They have plenty of straight characters, but the most memorable/helpful ones usually end up gay.
This coming from a guy who has no problem with itBut I remember watching Arrow last year and being introduced to an engineering genius named Curtis. Nerdy black dude with a big fro and a tendency to ramble.
My kinda guyHes super important to the team now. Then we find out he is gay and married to some short, pretty looking Armenian looking dude
He still Pawging, but I didnt expect it to be a pretty ass white guy.
Name me a white hero character that's gay. Point out the movie. This is a major franchise we're talking here. You don't understand how these people think, there's a reason they're picking the black and latino characters to pull this shyt with.
White dudes were raising hell when they thought the black dude was gonna romance the white chick, but when they see he's a bumbling incompetent getting his ass kicked the whole movie, they're

Yeah, the bolded stung
Have fun on Monday making that white boss of yours all the more richer, posting "muh militancy" on the coli fukking cubicle jockey trying pull cards![]()
I'm not trying to sting, i'm just telling it like it is, gay dude.
I don't post "militancy", you white ass kissing fakkit. Having pride in your people and not wanting to see them taken advantage of is something an uncle tom like you, can't understand. And I got into the healthcare field so I wouldn't really have a white boss, nor do I work in a cubicle.
Have fun trying hard to fit in with your white buddies while getting down with tranny porn.

Some failed homosexual troll with no dignity trying to act holier than thou on here...