Jay-Z is now president of Puma basketball. Puma gives Walt Frazier a lifetime contract


All Star
Jun 16, 2015
For real.

Some of the slick talk coming out of the sides of haters mouths in this thread is bordering on disgusting.

Obviously we don’t know the ins and outs of the deal, but ostensibly, at least on the face of it, Hov is getting paid to get athletes, signed to his sports agency, and other young, black men and women, more money than they would get from another sports brand (Nike, Adidas etc.), from a sports brand (Puma) that wasn’t even in the market to begin with. And none of this is coming out of his pocket. All he has to do is leverage his influence and the “cool” factor he’s been cultivating since 96.


Nothing comes out of his pockets.

And it all goes into the pockets, accounts and trust funds of these young black athletes.

And somehow, a few people in here don’t see that as a “boss” move.

I really, really wanna know what a boss move looks like if this isn’t one.

I usually don’t comment on shyt because I like to read, but this crab mentality we have as a people is at times cringeworthy, but sometimes it’s down right disheartening.


We really are our own worst enemy. We already have entire systems against us but we can’t even move without our own denigrating us at every turn.

The problem is Jay makes it seem like he’s bigger than he is. Like Zuckerberg level. Entities (Live Nation parent of Roc Nation, arenas, companies that give him deals) still capitalize more off of him than the other way around.


May 6, 2012
The problem is Jay makes it seem like he’s bigger than he is. Like Zuckerberg level. Entities (Live Nation parent of Roc Nation, arenas, companies that give him deals) still capitalize more off of him than the other way around.

He's a rapper. Rappers brag. He does it through his music, but I've never once in an interview or in a quote (where he's expected to be more honest) make any of these outlandish statements about his grandeur, status or standing. All I ever see in interviews is rappers talking about their deals, their bags, their revenue, show money etc. In the few interviews Jay's done he hasn't done that and he has more to show for his successes (from this culture) than anybody outside of maybe Puff and Dre.

If your problem with him is that he boasts in his music then find another genre. I'm literally listening to NASIR right now and Nas is bragging about making "a million off of razor bumps" ie. his Bevel investment. So it's fukk him too, right? Or is it cool because he's "deeper" than Jay? So deep he talks about women masturbating before dates, bagging models and famous women that we don't know about because he's lowkey or fiends still bugging him about some crack he owes them from the 80s

Sorry for the Nas tangent :lolbron:

It just bugs me when some rappers can talk shyt Jay talks but for some reason they get a pass

The problem (to me) that some people have is when Jay raps, a lot of what he raps he can back up. And I know that irks people. Some people don't like front-runners, braggarts or peacocks, but like I said, if you don't like that he talks his shyt in his music, find another artist or listen to another genre.

And as for your point about "Entities" eating into what you consider to be his pie, I'd be interested to know - besides maybe 10-15 human beings on the planet (Zuckerberg being one of them), name me a single person who's business dealings (that make more than a handful of millions a year) are completely and utterly autonomous?


Jan 20, 2015

they look solid on the feet, hopefully they have a better colorway though


C L O N E*0690//////
Jul 18, 2014
they did the right thing by updating a simple traditional silhouette it's a ok start

they have a whole catalog of football.boots to draw on & that's where they should go kobe already been basically making football.boots to hoop in & puma has the history to build on those sleek silhouettes modified for the court



All Star
Jun 16, 2015
He's a rapper. Rappers brag. He does it through his music, but I've never once in an interview or in a quote (where he's expected to be more honest) make any of these outlandish statements about his grandeur, status or standing. All I ever see in interviews is rappers talking about their deals, their bags, their revenue, show money etc. In the few interviews Jay's done he hasn't done that and he has more to show for his successes (from this culture) than anybody outside of maybe Puff and Dre.

If your problem with him is that he boasts in his music then find another genre. I'm literally listening to NASIR right now and Nas is bragging about making "a million off of razor bumps" ie. his Bevel investment. So it's fukk him too, right? Or is it cool because he's "deeper" than Jay? So deep he talks about women masturbating before dates, bagging models and famous women that we don't know about because he's lowkey or fiends still bugging him about some crack he owes them from the 80s

Sorry for the Nas tangent :lolbron:

It just bugs me when some rappers can talk shyt Jay talks but for some reason they get a pass

The problem (to me) that some people have is when Jay raps, a lot of what he raps he can back up. And I know that irks people. Some people don't like front-runners, braggarts or peacocks, but like I said, if you don't like that he talks his shyt in his music, find another artist or listen to another genre.

And as for your point about "Entities" eating into what you consider to be his pie, I'd be interested to know - besides maybe 10-15 human beings on the planet (Zuckerberg being one of them), name me a single person who's business dealings (that make more than a handful of millions a year) are completely and utterly autonomous?

