Jay Morrison & The Tulsa Real Estate Fund (Official Thread)


Nov 25, 2014

Shout out to all Kings and Queens, thank you for your support and prayers
y’all gotta check that running chat on the video. They in yo ass bruh. Had you stuttering and talking fast af. Why you got bruh sitting there for 3 and a half ours, just to nod his head to the shyt you trying to stick on the wall :snoop:
Aug 18, 2015

What is embezzlement?

Embezzlement is the misappropriation of funds for personal gain. While embezzlement is a form of theft, the key difference between embezzlement and larceny is that the money taken through embezzlement was initially entrusted to the embezzler through legal channels. Only after the money is obtained, does the perpetrator take the money for themselves.

These schemes can take on several forms. One way that embezzlement takes form is the Ponzi scheme. These schemes involve a central operator, often someone with a fiduciary duty like a hedge fund manager or a broker, who collects money from investors with the promise of high returns and dividends.

Instead of investing that money, they use it for their personal expenses.
Since no investing is actually taking place, the operator relies on a steady stream of income from new investors to pay older investors, often called "robbing Peter to pay Paul." When the operator can't find new investors, the Ponzi scheme collapses as the operator runs out of money to pay dividends.


Embezzling under $1,000 is a misdemeanor, which also comes with fines that cannot exceed $100,000 and jail time that cannot exceed one year. Anything above that will land you with a felony, which will result in a maximum of $250,000 in fines with a maximum jail time of 10 years. However, these thresholds will vary from state to state, some with harsher penalties than others.:deadrose::deadrose::deadrose:
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All Star
Jul 17, 2012
NO bytch... im just bringing it up because on this site ....yall call every black person scammers
it was just a thread shytting on earn your leisure ..my point it is ok when there is proof aka charges but other then that you just speculating..

any black person on this site posted its negative off rip negative...
call out the others same way.....
This shyt right here pissing me TF off 🤬

@BEN23 I'm talking to you but I'm really talking to every black person that says this stupid motherfukking bullshyt out their dumbass mouth

Our community is resilient, strong, and smart as fukk, regardless of what media and "they" say. We are just a little misguided, but we have been through trauma and pain, so we trust those that look like us.

I can say for a gotdamn FACT that there are thousands, millions of black entrepreneuers out here killing it and they get MAAAAD love, they get support like the world has never seen, and they don't have any accusations of scamming. Some are influential, most just do there business, but there are some that have taken the social media/PR route and STILL crush the buildings, with close to zero (everyone will get some) hate, but ZERO scamming accusations.

But just like those fukk ass preachers in our community, we have some scamming ass lame ass nikkas that prey on our people. To me they are worse than the KKK.

And you're motherfukking ass ignoring ALL THE fukkING FACTS to come on here crying that little boy ass "everyone hates us" shyt.


The people that get called out are really fukking scamming motherfukkers brah. It's not "everyone", but it's probably everyone YOUR ASS LOOKS UP TOO. Thats on YOU, not the community. fukk we look like watching black people with no voice get scammed and laughed at, like wtf brah???

Do you read? Do you pay attention? WTF is speculation about paperwork, legalities, proof that this nikka took the funds and paid himself and bought his wife and himself millions of dollars of shyt and lost 10.3 million dollars that he claimed he was investing for black people???

Why are you complaining that people are mad that EYL targets the black community with financial wealth help but promotes people in their circle (that they make money from) that push scams, even shyt that would get you locked up (bank fraud) etc?? And they keep doing it over and over.

EYL and Jay your hero our something?

This shyt pisses me off because I know a lot of these nikkas, so Im not just talking. I use this board to play around and talk shyt, but Im from that side so if you wanna read up on the Pinky Coles and the Enique Jones and the Marquies Brown-Lees etc, they are just a small percentage of the cool black entrepreneurs sitting on millions but not scamming anyone, big ass following etc - and they don't ask you to pay them for mentorship and coaching and any of that bullshyt.

