jeen-yuhs: A Kanye Trilogy | All Parts Released


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
And that has been debunked, he has had people close to him, HE does not want help or want to change and it has been exacerbated by fame

No doubt. But it's fair to say if his mother was around, he'd be more receptive to receiving help. Doesn't seem like his father built the same trust and relationship with him. That's all. God gives us two parents for a reason.


Wig-Twisting Season
Nov 15, 2013
Gurantee if somebody smack this nikka instead of kissing his ass and sucking him off He"d humble himself. Nothing wrong with confidence but when your ego is drunk on fame to where you shytting on nikkahs you came up with, You a whole sucka
I'm glad Coodie let it be known right then and there too

"You bogus as hell for calling me Chike :gucci:"


Produced, Arranged, Composed and Performed by....
Oct 13, 2014
The way he did his boy was :francis:

I find it interesting that he told Coodie that he was about to start playing a character, once he hit the superstar level. I'm not even gonna try and understand his thought process, but it's telling that he cut off the only other person besides his mother who saw everything he did for most of his adult life, for years.

I haven't messed with his music, outside his production in ages, but I enjoyed watching his process to come up with that melody in the Kids See Ghost session.:ehh:


Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
I definitely think one of his big issues was wanting to be scene as a symbol of wealth and status, and I vividly remember with each album how he'd move up the social ladder and hang around more and more afluent and 'out of touch' celebs, influencers, politicians, artsy folks that live in their own world, and wealthy people that want to use him as a tool for whatever their motivations are.

He always struck me as a guy that was excited (or maybe there's a better word) to kind of shed his original crowd that knew him before he blew up and get into those wealthy circles of people. Peep some of the Watch the Throne recording sessions where you got actors like Russel Crowe in the studio sessions instead of other rappers and producers.

Did you notice after the 2nd Grammy that he told Coodie that "Bono had some wine"? I remember when he started bragging that people like Bono from U2 and Chris Martin from Coldplay were willing to hang out with him.

It's like he always wants approval from people higher up the status ladder than himself. I think that's a big reason he was attracted to Kim more than just smashing.
Kanye was always obsessed with white acceptance and it really got crazy during the Graduation era with his whole "I don't even listen to rap" shyt and dikkriding Coldplay, tailoring every song to resonate with the white rock festival crowd.


Heavily Armed
Sep 14, 2013
The 718
I understand what he's saying, but I feel like he's focusing too much on the perception of the albums, not the albums themselves. I wouldn't call MBDTF a safe or accessible album. I wasn't a big fan of it the first time I heard it, but it got better the more I listened to it. 808s and Yeezus got more of a visceral reaction out of people, it seems like, and that's why Kanye likes them more. They're more left field, more experimental, more polarizing. They didn't get appreciated at the time, but instead, got praised years later. It's a way for Kanye to say, "You were wrong and I want you to admit it." Whereas with MBDTF, it was praised in real time, so in Kanye's eyes, it means it wasn't good enough.

And if this is how he feels about MBDTF, imagine how he feels about his first three albums. He probably hates all of them. :huhldup:
Nah I think what Kanye means is that MBDTF, he was actively trying to make a palatable, safe album that he knew people would like, not necessarily what was moving him as an artist or captured what was truly on his mind at the time. Basically MBDTF wasn't as genuine to him, just a fanservicey crowdpleasing album whereas 808s and Yeezus were more risky and authentic.

I think Kanye sees MBDTF as like, Avengers: Endgame and 808s and Yeezus as the Justice League Snyder Cut. One is really well-made, hits all the marks, and designed to please the crowd while the other is more ambitious and risk-taking.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
is it possible he was fukkin' with coodie? :patrice:

gone off the yak and tryin to big dog his boy thats been there from the start? maybe im giving kanye too much credit but i cant believe he'd forget his name like that :gucci:
Oh he knew his name. He was fukking with him, but it was clearly getting old and making Coodie uncomfortable, and yet he kept doing it. He was definitely big dogging Coodie. That was the problem though. Kanye didn't actually forget his name. I don't know the significance of why Chike was a name that Coodie didn't like, but it was obvious to me that they both knew it wasn't the thing the call Coodie in that moment.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
You're saying that as if he's in his right mind. People don't seek solutions if they don't think they truly have a problem. It doesn't seem like he really has anyone in his circle to let him know how deep his problem truly is.
Yep, and no one wants to speak up and fukk up their own situation. Most of the people in his circle are there because Kanye is a meal ticket to them, or at least he's opening doors and they don't want to fukk up the situation. Everyone knows how sensitive Kanye is. No one in his circle wants to suggest that he get some help or anything that could make him fly off the handle and cut them off.


May 18, 2012
Jiu Jitsu
I know Kanye was drunk but that shyt was making me uncomfortable. I’ve been riding with you from the jump and you just keep repeatedly calling me the wrong name. That was that “gone Hollywood” moment

yeah part 3 just seemed sad, it’s like the more money and fame he gets the more unhappy he kind of seems. You can tell he enjoys creating stuff but outside of that he just seemed to becoming character more than a real authentic person
Man, it's like Kanye is the Downey Jr character in Tropic Thunder at the end when he's like "I don't know who I am, maybe I'm nobody?"

I know that was a comedy, but the point is that he was a method actor that got so lost in the roles he played that he lost his sense of self.

I can definitely see Kanye being like that. It must be a trip to potentially look in the mirror and not really know who the fukk you really even are at a certain point.

Mike the Executioner

What went on up there? Poppers and weird sex!
Sep 10, 2015
Brooklyn, New York
LA will do that to the best of them. Especially if you’re not from there. Well adjusted, “normal” celebrities tend to live in New York. Something about seasons gives a sense of normalcy. You also can’t help but to be around people from every race, class, and economic group. Keeps you humble.

In LA you can be around nothing but rich and famous people every minute of your life if you chose. It’s very easy to get caught up in bullshyt.

LA is literally a city built on being fake. Hollywood is an industry of make believe. People aren’t any different :yeshrug:

This isn't related to Kanye, but what you said made me think about Cimorelli. They're a female singing group (all sisters) and they originally got famous covering songs on YouTube. This was back in the early 2010s when the market was open for that kind of thing. They're not even transplants, they were born and raised in California. I think they moved to Malibu years after living near Sacramento. Anyway, after they initially blew up, they got signed to a label and from 2013-2015, they were at their height in terms of popularity. They were performing on Good Morning America, doing advertisements for Subway, making songs for commercials. They even had their own sitcom. :ehh:

Then out of nowhere, they moved to Tennessee and went independent. I don't know if they ever personally explained why, but from what I've heard, they were tired of living in L.A. and they felt like they were being pressured to turn into something they weren't. Whatever the label wanted them to do, they weren't willing to, and they're also traditional Christians, so in order to become more famous, they would have had to sacrifice more of who they were. So they left, took control of their music, and never looked back.

And it's not like they moved to California specifically because of music. They were already well-off and had spent their whole lives there, so I could imagine what that could do to someone who didn't grow up there and has nobody trying to ground them.