As you can see they all ask for AD experience. Get a solid understanding of all the AD roles (AD CS, DNS, AD DS, AD FS, AD LDS) and you're 75% of the way there. If I were you, I'd invest in a computer with at least 16GB of ram and a quad core CPU (shouldn't cost more than $800) and I'd setup a lab. Learn how to install AD, manage objects, migrate domains, create trusts, master GPOs, deploy AD FS, AD FS, learn how AD and DNS works, etc. If you're focused in about 6-12 months you'll have your MCSE and enough hands on knowledge/experience to start getting jobs that pay $55-65/hr (
assuming you have at least 5 years experience).
Add in some other skills to build on top of it like Exchange, SCCM, CISSP, etc; and you'll have recruiters blowing up your cell every 10 minutes.
If you want to make the most money the quickest, focus on the Windows/AD side since you already got your MCSA. If you just want to learn then go for both. If it were me, I'd focus on the money