This fear that some White men are feeling? That's their parents fault. Should have made them more aware of the world around them and not instill the concepts of White supremacy into them while masking it as trying to give them confidence in themselves.
Cause that's really what it comes down to: White people don't know how to instill confidence and pride in their children without raising them to subjugate or look down on others
It wouldn't feel so hostile to you if you lived in a world where everyone was at the very least, socially and financially equal in terms of opportunity.
But it's not...and you KNOW why it's not...because of White Supremacy
And if White people as a whole acknowledged White Supremacy, the world would look like a very different place almost overnight
But they won't....because if they did, they'd have to acknowledge that their very reason for likely the subjugation of others, the theft of their resources and land, and the hindrance of opportunity for anyone not White.
When I'm outside of NYC...hell when I'm not in certain neighborhoods in NYC...I'm not on guard because I'm a straight male, it's because I'm BLACK
Imagine feeling hostility as a straight White male anywhere in this country except for like 3-4 major cities?