RIP to this little one, so sorry. They're zoning in on "soft" targets. No doubt this is a white supremacist predatory tactic. It's been a war out here but they're getting more and more blatant with their activities bc it's government sanctioned. Stay vigilant, alert and prepared for anything. He was watching them - I hate these coward cacs; they're going to step to the right ones who are waiting to retaliate and it's going to be open season on them/their families.
So what would be considered a "hard" target? Cuz the average person isn't sitting in a car with a gun in their hand aiming out the window waiting for any potential shooters to come by. Was Pac a soft target? And what are these government sanctions you're speaking of? The government isn't telling these lunatics to kill black people. Was it even discovered that the shooter was white? Did they catch him?
All white men basically look alike to me, off that composite sketch; that could be the majority of those cow poking cacs. There's actual footage out there, no way Wal-Mart or other stores and businesses in the surrounding areas don't have cameras capturing this. This was a shopping area, they have NSA levels of surveillance capturing petty thefts on camera but can't zone in on a whole red pick up truck, slow creeping on a car in a heavily frequented parking lot.
Those are some really dumb, whitewashed un-informed questions, you must be white bc any black person knows the commonalities. And what the fuk does 2pac have to do with a murdered 7yr old little girl?? You're using hip hop culture as a point of comparison equivalent to racial profiled murder. White shyt. You're not black are you? I don't engage in these types of discussions with white people on here
The more i'm on this site the more I see that cacs seem to outnumber actual black posters, based off some of the topics alone. I thought people were exaggerating but y'all are way too obvious with your agendas and lack of basic informational knowledge of black history, activism, culture and political acuity to even come off as believable. Don't quote me or expect a response from me if I don't know for a fact that you are black. Not starting off 2019 wasting time with the nuances of white ignorance and common cac stupidity under some faux white entitlement to black spaces. Not in the mood, especially after the death of this little girl and many others, in this climate of racial injustice. Do your own research since you're feeling so inquisitive.
Jews didn't really hunt down anyone... The UN/World Court did...
I feel awful about the death of a baby, and hate that it happened. I’m not allowed to say what I feel about it because I’m white, got it, man.
I think they got him.
Different shooting breh:
Suspect turns himself in after killing kids, including baby, at Texas City apartment