Jewish gentrification up close and personal.

Aug 16, 2017
Listen bootlick or dirty cac not sure which one you are nor do I give a fukk but Black Americans didn’t get to where we are right now without constant undermining from the government. So while you’re sucking on Asian’s fortune cookies like Sum Yung Ho, realize if they or any other “minority” were subjected to 1/10th of what Black Americans had to endure for centuries they would’ve folded like you whenever there is a white or non black ass in front of you to kiss.

Show me where Asians family structures were attacked by the US government like the war on drugs and welfare programs. Show me where Asian businesses were attacked by local, state, and federal governments or razed to the ground consistently by the white populace. You can’t so that makes you ignorant and also it makes you a bytch for even typing for that sideways ass shyt. FOH you cac/c00n/g00k or what whatever hoe ass pejorative you may be.
What’s stopping us from 2 parent household today? Nobody is forcing black babies out of wedlock, and by multiple mothers/fathers. It’s not even just the poorest of us doing it. It has become accepted in culture. Stop with the excuses. And everyone who calls out bad black behavior isn’t white or a c00n. It’s called accountability. Some people simply make life more difficult for themselves. Stop acting like every other group is getting free checks in the mail.


All Star
May 18, 2012
Back seat of a Caddy
What’s stopping us from 2 parent household today? Nobody is forcing black babies out of wedlock, and by multiple mothers/fathers. It’s not even just the poorest of us doing it. It has become accepted in culture. Stop with the excuses. And everyone who calls out bad black behavior isn’t white or a c00n. It’s called accountability. Some people simply make life more difficult for themselves. Stop acting like every other group is getting free checks in the mail.
What its called is nuance, something c00ns lack when comparing what other groups are subjected to vs BA’s. Now I ask you again show me where Asians or any other “minority” groups were targeted by the war on drugs and welfare programs to remove the fathers from homes? This single parent paradigm is a fairly recent phenomenon in the black community when taking account of BA’s full history. How did this happen and can you show this happening to any other ethnic group here? Can you show any other groups businesses and home properties being undervalued when trying to sell to the extent of BA’s, can you show any other groups being charged higher interest rates for home and business loans? Can you show any Asians businesses being attacked or shut down to the extent of BA’s aside from WW2 in which reparations were paid anyway? As I said before FOH
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Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Price gouging real estate is why income inequality is so high in America


All Star
May 24, 2022
My family still lives up in Newark. I remember the only time I was in Jersey City is when I was trying to go to Hudson Mall, on the Path train waiting for the connecting train, or if you fukked with a bytch from St. Peter’s University. Now it’s gentrified. They trying to do the same shyt with downtown Newark.


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
That is called the Blood Libel and has been the excuse for the murder of thousands of Jews over the centuries! The only verse that uses the very poetic but rather quaint term דַּם־עֲנָבִים dam ʿanovim ('grape-blood') talks about using it for doing the laundry (B'reshιth 49:11).

Blood was only to be used on the Great Altar and must be poured away in the dirt otherwise (D'vorim 12:16, 12:24, 15:23, etc.). We are living in an era with no Temple and no altar and today blood is completely irrelevant to our lives: i. Jews are not allowed to use or even have contact with blood (except where this is unavoidable); and ii. even in an abattoir where animals are slaughtered for food, we must ensure that each animal's blood is poured out onto the ground and immediately covered with sand (see, for example, Wayyiq'roʾ 17:13).

In fact, a human being's blood is even more to be avoided than an animal's blood, because it conveys the most stringent form of ṭumʾoh (i.e., ritual contamination). Touching any part of a [Jewish] corpse—including the blood—or even a [Jewish] grave are primary sources of ṭumʾoh-contamination. As a kohen, I cannot come within two meters of a [Jewish] corpse or even be under the same roof as one; this may cause many problems for kohanim who wish to travel on an airplane that happens to be carrying a [Jewish] body in the cargo hold.
i had no idea that numbers 22 was related to blood libel. I had only heard of blood libel as a propaganda item used against "Red Jews" in the old Russian Kingdom before the bolshevik revolution

and even then i only heard of that from a history documentary

i have always been uneasy about things in reference to blood. Seed is one thing as its easy to imagine the idea of a small thing producing a large thing which then produces the small thing ad infinitum. But blood is something that must circulate and be set apart lest the whole body becomes corrupt and dies. So blood in essence is what is "ritually pure" in the body while the other tissues are of varying purity and function. One of my great interests while in school was biochemistry specifically biochemical engineering and the study of Heme and biological coordination complexes similar to it (like Vitamin B12 and Chlorophyll)

i had a weird thought from the other thread, that some parts of the bible remind me of Heme, Heme uses a single Iron atom to fix oxygen so that it can transport it from a higher O2 pressure spaces (Lungs/heart) to low O2 pressure spaces (extremities, etc) its a very elegant but simple system

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Nov 17, 2016
Anxiety attacks and sugar cookies
i had no idea that numbers 22 was related to blood libel. I had only heard of blood libel as a propaganda item used against "Red Jews" in the old Russian Kingdom before the bolshevik revolution

and even then i only heard of that from a history documentary

i have always been uneasy about things in reference to blood. Seed is one thing as its easy to imagine the idea of a small thing producing a large thing which then produces the small thing ad infinitum. But blood is something that must circulate and be set apart lest the whole body becomes corrupt and dies. So blood in essence is what is "ritually pure" in the body while the other tissues are of varying purity and function. One of my great interests while in school was biochemistry specifically biochemical engineering and the study of Heme and biological coordination complexes similar to it (like Vitamin B12 and Chlorophyll)

i had a weird thought from the other thread, that some parts of the bible remind me of Heme, Heme uses a single Iron atom to fix oxygen so that it can transport it from a higher O2 pressure spaces (Lungs/heart) to low O2 pressure spaces (extremities, etc) its a very elegant but simple system

And it’s crazy cause those spaces basically make 22 too (hov!) basically……..makes you really think about these ancient religions and languages.
  • Dap
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
And it’s crazy cause those spaces basically make 22 too (hov!) basically……..makes you really think about these ancient religions and languages.
the numeric word is equally as important as the storied/symbolic word

the 22nd letter of the hebrew alphabet is Tav which i highlighted in one of those posts as well...Jesus says he is both the Aleph and the Tav (commonly translated as Alpha and Omega) but is really a reference to the hebrew letters.

Deuteronomy 6:4

“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!

"You rouse them for your son who came from your body."


There is a king who will come from the south Ameny true of voice is his name. He is the son of a woman of the Land of the Bow, he is a child of the Heartland of Nekhen. He will take up the White Crown, he will raise up the Red Crown, he will unite the Two Mighty Goddesses, he will appease the Two Lord Gods, with what they desire. The field circuit is in his grasp, the oar in the jump.”
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Born Rich

triple entendre, don't ask me how...
May 31, 2022
Truth. I have no hate against them because they had to scrap against the non-Jewish white for 1,000+ years.

....but there's a reason the Euros were so happy to grant them a homeland in Israel. Europeans hate of Jews is much deeper than their shyt talk about us and other brown people.

because Jewish people have bread and power as a collective…their animus for melanated people is more sinister…

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
My family still lives up in Newark. I remember the only time I was in Jersey City is when I was trying to go to Hudson Mall, on the Path train waiting for the connecting train, or if you fukked with a bytch from St. Peter’s University. Now it’s gentrified. They trying to do the same shyt with downtown Newark.
Trying, they ARE