Jewish gentrification up close and personal.


Jun 23, 2012
Black people gotta admit we need each other and work as a community or we will continue getting pushed around.
We need to stop having sex with one another and try for friendship. Relating to one another romantically, just isn’t working out how it should.


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
i had no idea that numbers 22 was related to blood libel.
Huh? It isn't. I only mentioned the mediæval blood libel in response to your 'blood-drinking' comment, not the passage in 'numbers 22'.

I had only heard of blood libel as a propaganda item used against "Red Jews" in the old Russian Kingdom before the bolshevik revolution

and even then i only heard of that from a history documentary
The very idea of Jews using blood to prepare any kind of foodstuff is completely absurd and reveals the profound depths of the nations' lack of understanding as regards Jewish culture and jurisprudence; and yet the churches originated and perpetuated the myth and it still surfaces from time to time—and, as you will find, many Muslims have now happily adopted and perpetuated it from them, too. And so it continues... oh, yes: far from being a long-forgotten detail of history, the mediæval blood libel is still very much alive and well today.

i have always been uneasy about things in reference to blood. Seed is one thing as its easy to imagine the idea of a small thing producing a large thing which then produces the small thing ad infinitum.
It is interesting that you say 'ad infinitum', because the Hebrew noun זֶרַע can be used to mean: (i) the seed of a plant; (ii) the totality of a person's descendants for all time considered as a group; (iii) more rarely, one specific descendant of a person—when the descendant is explicitly identified in the passage in which the word occurs; or (iv) semen. The word is first used in the opening chapter of T'na"ch:
וַיֹּאמֶר אֱלֹקִים
תַּדְשֵׁא הָאָרֶץ דֶּשֶׁא
עֵשֶׂב מַזְרִיעַ
עֵץ פְּרִי עֹשֶׂה פְּרִי לְמִינוֹ
זַרְעוֹ־בוֹ עַל־הָאָרֶץ
Then God said,
'Let the earth sprout vegetation:
herbage yielding
fruit trees yielding fruit – each after its own kind
and containing
its own seed on the earth.'
And it was so.

But blood is something that must circulate and be set apart lest the whole body becomes corrupt and dies. So blood in essence is what is "ritually pure" in the body while the other tissues are of varying purity and function.
Not to mention that blood coagulates when in contact with air and becomes sticky, smells and attracts insects...

One of my great interests while in school was biochemistry specifically biochemical engineering and the study of Heme and biological coordination complexes similar to it (like Vitamin B12 and Chlorophyll)

i had a weird thought from the other thread, that some parts of the bible remind me of Heme, Heme uses a single Iron atom to fix oxygen so that it can transport it from a higher O2 pressure spaces (Lungs/heart) to low O2 pressure spaces (extremities, etc) its a very elegant but simple system

Biochemistry is also Torah; remember: הֲפוֹךְ־בַּהּ וַהפוֹךְ־בַּהּ, דְּכֹלָא בַּהּ 'Turn [the page] over and turn it over again, because everything is in it'.
  • Haha
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Huh? It isn't. I only mentioned the mediæval blood libel in response to your 'blood-drinking' comment, not the passage in 'numbers 22'.

The very idea of Jews using blood to prepare any kind of foodstuff is completely absurd and reveals the profound depths of the nations' lack of understanding as regards Jewish culture and jurisprudence; and yet the churches originated and perpetuated the myth and it still surfaces from time to time—and, as you will find, many Muslims have now happily adopted and perpetuated it from them, too. And so it continues... oh, yes: far from being a long-forgotten detail of history, the mediæval blood libel is still very much alive and well today.

It is interesting that you say 'ad infinitum', because the Hebrew noun זֶרַע can be used to mean: (i) the seed of a plant; (ii) the totality of a person's descendants for all time considered as a group; (iii) more rarely, one specific descendant of a person—when the descendant is explicitly identified in the passage in which the word occurs; or (iv) semen. The word is first used in the opening chapter of T'na"ch:

Not to mention that blood coagulates when in contact with air and becomes sticky, smells and attracts insects...

