He's not wrong in the sense that Latinos immigrated from different countries.
All Black people here in America came from the same country?He's not wrong in the sense that Latinos immigrated from different countries.
wheres does it say to suck republicans off? The quote just says repub or dem they are sh!t for the black community. With Republicans they will tell you to your face what they won’t do for you and Dems will make promises which they probably won’t keep. One still sounds better then the other...
In other words, he lives for this kind of stuff.This is bad, but maybe y'all should the check the account this tweet came from
Spoiler: it's from a guy who runs a company specializing in creating clips out of news. Who just happens to be right leaning. Whose Twitter bio starts with "Biased".
My American bruhs, you guys are absolutely fukked for the next decade. Doesn’t matter who’s in office during the 2020s, your country is on the brink of sheer chaos.
Cant believe Dems rolled this guy outlegit feel sorry for y’all.
You're more than crazy, your obviously a fakkit cracker, you support the death and genocide of black people. Your death will be a glorious blessing from the ancestors.....because the dumb motherfukker @TRY GOD keeps.parroting the same bullshyt.....and this clown talking bout I look crazy.....
You're more than crazy, your obviously a fakkit cracker, you support the death and genocide of black people. Your death will be a glorious blessing from the ancestors.
You're more than crazy, your obviously a fakkit cracker, you support the death and genocide of black people. Your death will be a glorious blessing from the ancestors.