It's sometimes hard to figure out which race some people are mixed with


Just Wild
Jun 16, 2013
West Virginia
Just like you say "People won't talk to you if you say you're just black. Simple as that", I say good, fukk them losers. You say that like that is a bad thing, and those people are worthy of my attention. Maybe some cornball self hating black people don't like that but, I know who I am, and who others are also, so that statement is a joke. I see all people of different groups, and feel no type of superiority over me from them. Some are shocked when I don't give a fukk because a lot of black/latin people "change" when they get around others, specifically white people, while I'm the same person, and out think their dumb asses, then they don't know how to take me. Some like it, but, the ones who think like your statement act like they don't see me, and just smile or give the cold shoulder. They love blacks who act like ******s, and live up to every damn stereotype to make them feel good or the type who dis every thing black. When I come along they THINK they will get the stereotype of NYC ****** but, that shyt stops when it's time to get deep and they can't hang.

What I don't get is why people care? ALL people ain't shyt to me, so I could care less what you are "mixed" with or if you're "pure". The people who do care, don't mean shyt to me either. I think we give people like that too much attention. fukk 'em, and the mother they came from. Unless you are truly mixed meaning you grew up with both cultures, and I ask, I don't give a fukk. If you tell me, that shows me you are weak, and think losers are winners. What I mean by that is most people don't do anything special, and the people who are in power got that position by being violent, not using their brain in positive ways, or being good people, and winning the race in honest ways, so telling me your mixed or some other shyt is corny, and weak. Tell me what you've done, and who you are.

All my blacks, and latins, be who you are, get that knowledge, money, and Watch how these clowns hate on the low but can't do shyt because you are beating them at their own game. fukk THEM NARCISSISTIC bytchES. To the cool whites, and other groups, don't take the disses towards you.

inspirational words breh :wow:

Chelsea Bridge

Aug 3, 2012
If this child grew up and called himself mixed, how many of you would call him a liar?


Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
Just seems we cant win...not when you have idiots dissing you for not wanting to be black, but than also diss you for being too dark.

I mean you have to understand the damage thats being done to us, from inside and out.

Muthafukkas wont be happy until people of my complexion are extincted and its only color friendly blacks walking around.


May 20, 2012
Just seems we cant win...not when you have idiots dissing you for not wanting to be black, but than also diss you for being too dark.

I mean you have to understand the damage thats being done to us, from inside and out.

Muthafukkas wont be happy until people of my complexion are extincted and its only color friendly blacks walking around.
It won't stop there, then it will be something wrong with having kinky hair, then it will be about the nose, then about the cheek bones, then the way we speak, then the culture,etc. People who have a need to control, will only be happy when they see everyone look, and act like them. Skin is just something they easily talk about but, it's really deeper then that. They want YOU to be THEM.

Don't let people get you down for being dark. When I see someone with dark skin the first thing I think is they can survive the elements easily because they are blessed with good skin, and they don't have to work hard on being healthy if they live properly. I just hate when they don't take care of it, and eat like white people who have oil go to their hair while darker skinned people need oil to go to their skin. Eating a lot of meat, and simple carbohydrates will not let your skin be the best it can be. Darker people , including regular brown skin people, need to eat more nuts/seeds, as those foods provide the right type of fat/protein that the skin will use to give a beautiful glow, and keep it healthy. I love chicks who have dark skin, and it is naturally shiny. It reminds me of chocolate.

Brown Ant

Jul 31, 2012
a colony near you
It won't stop there, then it will be something wrong with having kinky hair, then it will be about the nose, then about the cheek bones, then the way we speak, then the culture,etc. People who have a need to control, will only be happy when they see everyone look, and act like them. Skin is just something they easily talk about but, it's really deeper then that. They want YOU to be THEM.

Don't let people get you down for being dark. When I see someone with dark skin the first thing I think is they can survive the elements easily because they are blessed with good skin, and they don't have to work hard on being healthy if they live properly. I just hate when they don't take care of it, and eat like white people who have oil go to their hair while darker skinned people need oil to go to their skin. Eating a lot of meat, and simple carbohydrates will not let your skin be the best it can be. Darker people , including regular brown skin people, need to eat more nuts/seeds, as those foods provide the right type of fat/protein that the skin will use to give a beautiful glow, and keep it healthy. I love chicks who have dark skin, and it is naturally shiny. It reminds me of chocolate.

False. Stop stereotyping, there are negative and positive aspects of both dark and light skin.


May 20, 2012
False. Stop stereotyping, there are negative and positive aspects of both dark and light skin.
Please don't give the vitamin d claim, that is bullshyt. If you want we can go there though. Give me the negatives.


