IT: Chapter Two Official Thread

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
:unimpressed:Movie was goofy af. 2/5

Bullying Spider-It to death :mjtf:
I watched it with my friend and as we were walking out i said, "So basically, he died from getting roasted to death :swaggyhuh: If this movie had a group of black kids, he wouldve died in the sewer cause Georgie wouldve flamed this nikka up for being cock eyed and living in a street drain dressed as a clown." Part one wouldve just been called:


Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
That scene was good except it was completely over the top. Aint nobody doing all that shyt to somebody just cause they gay. That shyt was tryhard as fukk.


Gay people get got for being gay everyday b. That was probably the most realistic scene in the movie.


Los Ingobernables de Sala de Cine
May 21, 2013
That scene was good except it was completely over the top. Aint nobody doing all that shyt to somebody just cause they gay. That shyt was tryhard as fukk.
But King's inclusion of that scene in the book was based on a real life event of a gay person being thrown off a bridge, so somebody actually did all that shyt just out of hate.

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012

Gay people get got for being gay everyday b. That was probably the most realistic scene in the movie.
And it almost never happens just because someone was gay. No different than these trannies trying to say anything that happens to them happens because they are trannies. Has it happened, im sure. "Does" it happen. Nah. I know it was in the book but that was the early 80s. Was over the top for what is supposed to be 2019. Thats my point.

But King's inclusion of that scene in the book was based on a real life event of a gay person being thrown off a bridge, so somebody actually did all that shyt just out of hate.
See above.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
And it almost never happens just because someone was gay. No different than these trannies trying to say anything that happens to them happens because they are trannies. Has it happened, im sure. "Does" it happen. Nah. I know it was in the book but that was the early 80s. Was over the top for what is supposed to be 2019. Thats my point.

See above.

Idk breh feels like that’s a slippery slope you’re walking. To say hate crimes of that nature and to that degree don’t happen anymore doesn’t track with the way the world the last few years. shyt a lot of heinous hate crimes don’t even make national news but they do make local news. And a lot of them go unreported. The Washington post just did a whole expose on hate crimes in dc and even noted a lot go unreported. Dc had 204 reported last year alone.

In fact, the article reports an incident very similar to what’s portrayed in this movie: gay couple out on the town enjoying their night, someone calls them a slur and then attack’s them. One gets punched and kicked while on the ground and the other gets elbowed in the back of the head.

Now was anyone getting tossed over a bridge? No. But it was violent and heinous and it makes others not even want to speak up when shyt like that does happen

OJ Simpsom

Dec 6, 2013
They should have trolled Jussie Smolett and made the gay couple at the beginning black, and the attackers Nigerian MAGA supporters.:ufdup:"This is MAGA country!"

Sterling Archer

Spider Mane
May 16, 2012
Idk breh feels like that’s a slippery slope you’re walking. To say hate crimes of that nature and to that degree don’t happen anymore doesn’t track with the way the world the last few years. shyt a lot of heinous hate crimes don’t even make national news but they do make local news. And a lot of them go unreported. The Washington post just did a whole expose on hate crimes in dc and even noted a lot go unreported. Dc had 204 reported last year alone.

In fact, the article reports an incident very similar to what’s portrayed in this movie: gay couple out on the town enjoying their night, someone calls them a slur and then attack’s them. One gets punched and kicked while on the ground and the other gets elbowed in the back of the head.

Now was anyone getting tossed over a bridge? No. But it was violent and heinous and it makes others not even want to speak up when shyt like that does happen
Heres the thing breh. Im not acting as if hate crimes dont happen. But that scene was the equivalent of us as black men in 2019 going to fair, and a 13yr old boy with herpes sores on his face walks up, calls us a ******, and smacks my drink out my hand...dolo. Because his older friends are sitting nearby....I dont even have to continue from this point because thats just not how shyt goes down. If you said, some drunk white boys drove past in their truck and threw rocks at us as they screamed ******, that would be more believable.

So back to the movie, the gay agenda is always strong in trying to normalize these events to say that "this happens to us all the time because we are gay". They do it by releasing skewed stats and what not or without context. They do it so they can try and win the "Hate Olympics" when the fact is, no one gives a fukk about who someone is having sex with. We just dont. Thats how this tranny shyt progressed so much, because no one cared so they kept pushing and pushing. When shyt happens to gay people, almost never happens BECAUSE they were gay. They just happened to be. Its a movie. Yeah it has happened before but like a movie, theyll sensationalize it and I noticed it as such. Felt like watching a caricature of a hate crime than an actual one. Thats on the director. Scene wouldve been easily twice as believable and effective if they scratched the kid with herpes out altogether.


What's up doc, can we rock?
May 29, 2012
P.G. County
Heres the thing breh. Im not acting as if hate crimes dont happen. But that scene was the equivalent of us as black men in 2019 going to fair, and a 13yr old boy with herpes sores on his face walks up, calls us a ******, and smacks my drink out my hand...dolo. Because his older friends are sitting nearby....I dont even have to continue from this point because thats just not how shyt goes down. If you said, some drunk white boys drove past in their truck and threw rocks at us as they screamed ******, that would be more believable.

