1. About to be in my 4th year . I switched to CS from bio at the beginning of my 3rd year though.
2. Not exactly sure yet, but so far I'm digging application development. I want to learn more about databases as well.
3. Just looking for any tips on things I should do while in school that will benefit me once I graduate.
4. Yes, my CS is fairly math intensive. I take up to calc 2, then I gotta take linear algebra, discrete math, and a couple of other stuff I think.
Alright, cool cool. Yea, developing apps and whatnot are awesome. I got pulled in because of game dev, but actually developing apps to solve client issues is actually quite gratifying.
So tips for anything to do while in school...
The best thing you can do is open source development or work on a side project that involves other parties. Preferably, the other parties would be helping you develop. This shows you can work with others, and it'll teach you some of the politics around software development, especially version control. Also learn some Project Development methodologies (Waterfall, iterative, scrum, etc...)
Make sure to network with a lot of your CS classmates. Realize that some might not be as social as you, but some of these people are brilliant in how they put together algorithms. And you'll learn alot.
As for Databases, Sql is basically what you'll need to know. I got lucky and learned actual database design at my first job. Once you learn SQL, though, you'll wonder why more people don't know it. While the queries can get a little involved, for the most part, its probably easier to put together a sql script vs writing up a hello world app in compiled language
If you want to mess around with databases, you can get Sqlserver and also check out w3schools.com. They have alot of scrpting language basics.
Just holla at us on here if you have any questions. Also, check out Stackoverflow.com