Youre not wrong btw. Theres a argument to be had about how problematic rap has crossed over into pop culture and how these brands now have to cozy up to what is straight up DEGENERATE music to stay relevant.
When you think about it, its utterly shameful how "smoking on that pack" was literally used on the air by a tenured NBA broadcaster as slang for beating an opponent as
@ISO said . But thats where we are now as a society.
WIth that said, lets be clear here, the number of stories and incidents (many of which are unverified, mind you) cannot be viewed as one offs. IMO theres a clear pattern here that Morant, for whatever reason, wants to cultivate a image that "hes bout that life". We all should know what that means but for those who dont let me clarify, it means he and his boys will not hesitate to use gun violence to murder you during a dispute.
Do you think thats an image the NBA wants their stars associated with them?