Grow your fukking mind and stop trying to get black people hurt


All Star
Jul 17, 2012
So here, I'll start with this one. Here's a "play" I learned about just yesterday from some guys in the know:

EYL and a few of them Circle CEO boys don't really make the bread off they courses.

They getting the the 6-figures, but what they are doing behind the scenes is taking that money and flipping it into a ponzi-scheme thing with some white dudes.

Breh I was talking too said he lost 6-figures because Big Business put him onto it a few years ago (before he himself just got outed as a super duper scammer) but since hes connected he found the source (Big Biz went dark on him) and they paid him back easy.

He was telling me on one hand, its a ponzi scheme and them boys seeing M's. He was like if it never falls apart, they will be wealthy in like 10 years.

But on the other hand he said he just doesnt want to see the day it falls apart, because that whole network of people are gonna be in big trouble.

Also, someone recorded a zoom where a chinese man was saying how he uses Boyce Watkins to be the "black voice" to sell the dreams for his shyt, (Boyce legitamized Jay Morrisons fund)

No Homo

May 14, 2012
Jigga with the Roley and the Vest
Do yall give grant cardone the same energy:comeon:

I said that years back Jay was trying to do what Cardone and other syndicates do...BUT Cardone actually has acquired property and people actually have gotten returns...hes TBD at this point..

Jay pretty much ran off with the bag and the receipts from his past and currently aint adding up.


I trained Sheng Long and Shonuff
May 2, 2012
y’all gotta check that running chat on the video. They in yo ass bruh. Had you stuttering and talking fast af. Why you got bruh sitting there for 3 and a half ours, just to nod his head to the shyt you trying to stick on the wall :snoop:
My man said the fund only has 500k left and they need to raise more money :mjpls:

He then said the fund has enough money to develop the 30+ acres even though it's almost bankrupt :mjpls:

He also said he owns the house and property but the fund has "building rights" :mjpls:

Lastly he said the fund currently only owns 4 property's with that 15m raised :mjpls:

King Karim

All Star
Jun 14, 2012
My man said the fund only has 500k left and they need to raise more money :mjpls:

He then said the fund has enough money to develop the 30+ acres even though it's almost bankrupt :mjpls:

He also said he owns the house and property but the fund has "building rights" :mjpls:

Lastly he said the fund currently only owns 4 property's with that 15m raised :mjpls:
sub 500


Mar 11, 2022
My man said the fund only has 500k left and they need to raise more money :mjpls:

He then said the fund has enough money to develop the 30+ acres even though it's almost bankrupt :mjpls:

He also said he owns the house and property but the fund has "building rights" :mjpls:

Lastly he said the fund currently only owns 4 property's with that 15m raised :mjpls:
4 properties 15mil raised?


He got the right ones because a lot of bad shyt is done to ppl who have lost way less than that


Mar 11, 2022

Shout out to all Kings and Queens, thank you for your support and prayers

My man said the fund only has 500k left and they need to raise more money :mjpls:

He then said the fund has enough money to develop the 30+ acres even though it's almost bankrupt :mjpls:

He also said he owns the house and property but the fund has "building rights" :mjpls:

Lastly he said the fund currently only owns 4 property's with that 15m raised :mjpls:

This is a Gotdamn joke and he took advantage of the uneducated.

I weep for my people.

A few comments from the comment section:

@errickdevan43731 day ago
From about 1:30:00-1:45:00ish, that’s when real questions and common sense show up.

@derekhenderson90022 days ago
Jay saying he owns the land but he’s doing a favor by giving the fund develop rights in perpetuity. But, what he’s leaving out is the fund is on the verge of bankruptcy, which he knows better than anyone, so that’s not a favor, that’s him knowing the MORRISONS will end up with all the development rights before it’s all said and done. Yay, the fund got $25k though 😂 👎🏽



@Bizzydizzy672 days ago
Why would he have to do any favors for the fund anyway when they had 11 million… the fund was in position to thrive without the need for favors


@tb29571 day ago
So if it goes bankrupt.. do they liquidate?? Or will he sell the other assets to himself again?


