It’s 2019 and nikkas still out here thinking that Dr Sebi cured Aids, cancer, diabetes and blindness

The Fade

I don’t argue with niqqas on the Internet anymore
Nov 18, 2016
Thank you for you insight. I mean, I'm nobody but I went to an Ivy. At bare minimum, I can read. :pachaha:This nikka acting like he cured polio. :skip:

Don’t argue with him. I know someone in the food industry who thinks he’s a know it all when I was trying to help another friend use fish oil for soreness relief

He kept saying “but the studies!!!!” And was advocating Percocet

I worked manual labor and went to the gym after wards to put 250+ pounds over my head. Fish oil was my night and day saving grace. If I don’t take it early enough I don’t go to the gym because my joints feel the strain. Everyone thought I was a freak on the job because I could never feel the strain or pain of lifting objects bigger than me. I was a living testament of what it did and he was trying to use his degree to tell me shyt. Even though he himself didn’t try it in extremes long term or work manual labor like I did

In short: “muh studies” isn’t the answer for everyone, sometimes just try the shyt yourself

Also don’t argue with nerds because all they care about is arguing and arguing about “muh data” instead of finding out first hand
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
lmao you typed all that shyt for nothing

there is nothing factual scientific about anything posted, nikka got on make up looking like the tin man and you you believe it is real

YOU ARE A fukkING MORON, you and every dumb ass c00n that dapped that dumb ass shyt you posted random ass sources
once again you only search for shyt that supports your dumb ass beliefs, you never look for the opposite facts against what you believe to form a real opinion

THey contradict themselves, they say Silver is not poisonous to humans, then say in the same breathe you can get aygria or whatever bullshyt nobody as ever had it is BULLshyt

They don't want people to know they can treat themselves with simply they make themselves
you can make your own silver water lmao, you're not literally melting silver and drinking it

Silver FAQ - Dartmouth Toxic Metals Superfund Research Program
Trace amounts of silver are in the bodies of all humans and animals. We normally take in between 70 and 88 micrograms of silver a day, half of that amount from our diet. Humans have evolved with efficient methods of dealing with that intake, however. Over 99 percent is readily excreted from the body.


Is Silver Harmful to Humans?
Unlike other metals such as lead and mercury, silver is not toxic to humans and is not known to cause cancer, reproductive or neurological damage, or other chronic adverse effects. Nor has normal day-to-day contact with solid silver coins, spoons or bowls been found to affect human health. This is because solid silver is almost completely biologically inert, and even if ingested, would pass through the human body without being absorbed into tissues.

In very high doses — such as those a factory worker might encounter in an accident — or from prolonged exposure to silver dust or fumes, silver can have some mostly mild effects on health. For example, inhaling silver fumes or dust may irritate mucous membranes or the upper respiratory tract.

Occasionally, sensitive individuals suffer allergic reactions — contact dermatitis or eye irritation — after exposure to powdered silver, silver solutions or dental fillings. Similarly, skin creams containing silver compounds (silver nitrate and silver sulphadiazine) cause local skin discoloration in certain sensitive individuals. Ingesting silver compounds, such as in medicines, can sometimes irritate the stomach.

Prolonged exposure to silver dust or to the silver compounds in medicines or supplements can also result in a permanent blue-gray staining of the eyes, nose, mouth, throat and skin. This blue-gray staining is known medically as “argyria.” The condition can make people look ill, as if they suffering from lack of oxygen. Once a person turns blue from argyria, the skin coloring is unfortunately permanent. Most medical professionals believe argyria is the most serious known health effect of silver on humans. Aside from its permanent cosmetic effect, argyria is not believed to pose any other risk to human health.

I quoted half-a-dozen scientific sources and even multiple pro-silver sites saying the condition is real and you still eat the "conspiracy" hook, line, and sinker. :mjlol:

Think about it - if people were anti-silver, why da fukk would they make up THAT condition (discolors you but doesn't cause long-term health problems) as opposed to anything else. And Stan Jones is still pro-silver even though he's blue - so how does he fit into the conspiracy? It's the most nonsensical "conspiracy" I ever heard of.

And then you negged me cause I came with mad receipts and you still ain't come with anything. :usure:

The only citation you quoted supports my position. :why:

I can't help you man. :snoop:
May 15, 2012
I quoted half-a-dozen scientific sources and even multiple pro-silver sites saying the condition is real and you still eat the "conspiracy" hook, line, and sinker. :mjlol:

Think about it - if people were anti-silver, why da fukk would they make up THAT condition (discolors you but doesn't cause long-term health problems) as opposed to anything else. And Stan Jones is still pro-silver even though he's blue - so how does he fit into the conspiracy? It's the most nonsensical "conspiracy" I ever heard of.

And then you negged me cause I came with mad receipts and you still ain't come with anything. :usure:

The only citation you quoted supports my position. :why:

I can't help you man. :snoop:

Those weren't scientific sources lmao

You had zero receipts, I use silver water, I've been using for 12 years, they are anti silver because it will eliminate an entire industry if people knew the benefits you fukking moron

nobody has ever turned discolored you fukking moron, you literally posted a picture that was an been exposed as fake over a decade ago, shut the fukk up clown, you're a moron, probably tape worms you nasty ass nikka go bathe


Staff member
May 14, 2012
Master Teacher negged you for your post in the thread What kind of AGENT WORKS is this?. With the following comment: right back at see how stupid is this, I'm done with his corny ass site, you run by cacs anyway, lap dog



May 6, 2012
How Not to Die: The Role of Diet in Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing our Top 15 Killers...I'll just leave this here.


Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Those weren't scientific sources lmao
  1. Jingyu Liu, Zhongying Wang, Frances D. Liu, Agnes B. Kane, Robert H. Hurt. Chemical Transformations of Nanosilver in Biological Environments. ACS Nano, 2012; 121017162703002 DOI: 10.1021/nn303449n

I mean, maybe you can deny the multiple doctors and researchers that were quoted, but in what world is that not a scientific source?:dwillhuh:

You had zero receipts, I use silver water, I've been using for 12 years, they are anti silver because it will eliminate an entire industry if people knew the benefits you fukking moron

nobody has ever turned discolored you fukking moron, you literally posted a picture that was an been exposed as fake over a decade ago, shut the fukk up clown, you're a moron, probably tape worms you nasty ass nikka go bathe

Silver has such amazing benefits that it will eliminate an entire industry if people knew....

And you can make your own silver water....

But the powers that be are keeping this all at bay by posting info sites on the web. :mjlol:

Jeez, before they had the internet, I wonder how they even kept doctors in business?

You don't even understand how it works (it kills microbes, it doesn't improve your body's own functioning), and you keep denying numerous receipts that too much turns your skin blue, but we're supposed to believe your personnel all your friends and family and coworkers and neighbors have given up doctors too? Or is the real life testimony not quite so convincing?


Remember, all these people are a "hoax" and have been "debunked" which you can find immediately on "google" (Even though he hasn't providing any links demonstrating said hoax and it's not all at what you get when you google it. :mjlol:)




Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
How Not to Die: The Role of Diet in Preventing, Arresting, and Reversing our Top 15 Killers...I'll just leave this here.

Thanks for raising the caliber of the thread.

I think he overstates his case sometimes, but most of his advice is REALLY good.

The main place I disagree is that I think meat is just fine for your diet in moderation, so long as you are getting healthy meat like hunted meat or carefully grown organic free-range shyt. He's right though that it's better to be a vegan than to eat the beef and pork and processed meats that corporate agriculture is putting out.

And most of what he says about the centrality of diet in fighting disease, the issues in the modern system with numerous contaminants, and the necessity of whole foods is incredibly on target.

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Only 2 things are possible here

Dr. Sebi was right... Cured everything... And was a fukking piece of shyt, who let BILLIONS of people die, because he chose not to share the info unless you bought his products... Also didn't leave the plans with his family... Also didn't leave the research with not ONE single black doctor or facility in the WORLD....... How many people will suffer/have suffered because he held the cures in his back pocket... How many Africans and Blacks will die of AIDS, diabetes, sickle cell, cancer, etc because he wanted to be a hundred thousandaire??? nikka could help Ray Charles see again (curing glaucoma) but I'm sure Ray just didn't want another black man to get some shine huh? Steve Jobs got more billions than 99% of the world, but just quietly died in his home cause nobody alerted him to Dr. Sebi's cure package?


He was fukking lying....

Come the fukk on now.. And the funny thing is.. Some of his ideas are actually healthy and should be followed.. But when you go global, saying things like "I HAVE THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES" You sound retarded

You know how many fukking diseases there are? genetic.. autoimmune disease.. infectious.. heart disease, liver... autism... lupus

Educated black people really believe this shyt?
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Only 2 things are possible here

Dr. Sebi was right... Cured everything... And was a fukking piece of shyt, who let BILLIONS of people die, because he chose not to share the info unless you bought his products... Also didn't leave the plans with his family... Also didn't leave the research with not ONE single black doctor or facility in the WORLD....... How many people will suffer/have suffered because he held the cures in his back pocket... How many Africans and Blacks will die of AIDS, diabetes, sickle cell, cancer, etc because he wanted to be a hundred thousandaire??? nikka could help Ray Charles see again (curing glaucoma) but I'm sure Ray just didn't want another black man to get some shine huh? Steve Jobs got more billions than 99% of the world, but just quietly died in his home cause nobody alerted him to Dr. Sebi's cure package?


He was fukking lying....

Come the fukk on now.. And the funny thing is.. Some of his ideas are actually healthy and should be followed.. But when you go global, saying things like "I HAVE THE CURE FOR ALL DISEASES" You sound retarded

You know how many fukking diseases there are? genetic.. autoimmune disease.. infectious.. heart disease, liver... autism... lupus

Education black people really believe this shyt?

Yup. I posted this challenge two days ago...

I disagree with a lot of the assumptions of Western medicine. I've used herbs before (to improve liver function in recovering from Hepatitis E) and believe they can be effective in certain circumstances if used the right way. I think proper diet, environmental changes, psychology, and mind-body awareness can be even more effective. I hate when people rely on chemicals to fix problems that are rooted in other causes. But it's when people start making wild claims that they get called into doubt.

If y'all believe this is 100% legit and not just a money-making endeavor, then bless the forum with some LIFE-SAVING information. Y'all say western medicine is hiding all the cures. Well then don't do it yourself. At least for starters someone please post the cures for:



Sickle Cell

No one has said a word. So either they're just a bunch of a$$holes who want everyone to die, or....:sas2: