Jessica Chambers: 19-year-old woman 'doused with lighter fluid and burned alive'


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
The man wasn't even in the same state and they still tried to pin it on him? That cover up attempt is laughable...These cacs need to stop playing...

The lengths that they will go to should not surprise me...

Don't underestimate the rage of a possessed black man...some say they have the strength of hulk. Didn't one guy just put his head down and try to run through bullets? Yea I'm going to need all the facts first...pretty sure leaping from state to state is something they can do once enraged

Sonic Boom of the South

Louisiana, Army War Vet, Jackson State Univ Alum,
May 1, 2012
Rosenbreg's, Rosenberg's...1825, Tulane
He was just cleared as a suspect. White supremacists lost again. :sas2:

One week later and police have no answers on who could have been behind the death of Jessica Chambers. One thing is clear, investigators say Jessica's ex-boyfriend is not a suspect, despite what social media is saying.

A picture may be worth a thousand words, but what if the words aren't true?

"Lord knows that right now, I hate that I ever put that picture on Facebook, I do," said Theresa Fleming, who is the mother of Jessica's ex-boyfriend.

"When we found out Jessica had passed, I put something on my Facebook page, it was a picture that I had of Jessica," Fleming exclusively told WMC Action News 5.

She says the photo of her son Bryan Rudd kissing Jessica when they dated a few years ago is causing a firestorm on social media.

"They took it and they put Bryan's picture on the web all over the world, and was basically accusing him of being an abusive ex-boyfriend, and possibly even a killer, they accused him of being a gang member," Fleming said.

Bryan Rudd now lives in Iowa, says he has nothing to do with Jessica's murder, and is heartbroken to hear about what happened to his old girlfriend.

His mom is angry that online rumors are quickly spreading in the small community.

She wants to set the record straight, "I hope that they find who killed Jessica."

Fleming says her family is praying for the arrest of whoever killed Jessica and a community that now seems to be skeptical of anyone.

"I hope that Panola County can stay strong, and not feed into all this hatred and lies that's being spread around town because it's not going to help us, it will only divide us and a house divided cannot stand."

District Attorney John Champion says the reward for information about her death currently remains at $11,000. Private groups have committed to raising that to $29,000, but are waiting on paperwork before it's official.

If you know anything about Jessica Chambers' death, call Crime Stoppers at 1-800-729-2169.

so the mom facebook stunting brought the drama to her son:upsetfavre:

so this white chick is killed
and u gotta toss a pic of your son kissing this broad from the past

just so people can message u and ask u questions about her
and give u sympathy
cause u looking for attention:upsetfavre:

u should have known cacs was gone make shyt up after that


May 14, 2012
********Breaking News***********

She had a black classmate in 5th grade. They are investigating him as a possible suspect citing anonymous tips that he might have pushed her on the playground. "Due to the history of aggressive behavior regarding the victim and this suspect, we will investigate him as well as any other potential suspects we come across." We will keep you updated.


Apr 16, 2013
We called it. :sas2:

Jessica Chambers Murder: Cops and Federal Agents Believe White Gangs Responsible, Report Says

Several Mississippi law enforcement officials and an ATF agent say that white gangs–not black gangs–were responsible for Jessica Chambers grisly death.

Chambers, 19, was burned alive in her car in late 2014.

Many have been displeased with the response to the death, which has so far failed to turn up suspects.

Now sources tell Got News that white gangs that specialize in dealing meth are behind the murder.

Got News, a blog, is notoriously unreliable but has published correct information ahead of others several times, including the case of the first nurse to contract Ebola in the United States.

The credibility in this case is bolstered by John Cardillo, who coauthored the piece. Cardillo is a former NYPD officer who contributes to The Blaze.

Cardillo says that his sources inside state and federal law enforcement “feel the Panola County Sheriff’s office is suffering from incompetence, fear, and possibly corruption.”

“The investigation is incorrectly focusing on the Black gang community, when it should be focusing on White Supremacist and/or Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs with white power leanings,” he added.

“Setting people on fire has been a common signature of both of the latter groups, and there are cases throughout MS and AL of women both white and black, who were in interracial relationships being assaulted and/or killed in the same way. Those who survived identified White Supremacist types as the assailants,” Cardillo said, noting that ATF sources also back up the new information.

“Like Jessica Chambers, there was no sexual assault or theft of property. Vehicles and valuables were not taken. This indicates messaging. Chambers’ killer or killers were sending a message. Either about her being involved with Black men, or possibly to her family members who have a long history of White gang activity and involvement in the meth trade.”

The potential connection may tie into Chambers family–her father is known for possible meth connections, while Chambers herself may have been using at the time of her death, according to friends.


Apr 16, 2013

BREAKING AUDIO: Ex-Boyfriend Says #JessicaChambers Had Abusive, Criminal, Racist Home Life

Jessica Chamber’s ex-boyfriend says her father, Ben Chambers Sr., is seriously racist against black people and that he was abusive towards Jessica. interviewed Jessica’s former boyfriend, Bryan Rudd, who is now living in Iowa. Chambers was burned alive in Courtland, Mississippi last month.