@AaronApprovesLoans1 day ago
The fund bought the land - jay then refinanced the land - now if he used his manager fees as income to qualify for the loan - from investors - that’s not illegal but that’s the last purchase that needs to be made and I think that’s what the brother from ny was attempting to say - it’s new early this thing gotta survive that’s not what the fund needs right now


@___DJ__1 day ago
$25k is literally nothing (even less when it comes from a related party)! Wouldn't even cover a fraction of their "operating" costs. He's a joke without a punchline.

@Ready4R1 day ago
58:11 Jay says he bought TREF property for himself because the fees are smaller if it's personal.. so TREF no longer the land, this is clearly a scam.

@jessicas.71 day ago
I’ve never seen any business meeting focus more on emotions, etc vs actual business and numbers.


@dcole3022 days ago
This dude has no shame robbing the community.... and trying to do it again by going the church route


@nathanandtaniera35801 day ago (edited)
This guy just doesn’t know real estate. There are hedge funds who are operating with way less money than he had. They are buying 3-4 deals every month and flipping them making well over a million each year in profit. The thing is if he just did things the right way and was generating money people wouldn’t really care what he did with the money as long as they got what was promised to them.


@dcole3021 day ago
I heard that house is in an area that's not even zoned for multi family or commercial property...so the fund would have to get approval for that b4 they could even use the "development in perpetuity rights"... they didn't grill him enough smh
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God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
This is a Gotdamn joke and he took advantage of the uneducated.

I weep for my people.

A few comments from the comment section:

@errickdevan43731 day ago
From about 1:30:00-1:45:00ish, that’s when real questions and common sense show up.

@derekhenderson90022 days ago
Jay saying he owns the land but he’s doing a favor by giving the fund develop rights in perpetuity. But, what he’s leaving out is the fund is on the verge of bankruptcy, which he knows better than anyone, so that’s not a favor, that’s him knowing the MORRISONS will end up with all the development rights before it’s all said and done. Yay, the fund got $25k though 😂 👎🏽



@Bizzydizzy672 days ago
Why would he have to do any favors for the fund anyway when they had 11 million… the fund was in position to thrive without the need for favors


@tb29571 day ago
So if it goes bankrupt.. do they liquidate?? Or will he sell the other assets to himself again?


@AaronApprovesLoans1 day ago
The fund bought the land - jay then refinanced the land - now if he used his manager fees as income to qualify for the loan - from investors - that’s not illegal but that’s the last purchase that needs to be made and I think that’s what the brother from ny was attempting to say - it’s new early this thing gotta survive that’s not what the fund needs right now


@___DJ__1 day ago
$25k is literally nothing (even less when it comes from a related party)! Wouldn't even cover a fraction of their "operating" costs. He's a joke without a punchline.

@Ready4R1 day ago
58:11 Jay says he bought TREF property for himself because the fees are smaller if it's personal.. so TREF no longer the land, this is clearly a scam.

@jessicas.71 day ago
I’ve never seen any business meeting focus more on emotions, etc vs actual business and numbers.


@dcole3022 days ago
This dude has no shame robbing the community.... and trying to do it again by going the church route


@nathanandtaniera35801 day ago (edited)
This guy just doesn’t know real estate. There are hedge funds who are operating with way less money than he had. They are buying 3-4 deals every month and flipping them making well over a million each year in profit. The thing is if he just did things the right way and was generating money people wouldn’t really care what he did with the money as long as they got what was promised to them.


@dcole3021 day ago
I heard that house is in an area that's not even zoned for multi family or commercial property...so the fund would have to get approval for that b4 they could even use the "development in perpetuity rights"... they didn't grill him enough smh