Biochemistry is also Torah; remember: הֲפוֹךְ־בַּהּ וַהפוֹךְ־בַּהּ, דְּכֹלָא בַּהּ 'Turn [the page] over and turn it over again, because everything is in it'.
yes indeed, I can't say for a fact I understand why the patterns are there but they are indeed there. I believe that he who gave the word to Moses understands reality in a fundamental way that only someone who created it could know.

the blood drinking comment was in reference to Amalek who were known to "drink the blood". I postulated that while at first glance it is a literal thing, but it can also be taken metaphorically

in antiquity people had plenty of time on their hands to study the ways of beasts and men, and saw cycles in a way most today do not. But i am starting to understand why it is that way (the fruit of what we ask of the lord)

regarding the propaganda, i have also seen that many allegations by people are only made because they are familiar with what they are alleging (who ever smelt it dealt it type logic)


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
the numeric word is equally as important as the storied/symbolic word
Probabilities can lead to very odd results; יֵשׁ פִּתְרוֹן לְקוֹרוֹנָה ('there is a solution to corona') and תְּשׁוּבָה תְּפִילָּה וּצְדָקָה ('repentance, prayer and charity') having the same numerical value come to mind as an example. But the only significance here is that the latter phrase is part of the solemn prayer-poem recited in Jewish prayer-houses during the musof service that takes place on Roʾsh Hashonoh and Yom Kippur:
בְּרֹאשׁ הַשָּׁנָה יִכָּתֵבוּן
:וּבְיוֹם צוֹם כִּפּוּר יֵחָתֵמוּן
;כַּמָּה יַעַבְרוּן וְכַמָּה יִבָּרֵאוּן
,מִי יִחְיֶה וּמִי יָמוּת
;מִי בְקִצּוֹ וּמִי לֹא בְקִצּוֹ
,מִי בַמַּיִם וּמִי בָאֵשׁ
,מִי בַחֶרֶב וּמִי בַחַיָּה
,מִי בָרָעָב וּמִי בַצָּמָא
,מִי בָרַעַשׁ וּמִי בַמַּגֵּפָה
.מִי בַחֲנִיקָה וּמִי בִסְקִילָה
,מִי יָנוּחַ וּמִי יָנוּעַ
,מִי יִשָּׁקֵט וּמִי יִטָּרֵף
,מִי יִשָּׁלֵו וּמִי יִתְיַסָּר
,מִי יֵעָנִי וּמִי יֵעָשֵׁר
—מִי יִשָּׁפֵל וּמִי יָרוּם
וּתְשׁוּבָה וּתְפִלָּה וּצְדָקָה
!מַעֲבִירִין אֶת רוֹעַ הַגְּזֵרָה

On Roʾsh Hashonoh it will be inscribed
and on the fast of Yom Kippur it will be sealed:
how many will pass on and how many will be created;
who will live and who will die,
who at his time and who before his time;
who by water and who by fire,
who by sword and who by a wild animal,
who by starvation and who by thirst,
who by storm and who by plague,
who by strangulation and who by stoning.
Who will rest and who will wander,
who will live in peace and who will be harassed,
who will enjoy tranquility and who will suffer,
who will become poor and who will become wealthy,
who will be degraded and who will be raised up—
but repentance, and prayer, and charity
alleviate the harshness of the decree!

The army of chimpanzees with their typewriters eventually composing Shakespeare's works come to mind as another example.

the 22nd letter of the hebrew alphabet is Tav which i highlighted in one of those posts as well...Jesus says he is both the Aleph and the Tav (commonly translated as Alpha and Omega) but is really a reference to the hebrew letters.
There never was a Hebrew version of 'John's Hallucination' (otherwise known as Revelation) until the 19th century when Delitzsch and Zalkinsohn (independently—Franz Delitzsch in 1877, and Isaac Edward Zalkinsohn posthumously in 1886) translated the Greek Dreck into Hebrew. The Greek Textus Receptus does not say 'alpha and omega'—in words—but rather 'Α and Ω' on all four occasions that this expression appears ('John's Hallucination' 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13). Delitzsch and Zalkinsohn, however, chose to write out א and ת in full.

Perhaps in an attempt to make their translations more believable as the so described 'Hebrew original' (which, of course, never existed), both of the standard Hebrew translations of the Greek text (the one due to Delitzsch [1813-1890] and the one due to Zalkinsohn [1820-1883]) use אָֽלֶף וְתָו and הָאָֽלֶף וְהַתָּו, respectively, the names of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet spelled out in full (the latter using the definite article prefix ה־: 'the א and the ת'). In any case, the expression is clearly a reference to the original in Y'shaʿyohu 44:6.

אָֽלֶף and תָּו have nothing to do with Alpha and Omega (aside, of course, from each set of letters being the first and last of its alphabets). Incidentally, אָֽלֶף is not a word in Hebrew; the closest is אֶֽלֶף (which means one thousand), and, while תָּו does exist (and means a sign or symbol), it is exceedingly rare in the T'na"ch with just three cases, occuring only in Y'hazqeʾl 9:4 (as תָּו), Y'hazqeʾl 9:6 (as הַתָּו with the definite article prefix ה־ ha- 'the'), and also ʾIyyov 31:35 (as תָּוִי, which includes the first person possessive pronominal suffix ־י -i 'my').

Deuteronomy 6:4

“Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord is one!
'Hear O Israel' is a rather weak translation, in my opinion. The Hebrew imperative שמע sh'maʿ is much more forceful, more akin to the 'Now hear this!' which is used in the U.S. Navy, implying both hearing [in an active sense, rather than just the passive act of 'listening'] and also complying.
  • Dap
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
Probabilities can lead to very odd results; יֵשׁ פִּתְרוֹן לְקוֹרוֹנָה ('there is a solution to corona') and תְּשׁוּבָה תְּפִילָּה וּצְדָקָה ('repentance, prayer and charity') having the same numerical value come to mind as an example. But the only significance here is that the latter phrase is part of the solemn prayer-poem recited in Jewish prayer-houses during the musof service that takes place on Roʾsh Hashonoh and Yom Kippur:

The army of chimpanzees with their typewriters eventually composing Shakespeare's works come to mind as another example.

There never was a Hebrew version of 'John's Hallucination' (otherwise known as Revelation) until the 19th century when Delitzsch and Zalkinsohn (independently—Franz Delitzsch in 1877, and Isaac Edward Zalkinsohn posthumously in 1886) translated the Greek Dreck into Hebrew. The Greek Textus Receptus does not say 'alpha and omega'—in words—but rather 'Α and Ω' on all four occasions that this expression appears ('John's Hallucination' 1:8, 1:11, 21:6, 22:13). Delitzsch and Zalkinsohn, however, chose to write out א and ת in full.

Perhaps in an attempt to make their translations more believable as the so described 'Hebrew original' (which, of course, never existed), both of the standard Hebrew translations of the Greek text (the one due to Delitzsch [1813-1890] and the one due to Zalkinsohn [1820-1883]) use אָֽלֶף וְתָו and הָאָֽלֶף וְהַתָּו, respectively, the names of the first and last letters of the Hebrew alphabet spelled out in full (the latter using the definite article prefix ה־: 'the א and the ת'). In any case, the expression is clearly a reference to the original in Y'shaʿyohu 44:6.

אָֽלֶף and תָּו have nothing to do with Alpha and Omega (aside, of course, from each set of letters being the first and last of its alphabets). Incidentally, אָֽלֶף is not a word in Hebrew; the closest is אֶֽלֶף (which means one thousand), and, while תָּו does exist (and means a sign or symbol), it is exceedingly rare in the T'na"ch with just three cases, occuring only in Y'hazqeʾl 9:4 (as תָּו), Y'hazqeʾl 9:6 (as הַתָּו with the definite article prefix ה־ ha- 'the'), and also ʾIyyov 31:35 (as תָּוִי, which includes the first person possessive pronominal suffix ־י -i 'my').

'Hear O Israel' is a rather weak translation, in my opinion. The Hebrew imperative שמע sh'maʿ is much more forceful, more akin to the 'Now hear this!' which is used in the U.S. Navy, implying both hearing [in an active sense, rather than just the passive act of 'listening'] and also complying.
I am of the few who believe that Revelations was not actually written by the Apostle John but by a greek gnostic of his era Cerinthus

the main reason for this is because of misinterpretations of prophecies, but as most things created it still exists because God has ordained it

now what it is profitable for is the better question...I think it divides Christians into two its purpose is clear to me

if it's good I don't really know.

Now regarding numbers, I can't say for sure why I believe the numbers are significant but I do know that if there is a "glue", I would think the numbers are the glue.