That's true, most rappers do lie and exaggerate. But Jay frequently mentions in his rhymes how much realer he is than other rappers, a paragon of authenticity. Doing so opens him up when what he's been saying (as of late) doesn't add up.

I'm not denying that he's successful. I just don't believe he can back up the level of success he portrays.

And unlike others, I don't believe you have to be completely autonomous to be a boss. To me a boss has a sizable ownership stake in a lucrative company. Thousands (verifiably) worth more than Jay Z fit this description. Jay's income still primarily derives from others cutting him checks. Others who have large ownership stakes in companies that are valued at multiples thanks to taking the lions share of revenue off of...Jay Z.

And to take it deeper than rap, it's problematic promoting black celebrities, athletes and politicians as more than what they are. While they individually do well and deserve what they've gotten, their path to success (using dominant society's existing institutions/infrastructure) doesn't translate into opportunities for large numbers of black people. The dominant society helps elevate them to support the illusion on inclusion.


Follow me to the truth
Apr 30, 2012
Bama ass DC
Then shirts look cheap. Need to rework those designs, look like shirts my high school used to make for homecoming :pachaha:

Shoes look good tho:ehh:


May 6, 2012
That's true, most rappers do lie and exaggerate. But Jay frequently mentions in his rhymes how much realer he is than other rappers, a paragon of authenticity. Doing so opens him up when what he's been saying (as of late) doesn't add up.

I'm not denying that he's successful. I just don't believe he can back up the level of success he portrays.

And unlike others, I don't believe you have to be completely autonomous to be a boss. To me a boss has a sizable ownership stake in a lucrative company. Thousands (verifiably) worth more than Jay Z fit this description. Jay's income still primarily derives from others cutting him checks. Others who have large ownership stakes in companies that are valued at multiples thanks to taking the lions share of revenue off of...Jay Z.

And to take it deeper than rap, it's problematic promoting black celebrities, athletes and politicians as more than what they are. While they individually do well and deserve what they've gotten, their path to success (using dominant society's existing institutions/infrastructure) doesn't translate into opportunities for large numbers of black people. The dominant society helps elevate them to support the illusion on inclusion.

I agree with pretty much most of what you're saying, and part of the problem is mostly down to semantics, colloquialisms and the idea of a "boss", whether it's the literal definition (like you described) and "our" definition. To me, Jay covers both. He's literally a boss (TIDAL/Aspiro) and colloquially one, if you believe in that sort of thing. Being the boss of your own company doesn't mean you can't make alternate streams of revenue or income from others. Warren Buffet consults and sits on the boards (in an advisory role) for companies he's not sole owner of in return for money and equity. Is he not "real" now. Is he not a boss? Is he some kinda liar because the cheque he cashes has another mans name on it? I'm not comparing the two, but I am comparing their actions.

But I agree with you, the microscope of celebrity that intensifies the everyday dealings of someone like Jay doesn't translate to the regular everyday person, but my only problem comes when people (and I'll just be honest, it's mostly black people) try to diminish an accomplishment (big or small) for no other reason than to diminish it because you don't like the person (and I'm not accusing you, it's mostly others).

Like I said in my original post, I don't comment as much in threads like these (especially in The Booth) but I find it funny that two artists, celebrities, business people - whatever - can do the same or similar things at different times, but depending on the general feeling towards that person, the reactions will be different. I literally watch it happen on this board. Constantly. It goes in circles.

To put it plainly - if this was Nas, the conversation would be entirely different, and for no other reason than the fact that it's Nas and not Jay or vice versa. Jay has lunch with Buffet - sellout. Nas is pictured at a dinner two seats from Mark Zuckerberg - :salute: the God made it!

I'm not asking people to celebrate these moves. I'm not asking them to fawn over him or any other celebrity. What I don't like is when we chip away (completely unnecessarily) at an accomplishment. Especially when there really is no reason to.

Like none.

On the face of it, this Puma move does absolutely nothing but leverage Jay's influence to put and equal amount or more endorsement money in the pockets of young black men and women from a brand who wasn't a player in the market in the first place. And it won't cost him a dime of his own money, and may make him a few (as well as Puma, obviously).

So really, what is there to talk about?

BTW, if you reply and I don't respond, it's not because of anything you said, it's because I'm done venting


All Star
May 18, 2012
Red, White, & Stonewashed Blue since '94
Then shirts look cheap. Need to rework those designs, look like shirts my high school used to make for homecoming :pachaha:

Shoes look good tho:ehh:

That's the whole point of Chinese Market. It's a brand that purposely makes things that look like they are knockoffs that you'd find in a back alley market.

Matter of fact a lot of high end designers started making similar types of merchandise.