I'm not sure I haven't checkI haven't checked the site but has a date for the BOSJ Tourney been announced or scheduled?
I'm not sure I haven't checkI haven't checked the site but has a date for the BOSJ Tourney been announced or scheduled?
Takuya Nomura vs Yu Iizuka - GLEAT 7/22/21
This is UWF rules and it's basically 15 minutes of two dudes doing mat wrestling and striking with practically no rest. I lacked some excitement, the match never really built to an ending but considering the style they were working, I was compelled the whole match and the 15 minutes flew by. Some very hard fought transitions and some really good strikes. Loved how Iizuka lacked in the striking department and Young Gawd never oversold something that didn't warrant legit selling.
Takuya Nomura vs Rocky Kawamura - Hard Hit 3/25/17
I remember reading about this match but never actually watching it, not even sure if it was available online. But Hard It just uploaded it on their youtube so I immediately clicked to check Young Gawd from the year he made the leaphaving a crowd really helps as the first few minutes are these two just studying each other and any glimpse of a hit got a reaction. Once they get going it turns into a good shoot style match, I almost forgot that Nomura's slaps have been his calling card since day one
Interested in what someone like @krackdagawd would think about these type of matches.
Nomura been next up since Takeshyta was next upNomura lost today![]()
Abe is Nakanoue's next challenger.
Big Japan's booking is slower than mid 00's NOAH![]()
Nomura been next up since Takeshyta was next up![]()
I do think they're stalling until crowds come back. The pop when he wins is worth waiting for imo. Wrestling is in limbo without an audience. No sense wasting anything special.At least DDT went all in with Takeshyta pretty quickly. Dude had a reign at 21 and his first Ace run at 23
Young Gawd getting accolades all over the place and he can't even get the title from his tiny ass promotion?
I get Daichi being favored by booking because of his last name but there's been at least 2 windows to pull the trigger on Takuya (this being one of them) and they keep waiting.
It's not like it makes any difference whatsoever on business but it would mean more big singles matches from himI hope he gets it as soon as crowds are back in full.
Watch them give the belt to Aoki first![]()
I haven't checked the site but has a date for the BOSJ Tourney been announced or scheduled?
Nomura lost today![]()
Abe is Nakanoue's next challenger.
Big Japan's booking is slower than mid 00's NOAH![]()
Are astronauts still the tag champs?
I'll be out of Stong BJ loop for a minute.
He really loves fukking KENTA upHold upgot involved in a match today?Shibata
Forbidden Door bringing everyone back![]()