If you look at "Hear O Israel" and substitute "Hear O Jacob" (or as you said: Now Hear This, Jacob!") it rings a little different and perhaps more accurate...

it makes me wonder if Jacob wrestling with the angel was a one-time event or rather a currently active struggle :youngsabo:


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
yes indeed, I can't say for a fact I understand why the patterns are there but they are indeed there. I believe that he who gave the word to Moses understands reality in a fundamental way that only someone who created it could know.
I would be inclined to agree.
הַנִּסְתָּרֹת לַייָ אֱלֹקֵינוּ וְהַנִּגְלֹת לָנוּ וּלְבָנֵינוּ עַד־עוֹלָם לַעֲשׂוֹת אֶת־כָּל־דִּבְרֵי הַתּוֹרָה הַזֹּאת׃
The hidden things belong to Hashem, our God; but the revealed things are for us and our children forever, so we can do all the words of this Torah! (D'vorim 29:28)

the blood drinking comment was in reference to Amalek who were known to "drink the blood". I postulated that while at first glance it is a literal thing, but it can also be taken metaphorically
I would not put it past them!

in antiquity people had plenty of time on their hands to study the ways of beasts and men, and saw cycles in a way most today do not. But i am starting to understand why it is that way (the fruit of what we ask of the lord)

regarding the propaganda, i have also seen that many allegations by people are only made because they are familiar with what they are alleging (who ever smelt it dealt it type logic)
Ignorant fools will always make up nonsense and lies about something they are afraid of. I cannot stop them doing this and neither can anyone else, but it does not make their claims true and, for myself, I would not dignify such claims by bothering to respond to them.
  • Dap
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
I would be inclined to agree.

I would not put it past them!

Ignorant fools will always make up nonsense and lies about something they are afraid of. I cannot stop them doing this and neither can anyone else, but it does not make their claims true and, for myself, I would not dignify such claims by bothering to respond to them.
It's okay, the living God is your protection. Be at peace with that! So many here do not really fathom such a blessing

this thread and its title probably looks terrible at first glance, but its an opportunity as well to show why your way is better and a way to be followed. Many believers forget this and pick up their weapons (tongues)


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
I am of the few who believe that Revelations was not actually written by the Apostle John but by a greek gnostic of his era Cerinthus

the main reason for this is because of misinterpretations of prophecies, but as most things created it still exists because God has ordained it

now what it is profitable for is the better question...I think it divides Christians into two its purpose is clear to me

if it's good I don't really know.
John, Cerinthus; name aside, the author of 'John's Hallucination' was not only unfamiliar with the geography of the area, but he was not even familiar with the T'na"ch! The most prominent example of this is probably Ἁρμαγεδδών Harmagedon (see Hal. 16:16), which is a transliteration into Greek characters of the Hebrew הַר מְגִדּוֹ har m'giddo ('Mount M'giddo') or הַר מְגִידּוֹן har m'giddon ('Mount M'giddon')—except there is not any place called 'Mount M'giddo' in the Hebrew language, because M'giddon was a valley rather than a mountain! This error not only demonstrates the writer's complete ignorance of Yisrʾéli geography, but even betrays his lack of Biblical knowledge.

M'giddo (which is spelled M'giddon in Z'charyoh 12:11) is referred to as בִּקְעַת מְגִדּוֹ[ן] biqʿath m'giddo[n] ('the Valley of M'giddo[n]') in both Z'charyoh 12:11 and Div'ré Hayyomim Béth 35:22 (it is spelled without nun in the latter); and in Shof'ṭim 5:19, there is an explicit reference to מֵי מְגִדּוֹ mei m'giddo ('Waters of M'giddo'), suggesting that there was even a river flowing through this 'valley'. In any event, M'giddo Valley was the location where the Pharaoh Nekau/N'choh II of Egypt killed the pious King Yoshiyyohu (M'lochim Béth 23:29), and a mountainous site wouldn't have been very appropriate for the use of battle-chariots, as described in Div'ré Hayyomim Béth 35:24.

Now regarding numbers, I can't say for sure why I believe the numbers are significant but I do know that if there is a "glue", I would think the numbers are the glue.
There is significance as it relates to the Hebrew alphabet, but ğimmaṭriyyoʾ cannot be used to 'prove' anything; it is just a device used at the deeper levels of Jewish Scriptural exegesis, so it never affects the literal reading of the text. Furthermore, because ğimmaṭriyyoʾ is a device that is used in connection with the interpretation of the T'na"ch, it is meaningless and arbitrary whenever applied to translations!

The first nine letters of the alphabet (א, ב, ג, ד, ה, ו, ז, ח, ט‎‎‎) are used for 1-9, the next nine letters (י, כ, ל, מ, נ, ס, ע, פ, צ) are used for 10-90 and the last four letters (ק, ר, ש, ת) are used for 100-400. Numbers greater than 400 are formed either by combinations of the 'hundreds' letters or by the five 'terminal' forms (ך, ם, ן, ף, ץ): תק or ך for 500, תר or ם for 600, תש or ן for 700, תת or ף for 800 and תתק or ץ for 900.

