blah blah.
I'm sorry but these Jokic mvps just seem meaningless to me. It's like okay he the mvp but what's he gon do? I just don't see him taking this team to the Finals and him getting the MVP will just feel empty to me once again. Like MVPs are supposed to take the league by storm. I know not many players have done that this season but just giving it to Jokic is just pointless. Like when Steph won his MVPs you felt that shyt. Especially his second one. Steph was must see fukking TV. I get none of that from any of Jokic MVPs. Then the way the Suns dominated him in the WCFs of his first MVP run was not a good look. He's just not a MVP to me.

I'd probably give it to Tatum because he's the best player on the best team.


Aug 29, 2013
You said that Doncic has a "strong argument" for winning MVP. No player on a 10th place team is going to win MVP so your "strong argument" is really just "I think he should be in the MVP race". It's not based on any form of reality in terms of how the MVP is awarded. This isn't about your personal feelings about how MVPs are given, it's about what is. As such, there is no "strong argument" for him winning the award. Additionally, nice strawman suggesting that if a person doesn't think Doncic is in the MVP race that they're also stating "if he's so good why isn't the team better" which is nonsense.
I don't think this comment is going to hold up over the course of the season.


May 1, 2012
I've already explained this to you and you never responded when your shyt was debunked -

Jokic is ONLY competing against the players in the specific year he's participating in. He only needs to do enough to beat them. He's not competing against the likes of Wilt, Bill and Bird, when will you grasp this simple concept?
Your responding to a different post. I posted about wilt bill and larry winning 3 in a row.

But since i missed the response you posted know this the players voted for kareem not the media so the criteria is different. Moses was a unique case. In 82 he was the best player in the league (magic and larry were young) Cap was 33 ish and Doc wasnt the scoring machine he was in the ABA.

Westbrook did something no one thought we ever seen again.

Russ and Moses are called outliers and not the norm

T.he I.nformant

1st Ballot HOF Teller
May 3, 2013
Wherever nikkas need to be told on
I'm sorry but these Jokic mvps just seem meaningless to me. It's like okay he the mvp but what's he gon do? I just don't see him taking this team to the Finals and him getting the MVP will just feel empty to me once again. Like MVPs are supposed to take the league by storm. I know not many players have done that this season but just giving it to Jokic is just pointless. Like when Steph won his MVPs you felt that shyt. Especially his second one. Steph was must see fukking TV. I get none of that from any of Jokic MVPs. Then the way the Suns dominated him in the WCFs of his first MVP run was not a good look. He's just not a MVP to me.

I'd probably give it to Tatum because he's the best player on the best team.
I think you want this award to be something it’s not. It doesn’t really matter whether you get all warm and fuzzy about these guys. It doesn’t matter whether you think he’s buzzing enough either. It doesn’t matter if they ultimately fall short of your expectations for their team’s success either. Jokic has clearly been one of the best and most valuable players the past few years.

Do you even watch Nuggets games? If the answer is no what are you really basing your opinion on?

As to your opinion that Tatum should get it because he’s the best player on the best team, we’re not even at the halfway mark. How are you able to say that the Celtics are the best team? I think the best team is the last team standing. If you would agree with that, you don’t know that answer until the end of the playoffs and as we’ve established the MVP is a regular season award. If you don’t agree with that, I don’t know how you determine who the best team is. It just feels very arbitrary and you can pick a bunch of different factors.

Regardless of what you say, whoever ends up getting MVP will have earned it. No one is just getting handed these trophies. Anyway, though, it’s way to early to discuss this stuff. Lot of basketball to be played. You see Luka tonight? Amazing stuff.

Bar Razor

All Star
Mar 11, 2022
I don't think this comment is going to hold up over the course of the season.
Are you willfully obtuse or what? Exactly what in that post isn’t going to hold up over the course of the season? That he won’t win MVP if the Mavs are in 10th place? Because that remains true regardless of the numbers he puts up. He would have to get to at least 6 or higher putting up all time gaudy numbers to usurp Jokic Tatum and Giannis assuming their teams remain in a similar standing to where they are now. I’m not sure what’s so difficult for you to comprehend about that. If the Mavs get to a 4 seed and he’s playing like this he’ll have a strong argument but not if they were at 10th as they were when you made that ridiculous claim.


I Am A God
May 1, 2012
He’s not winning it.

But the issue is modern stars missing games. Contrary to popular belief, MVP is usually pretty obvious. It only becomes hard to pick when the guys who *should* win it miss games. 2 years ago Embiid missed like 25 games and cost him his MVP when it would have been obvious (28 and 11 on a 1 seed).

Last year everybody forgets Ja. His narrative mirrored Derrick Rose’ mvp. Team comes out of nowhere without a star wingman and they’re a top 2 seed. He would have cake walked to mvp. He misses ~25 games

This year it’s pretty obviously Giannis if it wasn’t for voter fatigue (from 2 years ago smh) …if not him, its obviously Tatum. It’s a 2 man race. Things only get dicy if either of those dudes get hurt or their teams start losing

No one forgot JA.

His team was literally better with him off the court.


I've Destroyed Whole Planets
Jun 1, 2012
I think you want this award to be something it’s not. It doesn’t really matter whether you get all warm and fuzzy about these guys. It doesn’t matter whether you think he’s buzzing enough either. It doesn’t matter if they ultimately fall short of your expectations for their team’s success either. Jokic has clearly been one of the best and most valuable players the past few years.

Do you even watch Nuggets games? If the answer is no what are you really basing your opinion on?

As to your opinion that Tatum should get it because he’s the best player on the best team, we’re not even at the halfway mark. How are you able to say that the Celtics are the best team? I think the best team is the last team standing. If you would agree with that, you don’t know that answer until the end of the playoffs and as we’ve established the MVP is a regular season award. If you don’t agree with that, I don’t know how you determine who the best team is. It just feels very arbitrary and you can pick a bunch of different factors.

Regardless of what you say, whoever ends up getting MVP will have earned it. No one is just getting handed these trophies. Anyway, though, it’s way to early to discuss this stuff. Lot of basketball to be played. You see Luka tonight? Amazing stuff.
When I was talking about Tatum should win it I was speaking in future tense. Just me assuming they finish the season with the best record in the NBA.

Now let's keep it a stack, the NBA doesn't even know what MVP means a lot of the time. It's so supposed to be for the most valuable player. If they went by that literally then Lebron and MJ would have way more of them than they do. How the fukk did Lebron not win it in 2007 when he took that trash team to the finals? Hell, that team probably wouldn't have even made the playoffs if not for Lebron. He clearly was the most valuable that year and I don't even like his ass.

You can talk about "warm and fuzzy feeling" all you want, but when the MVP steps on the court you should feel that shyt. You should go "oh shyt that's the mvp right there" and I get none of that from Joker. At no point was he a threat to the Warriors last year and the year before that the Sun had this nikka so frustrated he tried to kill Cam Payne. That's not MVP-like behavior. And I don't give a damn about those being playoffs games and how Nuggets were injured. An MVP shouldn't be dismissed like that.

So until Jokic shows me something different he's not an MVP to me. And we can argue to you are blue in the face, you won't change my mind on that.