So back to the movie, the gay agenda is always strong in trying to normalize these events to say that "this happens to us all the time because we are gay". They do it by releasing skewed stats and what not or without context. They do it so they can try and win the "Hate Olympics" when the fact is, no one gives a fukk about who someone is having sex with. We just dont. Thats how this tranny shyt progressed so much, because no one cared so they kept pushing and pushing. When shyt happens to gay people, almost never happens BECAUSE they were gay. They just happened to be. Its a movie. Yeah it has happened before but like a movie, theyll sensationalize it and I noticed it as such. Felt like watching a caricature of a hate crime than an actual one. Thats on the director. Scene wouldve been easily twice as believable and effective if they scratched the kid with herpes out altogether.

But if king is saying that shyt happened in his town. And if I just told you something very similar happened in dc last year, how is it not realistic? How is it forced? I could be mistaken so I want to make sure, but are you saying gay people don’t have hate crimes committed against them?


Jun 26, 2014
Was anybody else rolling their eyes at

The scene where Mike introduces Bill to the Ritual of Chud? I didn't like how they had Mike looking there :scust:


Sep 5, 2014
Cornfields, cows, & an one stoplight town
And it almost never happens just because someone was gay. No different than these trannies trying to say anything that happens to them happens because they are trannies. Has it happened, im sure. "Does" it happen. Nah. I know it was in the book but that was the early 80s. Was over the top for what is supposed to be 2019. Thats my point.

See above.


You sound like those white boys who argue until their blue in the face that there are no hate crimes against black people in 2019. People out here planning how they will kill all kinds of people just because they ain't like them. What I really wanna know is why is that reality so hard for you to accept. When did facts become "agenda"? That's some shyt an alt-right person would say about us when we talk about police brutality. That's it's all a lib or BLM agenda to promote the anti-white agenda. Y'all need to stop borrowing these nazi talking points.

Anti-gay hate crimes on the rise, FBI says, and they likely undercount

Anti-LGBT hate crimes are rising, the FBI says. But it gets worse
Grace Hauck, USA TODAYPublished 3:35 p.m. ET June 28, 2019 | Updated 7:59 a.m. ET July 1, 2019

Martin Boyce was at the Stonewall Inn in New York when riots broke out in June 1969, a moment seen as the birth of the LGBTQ rights movement. Robert Deutsch, USA TODAY

Friday marked 50 years since protesters fought back against a police raid of New York's Stonewall Inn and catalyzed the modern gay rights movement. But despite decades of progress, members of the LGBTQ community across the country are experiencing targeted acts of violence.

Hate crimes against LGBTQ people have been on a slight rise over the past three years, according to FBI data. While most hate crimes in the U.S. are motivated by bias toward race and religion, the number of crimes based on sexual orientation rose each year from 2014 to 2017, when 1,130 incidents were reported. Of those crimes, a majority targeted gay men.


Crimes motivated by a bias toward gender identity – against transgender and non-binary individuals – have generally risen since 2013, when the FBI first began recording them. At least 11 transgender people have been fatally shot or killed by other violent means in 2019, according to the Human Rights Campaign. Recent media reports suggest that crimes against black transgender women, in particular, have spiked this year.


The FBI data, however, likely dramatically underestimates the true number of hate crimes against the LGBTQ community, experts, say, given flaws in the current data collection process and massive discrepancies with the much larger number of self-reported incidents.

A better gauge of hate crime trends in the U.S. may be the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), a household-based survey administered by the U.S. Census Bureau. This self-reported data suggests that Americans experience closer to 200,000 hate crimes each year – a far cry from the FBI’s estimate of approximately 7,500.


The NCVS data also suggests that a greater percentage of all hate crimes are motivated by a bias against sexual orientation than the FBI data.

Many people who experience hate crimes do not report the incidents to law enforcement, for various reasons.

“To the extent that we don’t have universal protections from discrimination on the basis of employment, housing, and public accommodations, if someone comes forward to report a hate crime, they could also be officially outing themselves as LGBTQ. In a smaller or rural community, that outing could result in an eviction or loss of a job,” said Robin Maril, Human Rights Campaign Associate Legal Director.

Are the young really the most tolerant? Results of this LGBTQ survey are 'alarming'

Some advocates point to the Trump administration’s policies and rhetoric as potential catalysts for the increasing violence in recent years.

After Trumps' election, the Southern Poverty Law Center counted 201 incidents of election-related harassment and intimidation across the country, including incidents targeting the LGBTQ community and people of color.

In 2017, the president announced on Twitter that he would be banning transgender people from the military. At an annual National Prayer Breakfast this past February, Trump defended a state-funded Michigan adoption agency’s efforts to ban gay and lesbian couples from adopting children.

“The level of discourse that we are getting from the Trump administration and leadership only hurts our community, only hurts trans people,” Maril said. “It gives a sense of impunity and a license to harm folks.”

Under the Obama administration, the average number of anti-gay hate crime incidents reported to the FBI each year was higher than the number of incidents reported in 2017. In 2008, the FBI reported 1,297 anti-gay hate crime. That number fluctuated but eventually fell to 1,135 in 2012 and 1076 in 2016.