Joe Biden Says It's Time to Fund the Police; Stop the Defunding Talk

Family Man

May 5, 2012
it's because of income inequality, crime has increased everywhere which is what people pushing this anti-defund the police narrative don't mention. show me a place where crime hasn't increased after they've increased police funding in the last two years.
Y'all nikkas come up with all type of reasons with most of them being bullshyt and all of them involve sitting around waiting for white people to solve problems that are acute to the black community.
Culture and mindset probably have a bigger impact on crime in the black community than any of the exotic and esoteric theories y'all love to conjure up to excuse black pathologies.
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Family Man

May 5, 2012
You lost this debate almost a year ago. People called it ages ago. When you're forced to explain your slogan, you're losing. Worse yet when your side ALSO has extremists who say "actually you're right, we don't want any cops and btw we also want prison to be abolished."

This is why the far left is failing. The extremists are blended in with the semi-regular ones, to the point a normal person can look at the mess and say nah i don't want anything to do with this weirdo shyt.
100% correct. They're a bunch of fukking liars that's what it is. Defund the police meant just that. They started julzing when they got pressed on how stupid the whole concept.
These are supposed to be the smart ones right? You're telling me they don't have the vocabulary to describe exactly what it is they're trying to say?
These new nikkas will blindly follow the white liberals that are leading them to their doom.


Student of life
Feb 8, 2016
The extremists are blended in with the semi-regular ones, to the point a normal person can look at the mess and say nah i don't want anything to do with this weirdo shyt.

The irony of this statement.

Can't wait to leave :wow:


May 18, 2012
Most black people agree that police should have funding and be on the streets. Biden literally won the election while campaigning on that, while republicans tried to accuse him of wanting to defund the police.

You want to attack Biden be my guest. But he's not losing anyone with this stance. Nobody cares what overly online people think in real life, because they don't show up in real life.
Most black people want something changed within the police departments. Don’t talk like black folks is cool with the current state of the police.

Most black folks don’t want some ppp task force to come lock everybody up.

President Sakora

Aug 30, 2015
You lost this debate almost a year ago. People called it ages ago. When you're forced to explain your slogan, you're losing. Worse yet when your side ALSO has extremists who say "actually you're right, we don't want any cops and btw we also want prison to be abolished."

This is why the far left is failing. The extremists are blended in with the semi-regular ones, to the point a normal person can look at the mess and say nah i don't want anything to do with this weirdo shyt.
yeah i'm not sure about this 'your side' stuff. i'm of the view of the logical, the empirically studied, the educated.

all unbiased studies show that "my side" is correct in its analyses on crime and its contributing factors.

This debate "my side" lost was judged by whom? and based on what criteria?


Aug 26, 2015
I’m tired of people pushing this black people should not be for the police. Hate it or love it, they are not going away. We need them to be trained better. I love the police. I don’t want to have to handle illegal matters.

Yeah better training. I just find it goofy as fukk when you're a certain age saying fukk the police. It screams adolescent angst.

I know that there are corrupt cops but why not try and get more of us in LEO?

Piff Perkins

May 29, 2012
100% correct. They're a bunch of fukking liars that's what it is. Defund the police meant just that. They started julzing when they got pressed on how stupid the whole concept.
These are supposed to be the smart ones right? You're telling me they don't have the vocabulary to describe exactly what it is they're trying to say?
These new nikkas will blindly follow the white liberals that are leading them to their doom.

Do I generally support the idea of better utilizing state budgets, reducing (but not eliminating) police budgets, increasing access to services that are better suited for certain issues than sending a cop to the door (like mental health)? Of course. But in typical leftist behavior, they're more interested in creating the new "newspeak" for people to adopt for fear of being labeled problematic or on the wrong side of history. That's why you can't ally with most of them. They don't care about progress or winning. All they care about is the smug moral satisfaction of knowing they are above everyone.

End of the day Biden won despite that because people understood a familiar old white man isn't trying to defund police. None of the anti-police shyt stuck on him, from the beginning to end of the campaign.

Son Goku

Great Sage Equalling Heaven
Jun 19, 2019
Yeah better training. I just find it goofy as fukk when you're a certain age saying fukk the police. It screams adolescent angst.

I know that there are corrupt cops but why not try and get more of us in LEO?

Coli nikkas say fukk the police then get mad when crimes get committed or go unsolved.

Coli nikkas say fukk the military then get scared when the word "draft" get brought up.

Coli nikkas say fukk voting but then get mad when legislation they dislike gets passed.

Coli nikkas call folks Bidensexuals but was mad when Agent Orange was fukking shyt up.

Coli nikkas say fukk COVID then got scared when a proven vaccine was pushed out for free. :mjlol::mjlol::mjlol:


Spread science, save with coupons
Nov 16, 2015
The Cosmos
Most black people agree that police should have funding and be on the streets. Biden literally won the election while campaigning on that, while republicans tried to accuse him of wanting to defund the police.

You want to attack Biden be my guest. But he's not losing anyone with this stance. Nobody cares what overly online people think in real life, because they don't show up in real life.

I think Biden has clearly shown himself to be a piece of shyt and totally misaligned with black interests. The fact you can defend him even now is wild to me.

Mfs still argue about Trump being a better choice.

Take your L and sit quietly.

There aren't any Biden fans that I have ever seen. So no one has to defend his every word or even agree with everything he does.

He wasn't Trump. That was his best quality. He still is a different person than Trump. So he's still fulfilling his purpose.

Just wait. Whoever is not Trump in 24 is gonna get my vote too

“Not Trump” is not a good strategy if the choice you choose is the same if not WORSE than Trump dude.

