You saying he's "gullible" is questioning his competence and intellect.
Wrong. I don't think gullibility is a function of intellect, especially for people on the spectrum. This is backed by scientific evidence.
People with ASD risk being manipulated because they can't tell when they're being lied to
A new study shows that the ability to distinguish truth from lies is diminished in people with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) -- putting them at greater risk of being manipulated.
People with ASD at Risk of Manipulation Because they Can't Tell When They Are Being Lied To
A new study reveals people with ASD may be at higher risk of being manipulated as they find it more difficult to pick up social cues about deceit. Researchers say the ability to detect lies is significantly diminished in those with autism.
People with ASD at Risk of Manipulation Because they Can’t Tell When They Are Being Lied To
·May 22, 2018Summary: A new study reveals people with ASD may be at higher risk of being manipulated as they find it more difficult to pick up social cues about deceit. Researchers say the ability to detect lies is significantly diminished in those with autism.
If you look at my history, you'll see that I have nothing against people with autism. In many cases, I appreciate people on the spectrum more than "normies", because they often tend to be more logical and avoid a lot of the stupid social crap that annoys me. I think some of them are heroes. And they certainly don't lack intelligence.
However, it's just a fact of life that people on the spectrum don't understand social cues as well and have trouble reading people. And actual studies show they are more easily manipulated as a result. That's something we can actually discuss as relevant to the topic.
Being "gullible" isn't credible. You are insulting these officials intellect but ironically are insulted by jaydawg doing it to you? When you have no connection or credentials?
I have not insulted anyone's intellect. I have made a specific claim about a particular issue. My issue with Jaydawg is he's just using catch-all insults without the slightest backup for his statements every time I say something he disagrees with.