Man when that motherfukkerpopped out the back of her head. And they showed that 90’s footage of him and his fukking claws attached to her back
I need to see the meeting they had when they were reading the script for some of these scenes haha
This movie was pure fukkery. I can see why it’s so divisive. You either get the tone or you don’t but what I respect about the film is they kept the tone consistent throughout
what I’m trying to figure out is
was he psychic? Did he have enhanced powers? How did he do the separate phone calls to the detectives while he was still attached to her body? It was that all in her head? There were some inconsistencies as far as how the whole thing worked
That entire sequence with the cop was so fukking Stupid lol
Gabriel actually has a close-call fight with the cop earlier in the movie, but then turns into John Wick in the last 15 minutes.
this was just an updated version of
i denno if i was supposed to be laughing at certain scenes (i think i was the only one laughing in my theater..)
like when the "twist" is finally revealed...the reveal was comical...but that prison fight was
or at the end when Gabe is pushed back in and Maddie's head unsplits...i chuckled pretty loudly
or when reginia exclaims imaginary friend then the music that
I think if I was expecting camp I would've liked this better, I wasn't expecting it to be really scary, but fukk the acting was sooo bad.It was like Craven, Raimi, and then Argento rolled into one. Probably would’ve got more movies like this even earlier had Dead Silence turned out successful.
Ever since then it feels like Wan has tried to keep this side of him hidden from the mainstream audience.