lol.don't worry ridley scott is fukking up the legacy he build.
lol.don't worry ridley scott is fukking up the legacy he build.
For X-men, I would make it a Netflix/Cable TV series. They could explain that Professor X has been using his psychic abilities to hide the world's knowledge of mutants until Anti-mutant organizations find ways to work around his powers, exposing mutants world-wide.
Season 1: The OG X-men as teenagers. Storm, Wolverine, Colossus and Nightcrawler join in the season finale.
Season 2: The Claremont/Byrne era, the Phoenix/Dark Phoenix sagas and Days of Future Past. (Jean doesn't die, and Kitty Pryde travels back for DoFP.)
Season 3: God Loves Man Kills, the New Mutants, The Brood Saga, Wolverine in Japan, Storm losing her powers, and the Trial of Magneto
Season 4: Cyclops vs Storm, Mutant Massacre, the Austrailan Outback, X-Factor vs Apocalypse, and everyone vs. Sinister at the end. (I would leave Madelyne Pryor out of this continuity entirely, and have Cyclops duel Storm out of his distrust of Magneto instead.)
Season 5: Jubilee and Gambit are introduced. X-tinction Agenda happens, and they fight Magneto one last time (X-men #1-3)
If the show gets popular enough, make a season 6 that is all about Age of Apocalypse.
I've always been to big an X men Fan To Enjoy These Foxmen Movies even the orginal ones I always felt they lacked in the quality characterization department... This Is Probably Gonna happen eventually though, Marvel Gonna Want there Characters Back and there gonna do a MUCH better job then fox has ever done. Imagine how epic civil war would've been with the X men Involved. oohhh or imagine how epic infinity war could be i the X men and FF 4 Were involved.
Just rumors for nowIs this really happening or just rumors?
Just rumors for now
I don't think Fox has much of a choice. You have Infinity Wars coming up and the Marvel juggernaut (no pun intended) murdering it at the box office right now.
Logan, Deadpool and a few good X-Men flicks with no connected universe is pissing fans off. And don't even start with FF. That's not even including the Netflix stuff like Punisher. The wackest MCU flicks (IM3, AOU) still shyt on the worst of the Fox ones (Apocalypse, Origins). It ain't even close.
It's like when Sony saw the writing on the wall with Amazing Spiderman series. Granted Fox has a bit more characters at their disposal but Stan Lee, Donner have all said this needs to happen. Give it a few more months and it's inevitable.
I thought they ACTUALLY had talks.Just rumors for now
I thought they ACTUALLY had talks.
we could just watch the 90s animated series and eat just a good ...
I wouldn't do dark phoenix so soon.. first off its Netflix its 13 episodes per season .... we need jean to develop and show some powers for at least 2 seasons before we go there.. so her progression.. maybe a quick starjammers cameo for the out of space connect...
That shyt is great-No more Mystique shoved down our throats!
-A real Rogue!
-A real FF!
-A real Galactus!
-Real comic costumes!
-Bring in Sliver Surfer!
-No more Magneto/Charles shyt!
-Mutant in the MCU!
I cannot wait!
I'll always have a soft spot for the 90s cartoon since I grew up with it, but in retrospect it shafted too many of the classic OG X-men like Nightcrawler, Colossus, Angel/Archangel, Kitty Pryde, and Iceman. Those characters were involved in so many of the GOAT stories and deserved more screentime than they got. (Unpopular opinion warning) Kitty, Colossus, and Nightcrawler deserved to be regulars on the cartoon far more than characters like Jubilee, Gambit, or Bishop did.