@Allen Poe needs to hit TSC with the exclusive when it happensshe's where she should be, in the big time with the bright lights.
avoided the NXT grind, being fine and having a look that got her noticed in spite of where she was working, and got out of there the first time WWE came back to get her.
she won.
Ricky's most likely next.
Danielson sucks in AEW
She's not going to spend years there but she's definitely going to do some time in NXT.she's where she should be, in the big time with the bright lights.
avoided the NXT grind, being fine and having a look that got her noticed in spite of where she was working, and got out of there the first time WWE came back to get her.
she won.
Ricky's most likely next.
I think half of that list winds up in the Dub and half in the E…I think Grace and Perazzo will be Dub bound and Camille and Guila wind up in the E…And it gets even more convoluted Camille is done with NWA, Grace's contract is up with IMPACT, same with Deonna Perazzo, and let's not forget Guila from Stardom who is turning heads right now and considered to be IT in women's wrestling. All of which WWE has extremely high interest in.
AEW lost.
Snowman gonna regret this one way more than people realize, she’s gonna be a STAR.
Judgement Day over Bryan’s AEW run>>>Having the best matches of the year or months of judgment day beat downs? The competition is so tough
I guess in a way I get it, because Cole saw he had the rocket ready for him in the E….but his lady was never gonna get that treatment not when you got Charlotte doing the same type character better…He chose Britt fukkin Baker over Jade
Hell no, Grace going to the E, after the situation with her husband that led him to go to IMPACT, can't see it.I think half of that list winds up in the Dub and half in the E…I think Grace and Perazzo will be Dub bound and Camille and Guila wind up in the E…