By tradition, טו and טז are used in place of יה and יו for 15 and 16, respectively, to avoid using groups of letters that favor God's 'Divine Titles'. On a similar note, certain rare combinations of letters are avoided: for example, the Jewish years תרצח or 698, corresponding to 1937/1938 and תשמד or 744, corresponding to 1983/1984 because תִּרְצַח means 'you will kill' and תִּשָּׁמֵד means 'you will be destroyed'!!!

This latter group occurred in the calendar just forty years ago because we do not normally include the thousands letters so that the year 5744 (corresponding to 1983/84) was written in Hebrew as just תשמ״ד or '744' (and not ה׳תשמ״ד or 5744). In these rare cases, it is usual to reverse the last two characters, so that [5]698 (1937/1938) would be written as תרחצ and [5]744 (1983/84) would be written as תשדמ.

If you look at "Hear O Israel" and substitute "Hear O Jacob" (or as you said: Now Hear This, Jacob!") it rings a little different and perhaps more accurate...

it makes me wonder if Jacob wrestling with the angel was a one-time event or rather a currently active struggle :youngsabo:
That is an interesting thought considering that it was Yaʿaqov's twin-brother's angel. You know, during the element of the musof ('extra' or 'additional') service on Saturdays and on Holy Days known as קְדֻשָּׁה, we emulate the angels in Y'shaʿyohu (6:3) and Y'hazqeʾl (3:12).
  • Dap
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Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
That is an interesting thought considering that it was Yaʿaqov's twin-brother's angel. You know, during the element of the musof ('extra' or 'additional') service on Saturdays and on Holy Days known as קְדֻשָּׁה, we emulate the angels in Y'shaʿyohu (6:3) and Y'hazqeʾl (3:12).
now i meditated on this

where and why, is it assumed that the "angel" was Esau?

In Hosea 12:4, Jacob's opponent is described as malakh "angel": "Yes, he had power over the angel, and prevailed: he wept, and made supplication to him: he found him in Bethel, and there he spoke with us;". The relative age of the text of Genesis and of Hosea is unclear, as both are part of the Hebrew Bible as redacted in the Second Temple Period, and it has been suggested that malakh may be a late emendation of the text, and would as such represent an early Jewish interpretation of the episode.[9]

Maimonides believed that the incident was "a vision of prophecy",[10] while Rashi believed Jacob wrestled with the guardian angel of Esau (identified as Samael),[11] his elder twin brother.[12] Zvi Kolitz (1993) referred to Jacob "wrestling with God".[13]

As a result of the hip injury Jacob suffered while wrestling, Jews are prohibited from eating the meat tendon attached to the hip socket (sciatic tendon),[14][15][16] as mentioned in the account at Genesis 32:32.[17]

Furthermore, if it was indeed his "twin-brothers angel"...then are you also assuming that Esau is God? I dont follow this completely

Especially in light of the earlier part of Genesis 32:1-12

1 And Jacob went on his way, and the angels of God met him.

2 And when Jacob saw them, he said, This is God's host: and he called the name of that place Mahanaim.

3 And Jacob sent messengers before him to Esau his brother unto the land of Seir, the country of Edom.

4 And he commanded them, saying, Thus shall ye speak unto my lord Esau; Thy servant Jacob saith thus, I have sojourned with Laban, and stayed there until now:

5 And I have oxen, and asses, flocks, and menservants, and womenservants: and I have sent to tell my lord, that I may find grace in thy sight.

6 And the messengers returned to Jacob, saying, We came to thy brother Esau, and also he cometh to meet thee, and four hundred men with him.

7 Then Jacob was greatly afraid and distressed: and he divided the people that was with him, and the flocks, and herds, and the camels, into two bands;

8 And said, If Esau come to the one company, and smite it, then the other company which is left shall escape.

9 And Jacob said, O God of my father Abraham, and God of my father Isaac, the Lord which saidst unto me, Return unto thy country, and to thy kindred, and I will deal well with thee:

10 I am not worthy of the least of all the mercies, and of all the truth, which thou hast shewed unto thy servant; for with my staff I passed over this Jordan; and now I am become two bands.

11 Deliver me, I pray thee, from the hand of my brother, from the hand of Esau: for I fear him, lest he will come and smite me, and the mother with the children.

12 And thou saidst, I will surely do thee good, and make thy seed as the sand of the sea, which cannot be numbered for multitude.