“I have no clue who did it,” says Rudd who says Jessica’s death “shocked the shyt out of me.” “I wouldn’t begin to tell you who did it,” says Rudd.

Rudd says he hasn’t seen Jessica since he moved to Iowa in May 2013 but that his mother remained friendly with Jessica up until her death with Jessica staying with Rudd’s family for five months.

Rudd says Jessica told him she had been raped twice by black gangsters several years ago and that they are in prison now.

Rudd, who is black, says his relationship with Jessica’s father was strained because of Ben Chambers’ racism. “Her father was real racist,” says Rudd. “He used to always tell her ‘Jessica why you always with black people? Why you always with ******s? Why can’t you be with your own?'” Rudd says Chambers would take things from his daughter to punish her for dating outside of her race.

“He used to tell her ‘You can have anything you want baby doll, I got it. But as long as you with ******s Daddy won’t do nothing for you.'”

Rudd says that Jessica told him that her father had committed at least two homicides, including an ex-boyfriend of Jessica’s and Jessica’s uncle.

Ben Chambers Sr. had a meth lab and Jessica used to play with the bottles of meth, says Rudd. “She would sit in the shop and play with the bottles.” One day some Feds came and kicked in the door and took Chambers away, says Rudd.

After Chambers’ neighbor “Chicken”, a local meth dealer, was killed, Rudd says the rumor mill named Ben Sr. as the shooter. The murder of Chicken aka Taiwan Shavoco Obey Sr. remains unsolved, according to local media.

Rudd says that he and Jessica used to smoke weed but that he had heard from his mother that she was involved in harder drugs. Her father, Ben, was arrested for meth.

In a subsequent interview Rudd also said that he was surprised Jessica’s body was found in a white area.

Rudd is being falsely accused of being involved by several conservative websites, including went to get his side of the story which he was eager to tell. Rudd says Chambers started going out with his best friend after he moved to Iowa and that his best friend was abusive toward Jessica. Several internet sites and Twitter accounts have blamed Rudd for mistreating Jessica but he says “they got me mixed up with him… but he in jail now.”


White people are so damn predictable. :snoop:

And they really thought they could try to pin this on black people? :mjpls:

And the part about the black gangsters most likely is :duck:


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014

BREAKING AUDIO: Ex-Boyfriend Says #JessicaChambers Had Abusive, Criminal, Racist Home Life

Jessica Chamber’s ex-boyfriend says her father, Ben Chambers Sr., is seriously racist against black people and that he was abusive towards Jessica. interviewed Jessica’s former boyfriend, Bryan Rudd, who is now living in Iowa. Chambers was burned alive in Courtland, Mississippi last month.

“I have no clue who did it,” says Rudd who says Jessica’s death “shocked the shyt out of me.” “I wouldn’t begin to tell you who did it,” says Rudd.

Rudd says he hasn’t seen Jessica since he moved to Iowa in May 2013 but that his mother remained friendly with Jessica up until her death with Jessica staying with Rudd’s family for five months.

Rudd says Jessica told him she had been raped twice by black gangsters several years ago and that they are in prison now.

Rudd, who is black, says his relationship with Jessica’s father was strained because of Ben Chambers’ racism. “Her father was real racist,” says Rudd. “He used to always tell her ‘Jessica why you always with black people? Why you always with ******s? Why can’t you be with your own?'” Rudd says Chambers would take things from his daughter to punish her for dating outside of her race.

“He used to tell her ‘You can have anything you want baby doll, I got it. But as long as you with ******s Daddy won’t do nothing for you.'”

Rudd says that Jessica told him that her father had committed at least two homicides, including an ex-boyfriend of Jessica’s and Jessica’s uncle.

Ben Chambers Sr. had a meth lab and Jessica used to play with the bottles of meth, says Rudd. “She would sit in the shop and play with the bottles.” One day some Feds came and kicked in the door and took Chambers away, says Rudd.

After Chambers’ neighbor “Chicken”, a local meth dealer, was killed, Rudd says the rumor mill named Ben Sr. as the shooter. The murder of Chicken aka Taiwan Shavoco Obey Sr. remains unsolved, according to local media.

Rudd says that he and Jessica used to smoke weed but that he had heard from his mother that she was involved in harder drugs. Her father, Ben, was arrested for meth.

In a subsequent interview Rudd also said that he was surprised Jessica’s body was found in a white area.

Rudd is being falsely accused of being involved by several conservative websites, including went to get his side of the story which he was eager to tell. Rudd says Chambers started going out with his best friend after he moved to Iowa and that his best friend was abusive toward Jessica. Several internet sites and Twitter accounts have blamed Rudd for mistreating Jessica but he says “they got me mixed up with him… but he in jail now.”


White people are so damn predictable. :snoop:

And they really thought they could try to pin this on black people? :mjpls:

And the part about the black gangsters most likely is :duck:

They doing what they do on sons of anarchy, when all else fails....


The blacks did it....