This movie was really great.
I can't believe people are complaining about the ending, it was great. If you notice throughout the movie he literally takes what he wants. It starts with the wristwatch, but it progresses into more things as time goes on. I felt like this movie was a nod to corporate culture, he literally takes out the competition, makes unsavory business deals, backstabbing colleagues etc. Just being grimy to get ahead.
Of course there was satire, that shot of him with Renee with his dead friend in the background, and Renee basically appeasing him and getting borderline turned on. Maybe she too was turned on by all this fukkery.
When he was leaving the police station, the way it was shot, did that remind anyone of Usual Suspects, when Kevin Spacey was leaving the police station at the end of the movie? It did for me.
I don't think Jake is going to win an Oscar for this role though, even though he did a good job.
first thing I thought of; thought someone was coming to pick him up