The first thing the Pharisees asked John is are u the christ, John didn't deny but confessed that he wasn't the he was very specific in letting the Pharisees know that he wasn't the christ.
You are contradicting yourself here. First you say he didn't confess, then you say he confessed. Which one was it?
From what you described in Deuteronomy Moses says "that" prophet is why would the Pharisees ask if he was Jesus if he already confessed that he wasn't??
Your comprehension is a bit off bro. How could Moses say that that Prophet was Jesus when he didn't know Jesus? The scriptures that I presented to you shows that Jesus
confirmed that he was the prophet to which Moses spoke of hundreds of years before.
so why would the Pharisees ask if he was Jesus if he already confessed that he wasn't??
I'm guessing your question is why did the Pharisees ask John the question of whether or not he was the Messiah and then whether or not he was the Prophet as if the Prophet and Messiah were two different people? And your question is, if I'm stating that Jesus was the Messiah, and Jesus was the Prophet, why would they ask the same question twice? Is that correct?
The prophet was actually Jesus, but the Jews were questioning John about whether he was the prophet which Moses had foretold.
Many associated the prophet Moses foretold with the Messiah and they understood that Daniel's prophecy of 70 weeks indicated that the time for the
Messiah to arrive was near.
Luke 3:15 indicated this by saying that the people were in expectation of the coming of the Messiah (Christ), and some thought John the Baptist might be him.
Luke 3:15
Now the people were in expectation and all of them were reasoning in their hearts about John, “May he perhaps be the Christ?”
However, there was confusion among the Jews about the prophecies concerning the Messiah. Many people believed
there were two different Messiahs coming. In fact, John himself sent some of his disciples to Jesus to ask him if he was the coming one or if they should expect another.
Luke 7:19
So John summoned two of his disciples and sent them to the Lord to ask:
“Are you the Coming One, or are we to expect a different one?”
Part of the reason for the misunderstanding came from the fact that the Hebrew Scriptures showed the Messiah coming in
two different roles. One portrayed him as
“a humble man, riding upon an ass,” the other a powerful warrior
“coming with the clouds of the heavens” with fire in his eyes and a sword in his mouth (see the Word of God scripture from Revelations I posted previously).
The Jews disagreed about whether these prophecies were about two different Messiahs or if they applied to just one and the other a Prophet. They failed to understand that the prophecies related to two distinct appearances of the Messiah, first when he came as a humble man and then a second coming as a powerful, King of Kings, at Armageddon.
There was no prophet foretold to come after Jesus, except some references to both false prophets and a symbolic wild beast called the false prophet in Revelation.
And to my other point about Muhammad and the chronology of how it makes sense that he is the comforter....
The word was with God in the beginning....the word is something that cannot be seen...
You're playing peekaboo with the scriptures. The Word was indeed with God, you just forgot about the other two parts, specifically, where it said that the
Word was God in the same breath.
What do you mean that the word is something that cannot be seen? What scriptures do you have to support this? Especially considering it say the Word was
made flesh and dwelled among people? Meaning, people saw the Word in the flesh.
The Word =/= the Comforter
.the Qur'an is a refresher course for Judaism and makes clear what is confusing and contradictory about the old and new Testament....
It that why it makes the claim that the Holy Trinity is the Father, Son, and Mary? I mean, the Holy Trinity is FOUNDATIONAL to Christianity. If you got something so basic wrong, what else could you have possibly gotten wrong???
Can you unpack this for me, too?
Also Jesus says that his father's house has many mansions...meaning that there are different beliefs amongst us but as long as you know that my father is God there is a mansion for you...and he said I must go to prepare a place for you.
Mansions in Heaven are neither here nor there to the discussion.
Also the meaning of Islam is to submit to God's will....
We know 2 things about the beginning...the word was with God and god created the heaven and the earth...
It was God's will that the heaven and the earth were created...which means that the heaven and the earth had to submit to God's will...submission to God's will is what makes a Muslim...
So in turn the heaven the earth and the word are the first Muslims because they submitted to God's will...
I believe I have shown how the word has manifested and made itself seen through the comforter(Muhammad) as Jesus said would happen
Yes, this is what scripture says the Word.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning. Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made.
It is
the Word that made the Heavens and Earth
as nothing was made that has been made without him. If you are not submitting to Christ (The Word) through whom all things were made, then who are you submitting to?