So I'm bashing Africans by pointing out that most of these bedwenches out here are not even Black American? African American women are the most loyal group of women, probably on the planet. Despite there not being enough African American men to go around due to the War On Drugs and The Prison Industrial Complex our women stay
fiercely loyal.
Most of these threads being made about a Black Female Celeb supposedly "Bedwenching" with these dudes getting all mad are not even about African American girls. That Rihanna "Swirling" it up with Leo thread from 2 weeks ago, that Mia Love hoe from the Caribbean who defended a Klansmen, Zoe Saldana, This girl Lupita, and "I love old white men" Azalea Banks are all Foreign blacks. I'm just trying to tell dudes ain't no reason to get mad, these women are not our problem. Our Black American Queens Lil Kim, Nicki Minaj, Beyoncé, Gabrielle Union, Kelly Rowland, and Michelle Obama ain't with that swirl shyt, so let these Foreign hoes cook
That being harsh on your women is seen as beta, insecure, pseudo machismo behavior in western society. Being a control freak is the best way to get a girl to cheat or dump you breh

it's the main reason Latinas cheat on their men with Arab, Black, and White men. Women in Western Society just want a man with options who can lay down that dikk on her. All that being up all under her and controlling is just seen as an insecure dude without options to women living in Western Society. It's why White men have their way with Asian women too.
Most of the bedwenches are Foreign blacks that is a FACT. The city with the highest interracial numbers for black women(NYC) is the number one destination for Foreign blacks. You can put 1+1 together to figure that out

I just saw this Jamaican chick with dreadlocks with mixed kids out with her cac husband the other day. 9/10 if you run into a Bedwench she won't be African American. Caribbean and African interracial numbers in Europe and Canada is just flat out disgusting