Chakra Daddy
May 1, 2012
Please don't give the vitamin d claim, that is bullshyt. If you want we can go their though. Give me the negatives.
:dead: this is the second thread today that dude has tried to bring up this vitamin d shyt as if anyone gave a fukk... Even if by chance that is true... I would take that over higher rates of akin cancer ANY DAY...

*Walks outside and forgets the spf15... Still doesn't get burned*


Brown Ant

Jul 31, 2012
a colony near you
Please don't give the vitamin d claim, that is bullshyt. If you want we can go their though. Give me the negatives.

Black skin are more harmed by skin infections like pimples, rashes, and scratches. Takes longer to heal on dark skin than light skin. Also dark skin has a tendency to become dry and crusty far more than light skin. Not to mention chemicals attach to melanin so that means the darker the skin the easier it is to get hooked up drugs like crack/cocaine/pcp etc. Takes longer to absorb vitamin D because the melanin blocks out the UV rays longer than light skin. Far longer in those with very dark skin. So the chemical balance in the body is off if those who are dark skin do not bath in the sunlight for a proper amount of time. Those with dark skin tend to be more depressed in the winter time for this matter. Far more of a chance of gaining keloids. Of course these are just the negatives, positives are that darker skin tends to be more tough/thick and the fact that it doesn't damage from the sun because it's tailor made for long hours in the sunlight. Don't cry over this though, not saying dark or light skin is superior/inferior. Facts are facts though. Light skin needs to be blemish free or it will look worse than those with black skin because it shows up more visibly on light skin. Along with the fact that some people with light skin enjoy being outdoors just as much as those with dark skin but risk becoming burnt/damaged skin [in the sense of looking more elderly etc.]. Good thing about those with light skin is that skin cancer is the easiest cancer to rid of, and most don't get it, just the few unlucky ones who have poor diet and other lifestyle habits that raise the chance of cancer overall in the body. I can tell a lot of you are insecure because you're attacking me for listing these properties, I was asked a question so I answered it, don't know why the guy above me is shedding a tear over this while trying to fake us out that he isn't bothered :russ:


May 20, 2012
:dead: this is the second thread today that dude has tried to bring up this vitamin d shyt as if anyone gave a fukk... Even if by chance that is true... I would take that over higher rates of akin cancer ANY DAY...

*Walks outside and forgets the spf15... Still doesn't get burned*

Some of us do get sunburn but, those people usually don't eat like they should so their skin isn't repairing like it should. I state that jsut in case someone says, "I know a black person who got sunburned", like it's normal for all people to get sunburn.

Just like bruddas

Couple shooters in the cut.
May 1, 2012
It won't stop there, then it will be something wrong with having kinky hair, then it will be about the nose, then about the cheek bones, then the way we speak, then the culture,etc. People who have a need to control, will only be happy when they see everyone look, and act like them. Skin is just something they easily talk about but, it's really deeper then that. They want YOU to be THEM.

Don't let people get you down for being dark. When I see someone with dark skin the first thing I think is they can survive the elements easily because they are blessed with good skin, and they don't have to work hard on being healthy if they live properly. I just hate when they don't take care of it, and eat like white people who have oil go to their hair while darker skinned people need oil to go to their skin. Eating a lot of meat, and simple carbohydrates will not let your skin be the best it can be. Darker people , including regular brown skin people, need to eat more nuts/seeds, as those foods provide the right type of fat/protein that the skin will use to give a beautiful glow, and keep it healthy. I love chicks who have dark skin, and it is naturally shiny. It reminds me of chocolate.

nothing can get me down about my skin, its just very hurtful to see other black people rip into each other about skin color, darkies, piss color, do do brown, such negative names for beautiful skin and hey just dont see it as a gift. I mean it took a fukking oprah special tell us about the damage we are doing to each other. Bad enough society views almost anything that dark to be bad, but it just hurts more when other black folks join into the hate.

Now in away I can see why black folks would rather be mixed or pretend to be. The amount of hate we get from each other would make the strongest person jump ship


African American Queen
Jul 16, 2013
Locker room
Ive actually seen people who don't look mix that much until I see the rest of their family and they look like them just a little darker or lighter. I also have cousins that look completely white but when you see there mom it proves there not.... U never know. Biology is really interesting you would be surprised what can naturally occur.


May 20, 2012
:dead: this is the second thread today that dude has tried to bring up this vitamin d shyt as if anyone gave a fukk... Even if by chance that is true... I would take that over higher rates of akin cancer ANY DAY...

