I want to know who curates the music for this show. Over the years they have put me onto so many cool songs, ESPECIALLY hip hop from female artists. That song "whew chile" that ended last week's episode is funny and fukkin fire.
I caught up with the last two episodes last night...and again, the writing this season is fukkin me up. I am just not feeling it. Why do we have to see Molly getting eaten out before finding out that her mom had a stroke? Why is Issa riding dikk as she's having a deep conversation with Nathan? I get the whole "we're just trying to emulate real life and women being free just like men would" angle...but those were just weird to me.
And why, why, why do we have to see Taurean and Molly having a "moment" where they kinda feel each other. The dude has been a stern as$hole type ever since we met him, and we finally get to see a redeeming quality about him - which was great - but that doesn't mean we have to immediately shift to him potentially being a love interest for Molly IMO.
You gonna tell me that Taurean is the one who finally helps Molly get her life together, and they end up happily ever after? Her co-worker / manager?
How the fukk did Nathan and the other barber not fight after being so disrespectful? Exactly where are we going with Nathan's story anyway?
Not feelin it.
And lastly - honestly...what is the purpose of Crenshawn? Is his purpose to help Issa realize what her issues are deep down?? Genuinely curious.