Kushida is a name has been talked about for weeks and we’ve been hearing more and more about it. Kushida is the current IWGP jr. champion and faces Taiji Ishimori at the Tokyo Dome. He’s under contract to New Japan until the end of January so we shouldn’t be hearing his name, but WWE has been more forward about trying to get people and not caring about contracts. Basically the feeling is that nobody with the possible exception of Sinclair, and MLW, would take any action against them, and for NJPW, it’s a difficult process based in Japan, but that’s not saying what NJPW would or wouldn’t do. Kushida is hardly the only NJPW person WWE is looking at getting right now for all the obvious reasons. This isn’t to say this is a done deal, just a name WWE is earmarking but enough that unlike other New Japan guys who they are after, this is one where the confidence level is at the point where it’s being talked about more prominently, at least one idea has been talked about which would involve him at NXT, as opposed to the obvious guys they want but probably aren’t in the end going to get