*Walks outside and forgets the spf15... Still doesn't get burned*

Some of us do get sunburn but, those people usually don't eat like they should so their skin isn't repairing like it should. I state that jsut in case someone says, "I know a black perosn who got sunburned", like it's normal for all
Black skin are more harmed by skin infections like pimples, rashes, and scratches. Takes longer to heal on dark skin than light skin. Also dark skin has a tendency to become dry and crusty far more than light skin. Not to mention chemicals attach to melanin so that means the darker the skin the easier it is to get hooked up drugs like crack/cocaine/pcp etc. Takes longer to absorb vitamin D because the melanin blocks out the UV rays longer than light skin. Far longer in those with very dark skin. So the chemical balance in the body is off if those who are dark skin do not bath in the sunlight for a proper amount of time. Those with dark skin tend to be more depressed in the winter time for this matter. Far more of a chance of gaining keloids. Of course these are just the negatives, positives are that darker skin tends to be more tough/thick and the fact that it doesn't damage from the sun because it's tailor made for long hours in the sunlight.
I see you believed the bullshyt out there.

1-NO, black people who eat too much simple carbs, like sugar, get issues with pimples, rashes, scratches. I seen people with dark skin who have those issues skin clear right up when they stop eating the bullshyt. Lighter people's skin have a lower metabolic rate then darker people so it doesn't get as much proplems BUT, when it does it can get deadly. This is why skin cancer from the sun is no joke for lighter people.

2-Again it becomes dry because blacks tend to not eat like we should. I explained in my previous post.

3-That is some bullshyt. You are referring to thc, which is chemically structured like mealnin. This makes sense since thc acts as a substance that protects the plant form sunburn, getting cold, getting dry, and letting the plant know what is going on in it's environment. Melanin helps do the same thing in humans. You just mixed in the other drugs but they all work differently. Why would you mix those drugs with the claim of cannabis is very ignorant.

4-Your skin makes vitamin D not necessarily absorb it. It takes "longer" because melanin aborbs uvb rays, and slowly release it into the system, while lighter skin doesn't, and the uvb rays get deeper into the skin which is why they get sunburned. The fact that that the melanin absorbs the uvb is a good thing because this means it will be used even when you aren't in the sun which means it will be constantly used within a 24 hour peroid. When you are light, you need to be in the sun, and even though you make a lot of vitamin d, most of it will go to your fat tissue. This fact is why black women have the highest bone density of ALL races. This is also why when the metabolites were measured in blacks, they had the same amount that whites had, if not a little more. Metabolites are a better way to measure use of vitamin d, as it means the body actually used the vitamin d, and not just what is in the blood. This is unless they wear make up all day, live where they are tall buildings that block the sun, and never expose their skin to the sun daily.

5-Again, this deals with how the black people live. If they live, and eat garbage, it will effect them with the things you mentioned. Keloids come from inflammation that hasn't been tamed, and this comes from constantly eating foods that get your body going like sugars, and other carbohydrates. We need more good fats, then we are eating now.

Everything I named is on google. You can find them yourself. Every time I post articles on here, most pay it no mind so I'm not wasting my time. Google "vitamin d metabolites, and blacks". It will be hard to find so you may have to refine the wording but it's there.

EDIT: Here is something that may help you out:
Vitamin D Levels Have Different Effects On Atherosclerosis in Blacks and Whites, Study Finds

"Blacks generally have lower vitamin D levels than whites, partly because their darker skin pigmentation limits the amount of the vitamin produced by sunlight. Blacks also consume fewer dairy products and ingest less dietary calcium than whites, said Freedman, an affiliate of the Maya Angelou Center for Health Equity, part of the School of Medicine. Despite these lower vitamin D levels and dietary calcium ingestion, blacks naturally experience lower rates of osteoporosis and have far less calcium in their arteries. Studies further reveal that black patients with diabetes have half the rate of heart attack as whites, when provided equal access to health care. This shows that lower levels of calcified atherosclerotic plaque in blacks are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. However, blacks in the general community have higher rates of heart attack than whites, potentially due to unequal access to medical care, Freedman said."
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May 20, 2012
I'm waiting on an answer to this question...I really want to know.
If he said it to me, the first thing I would ask is with what?. If he told me his grandmother/grandfather is white, I would tell him to kill that noise!


Jul 15, 2012
If he said it to me, the first thing I would ask is with what?. If he told me his grandmother/grandfather is white, I would tell him to kill that noise!

His mother is Kimora Lee Simmons. Would he be lying simply because he doesn't have the mixed phenotype?