cacs can't help but reveal themselves in threads like these 

you think YOURE gonna pay 60-70% of your income ? like i said straw man all day
Rich people have many ways to dodge taxes, but you forget there is also a nuclear option. Any person making 10 million or more a year can literally throw a dart at a world map, pick up and move without any hassle. So then what? Do we make it illegal for them to leave?
She's a democratic socialist, look us up if you have the timeWhat is Democratic Socialism? - Democratic Socialists of America (DSA)
Silent revolution
If you are am American citizen you still have to pay income tax regardless of where you live. The only way out is to forfeit your citizenship it’s not like people will not try to make more money and if you forfeit your citizenship you are subject to tariffs if you try to make US money.
Why was he banned?she's a member of the DSA. that's one of their platforms
speak for yourselfAOC is AADOS approved
some of Africa's greatest revolutionaries were socialist, as were many of the Black ones here, including the Panthers. And while Malcolm wasnt explicitly socialist he was very much anti capitalistThis thread is sad. Black people been let down so many times by government intervention, so called "welfare", and other big government policies, and now they got us out here championing socialism.
Taxing the rich to hell sounds good until you realize that anyone making over 10 million a year can just pick up and move anywhere in the country. And when they leave who do you think is on the hook for all those promises?
The ideas of socialism (Democratic or otherwise) hinges on the notion that people dont mind helping others. That works excellently in small, racially homogeneous countries. In the USA, nah. If you said we want free everything for women and children, yea that's cool. But people are going to have a real problem paying 50 to 60% of their income to support grown able bodied men. Especially men of other races. I know this is the coli and yall think all white men are rich, evil, masterminds, but your blood will boil when you find out you're busting your ass and paying high ass taxes while cletus just hit free rehab for the 7th time for his meth addiction and hasn't worked in 10 years.
But I'll leave ya'll to the circle jerk tho.
socialism has had problems working properly world wide because the capitalist west(the us mainly) tried to sabotage it in every country that tried to implement it.Lol but the whole basis of your point is that they are going to be the ones to pay for these programs. So if they leave then what? The top 1% pay more in raw tax dollars than the bottom 90% combined. So then what, we confiscate wealth out the door like Nazi Germany?
What happens when vdot workers and electrical workers and other dangerous professions decide they want one of those cushy green new deal jobs? Somebody has to do the dirty work. They don't risk their lives everyday because they care about us. They do it for the money. So who does those jobs? Oh, forced labor camps.
And that's why socialism doesn't work. It turns into the government playing wack a mole with your personal freedoms to fulfill outlandish promises.
I'm not even advocating for the system we have now. Its corrupt to the core. But so is socialism. Just trading corporate overlords for ideological overlords.
Somebody's gonna have to pay it when the top 1% flees the country. As long as they go to a NAFTA country they can continue to make money off the United states.
And lol at feeling like it's ok to take 60% of someone else's money when you wouldn't do the same. I'm supposed to support it because it's not happening to me? Yall are starting to lose your moral compass.
You being a real dumbass nikka in this thread![]()
she's extremely likeable, has a nice voice and looks good in glasses.
she's also, living rent free in these looneys heads.
look at the female newscaster at the end...what sort of terrible acting was that ??
This is a picture of the French Revolution, people rebelling against an autocracy. Socialism wasnt conceived as an economic system until 40 years later. You have no idea what you're babbling about.
Im sorry man but your facts are so far off. The media didn't want her they virtually ignored her campaign people are still just discovering that she existed although I have known for awhile since I know about the justice dems. As for the cost it has already been proven to be cheaper than what we have currently. But people like you are still resistant for some odd reason.Sometimes people gotta ruin the circle jerk. You dont think it's a reason AOC getting all this coverage? You tell me how a nation this far in debt can afford to pay for free healthcare and education for all and switch every American to electric powered vehicles when the amount of the tax increase she's proposing wouldn't even cover the new green deal alone. And that's IF rich people just submit to the tax increases.
Some people can't think critically and realize when someone is blowing smoke up their ass. Brehs actually sound like trump supporters.
AOC: Free healthcare and education for all@
Regular People:
AOC: And we're going to get the country completely green in 12 years!
Regular People:
AOC: And rich people are going to pay for it!
Regular People:
Rich People:![]()
Just as the Republicans are becoming more right wing, Democrats should be proposing more radical ideas. It's good to see people like her changing the talking points of the party and its policy positions. Too many Democrats are the slaves of wealthy donors though. Theyll drag their feet on stuff like tax reform and Medicare because some of their biggest donors are silicon valley billionaires and health insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
The thing I like about people like her is she says "fukk all that" and does things her way. If things are going to change, more drastic solutions are needed.