Loved the finale, and had no real issue with the season overall. I liked that all the characters are written as a little less emotionally mature and intelligent than they probably should be, which showcases the growth, throughout the series. I liked that Issa and Molly were able to talk through the issues they had at the end, without the kind of anger and cutting remarks that we saw earlier in the series. That is growth.
Loved the setting of the graveyard, as a backdrop for the culture in LA, and, at the same time, a collection of ghosts and exes of seasons past. As I wrote in a previous post, this happened very recently, not an ex, just someone I spent a night with, and this happens frequently to me. It really is a sign of ones maturity and emotional intelligence to have positive interactions with someone. A lot of people I know, duck and hide, or have awkward ass stilted conversations, or even angry ones. Even if for no other reason, you will always look better, the less awkward you are.
Didn't last season end with Issa trashing her apartment? Or maybe earlier in season. Either way, she finished unpacking (figuratively and literally) and created a life for herself, instead of trashing what she had, after an emotional talk with Nathan. Which, was fairly limited and showed how poor at communication people can be. He didn't do a great job of explaining his actions, and Issa didn't do a great job of explaining why it bothered her so much, though she did try.
*Didn't see the Lawerence twist coming, I thought Nathan for some reason, whereas Lawrence obviously makes more sense. I forgot her character was at the shower.
*Even Molly has made progress, her phone call shows that, but also that dude Andrew.....I like and hate at the same time, how you will see responses from men in here, saluting his brusqueness an irritation, when really is shows, again, (one of the shows themes) immaturity. If you liked someone, and things went a little awry, for whatever reason, why act like that? "I got shyt to do". Dude is playing video games. People either learn or they don't how to handle emotionally complex situations, and quality of life improves greatly when you can. Pettiness and resentment gets you nowhere.