I'm sorry real but you don't provide any social commentary to help black people at all. You cape more for gays then you do black people and you would never save us from king flex by destroying him on his show. I'm sorry but king flex has done more for black people then you ever want to do.The "Honorable" King Flex is an intellectual lightweight and a parasite on the Black community. Any reasonably smart individual could destroy Tariq. He has no credentials. He's just a pickup artist who used to be on a dating coach for white boys on MTV and suddenly decided he was qualified to be a pro-Black social commentator. That woman wasn't even all that smart, yet she had him stuttering and backtracking and reaching for lame ad-hominems because he couldn't confront her points, and he's so insecure that he constantly patrols the internet for the video and has it taken down within hours of it being posted.
That aside, he only cares about making money off of his listeners. He doesn't even respect them- he insults his own fans all the time on his show. If you're caping for him, you have Stockholm Syndrome.
Hidden colors > you entire posting career