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Aug 7, 2012

in case you wanted to know what defund the police policy actually means. it's by no means a cry to underfund cops, just fund them so we aren't incentivizing a metrics based approach to policing where they are driven to make bogus arrests and ticketing people (usually minority groups). it means reallocating their inflated budgets to other sectors like healthcare, addiction services, mental health services, education, etc.

god bless on this sunday.

People, especially those on the far right take this as meaning don't pay law enforcement at all and have everybody living in a lawless society when it literally like you said. Remove incentives for unnecessary police work. For example...
Small Alabama Town's Overzealous Traffic Cops Also Monitored Internet Traffic To Threaten Critics Of The Corrupt PD


from the shytheel-is-as-shytheel-does dept
Fri, Feb 4th 2022 06:07am - Tim Cushing
Welcome back to Brookside, Alabama, home of the surprisingly expensive traffic ticket. Home to one (1) Dollar General, nine (9) police officers, two (2) drug dogs (one named “K9 Cash” just in case you had any doubts about the PD’s intentions), and one (1) Lt. Governor-ordered state audit. Brookside (pop. 1,253) made national headlines for soaking every passing driver officers could find with excessive fines, fees, vehicle seizures, and inconvenient court dates.’s investigation showed that under Police Chief Mike Jones (who was hired in 2018), the small town has seen an increase in traffic fines, topping $600,000 in 2020. The department’s overachievers patrolled over 114,000 miles in a single year and issued more than 3,000 citations to passing drivers. Chief Mike Jones still had room to complain, despite his department’s funding escalating from $79,000 to $524,000 since he took office. The $600,000 fine figure may have seemed abhorrent to anyone outside the suddenly flush Brookside, but Chief Jones said there was room to improve.

The new chief’s directives had an immediate effect on officers, who took to the (very few) streets in unmarked cars while wearing unmarked uniforms. The resulting influx of traffic citation defendants pulled officers from the remarkably un-dangerous streets of rural Brookside to perform traffic control for the dozens of out-of-towners driving into Brookside to attend once-a-month court sessions.

The officers also decided the gloves were off and treated alleged moving violators accordingly. According to multiple accounts from Brookside victims, cops made up laws, fabricated charges, and used racist language to address drivers.

As a result of this unexpected national coverage of Chief Mike Jones’s Boss Hoggish practices and policies, Chief Jones resigned his position, leaving it to the Brookside metroplex to decide what to do with all the extra cops it had decided to employ while Chief Jones was making it profitable to be a government employee.

Former Chief Jones may be able to duck under the national press radar, but local scrutiny continues, thanks to The testimonials continue to pour in, showing Jones and his employees did pretty much everything but shoot someone on Fifth Avenue before being forced to act like real police in the face of the criticism of millions.

Drivers who have had the displeasure of interacting with the Brookside PD aren’t happy. And their complaints have made their way to social media services. Apparently, a couple hundred feet of interstate traffic isn’t the only thing the Brookside PD has been policing. Officers have been monitoring the internet airwaves to silence complaints and ensure the continued flow of excessive fines and fees.

Michelle Jones made an official complaint to the Alabama Attorney’s General’s office three years ago, arguing that Brookside police stopped her out of jurisdiction, issued a bogus citation and threatened her with more charges after she criticized them on Facebook.


In 2020, she had explained her case this way to the AG’s office: “The person threatened me with an arrest if I did not take down my Facebook pictures and posts of their police officers, stop sending emails to the local politicians, as well as others, and show them (Brookside police) that I understand law enforcement practices.”

Jones is not alone, as inadvertently rhymes. Others have come forward to complain about Brookside cops issuing less-than-implicit threats about online criticism. Another driver pulled over by a Brookside officer claimed the cop confiscated her phone, “explaining” that the PD often had drivers try to “stop and record us.”

Jones’ case is, however, one of the most alarming. After posting to Facebook, she was called by someone who only identified him as “Detective Johnson” of the Brookside Police Department. He demanded she come in and talk to officers at the PD. When she refused, things escalated:

“Detective Johnson had called and asked that I come to the Brookside Police Department to talk to them. After I told him that I would not, he reported that they have two warrants for my arrest. He stated that I issued threats, incited a riot, and slandered the Brookside Police Department in my Facebook posts. He reported that his Police Chief was mad.”

Others who have been pulled over by Brookside officers claim they’ve been pulled over again — not for alleged moving violations — but to be told there would be “consequences” if more negative content was posted to social media.

It’s not surprising that a law enforcement agency that has largely blown off the Fourth and Fifth Amendments would treat the First Amendment so cavalierly. About the only thing the Brookside PD hasn’t done is demand US military members be quartered by drivers cited for (possibly imaginary) traffic violations.

While it’s somewhat satisfying to see Chief Jones flee his position of power after being pinpointed as the person responsible for flagrant abuses of power, it would be far more satisfying to see him run out of town by aggrieved Brookside residents. But, for whatever reason, locals and local officials have nearly nothing to say about three years of exponentially escalating roadside extortion that took place under their noses for three years.

And it was under their noses. The town is incredibly small and residents had to know the budget situation had changed drastically once Chief Jones was hired. Everyone here is culpable. But town officials are the most culpable. They had the power to stop this but they chose to profit from it instead. And for that, they should all be as out of a job as Chief Jones is. The real shame is Mike Jones will probably be able to leverage this bullshyt “success” into a better paying job somewhere else in the nation since nothing he did has been found to be illegal. That may change in the future as lawsuits against him and his department move forward, but for far too many cash-strapped communities, a roadside bandit like Chief Jones might just be the hero they need… or at least endorse until it becomes politically inconvenient.

It's to stop shyt like the article posted.

TL;DR: Basically you got a town in Alabama with only 9 police officers bringing in almost a million dollars a year for bogus traffic stops and tickets.