Honga Ciganesta
Japanese Keyhole Porn Don
Alright brehs. I'm only a casual japanese wrestling fan but i'm ready to get deeper in the game. Show me the way
I'd recommend checking the Shibata/Ishii match a couple of posts up, I think pretty much any wrestling fan can enjoy it. Really only have to know that Shibata was an MMA fighter for a few years and came nack to kick people in NJPW and Ishii is the lovabale underdog who fans love and who never wins. But it's the G1 so anything can happen

Apart from that I'd say try out a match from some of the big names, 90's wise you have Misawa, any match with Kawada will be great with 6/3/94 being their best and maybe THE best match ever, Hashimoto from NJPW, maybe his match against Takada would be a good start:
That crowd

Any KENTA match shouldbe enjoyable: this one is worth five minutes:
Beyond that if you enjoy any match, try checking out other matches with the same wrestler, soon you won't be able to stop

Hope that helped, I could go on all day here