And they're DESPERATELY trying to become profitable. Why do they think they're always cycling employees? To minimize their already gargantuan losses. Its never a good thing to operate at a loss no matter how big you are. This is how industries end up in bubbles. Sub-prime lending anyone???
Let me tell you something..... I run my own business with my brother who is my partner.... I have 36 employees .... Before that I owned a club, before that a bar.... I also have a side business thats off the books....
So believe me, I know how hard it is to run a business , how hard it is to make a profit.... for example you can have a great 5 year run a bad 6 months would put you out of business ....
I have a dgree, my brother has a masters and was a senior business consultant with one of the biggest consultancy firms in the world , I come from a well to do family and my father has connections if I need them or run into trouble ..... and i still find this shyt tough
and then you have Jay Z, a dude that never even finished high school if im not mistaken...
a dude that was never the biggest selling rapper, or the most popular, or the most educated ... and I see the steps he has made .... and I give him props
because even with all the advantages ive had in life I know how tough it is ..... its way easier to lose money than to make money...
What makes me laugh is that the people who I come across who try and downplay what I do or try and tell me how I could be doing better are the ones that arent doing as well as me, the ones that give me encouragement are the ones who are 100 times more successful
what i find funny is that his story should be inspiring ..... there are a lot of successful people that make this shyt look unobtainable , you look at them and think " this dudes a genius , i dont have the tools to do what he does"
I cant relate to the likes of Elon musk because im not a genius, I dont have any fukking vision , Im not brilliant ,all i know is i cant work for someone
you look at Jay , while hes extremely smart, hes of average intelligence , he doesnt have a great education... and what I get from him is, If he can do it so
can I...
Dude is just a regular cat from Marcy who had a talent , and hes run with it
Before when i had time i used to mentor school dropouts at a community centre along with some other dudes, and I was one of the most popular because they could relate to me, they couldnt relate to the surgeon that always wanted to be a Dr and had worked very hard to get a scholarship to the right school, they couldnt relate to the guy that had a million dollar tech company because he was a genius ... they could relate to me because i liked hip hop, I wasnt particularly academically gifted, i could be lazy, I liked to party , i used to be a crook, and because i more or less went into business by accident , there was nothing special about me other than the fact that I ws extremely focussed ....If i could do it , so could they
People doing their utmost to downplay another mans achievements smh .......
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