God Emperor of SOHH
Then you shouldn't have a problem with him meeting them then...since Black people in Silicon Valley have plenty of opportunities.
black people with the right technical background have plenty of opportunities in silicon valley, there is no evidence that racism or discrimination is the cause for so few black people, the problem is there are very black people with the technical background to begin with
like i said before if black people were facing discrimination in SV that would be a step forward, because it would mean there are black people in the mix
i dont know wether to laugh or to cry if you think jesse jackson is "kicking in the door", it just shows you have no clue on how to solve the issue aside from begging white people to do something about it
that article is just white liberal gibberish that will lead black people to the same intellectual dead end you and jesse jackson are at, we need to focus on black solutions to black problems not on what white people are doing