I only thing I dislike about this show was naming or calling issa stepping out a ho phase.
Like nikkaz is so emo their labeling of ho phase is just offbrand and not really anything remotely to being a ho.
Females in general may say it like a joke or play on nwa bring misunderstood.
Yet there was no ho'n going on at all.
That whole ho phase term is some weak ass simp shyt.
some weak ass nikka says who don't have no g and not locking down the girl he wants a committal from.
I understand the comedy of why it is used but it took on another life globally as a term and reference and was counter productive.
Only thing I can say good about it being called a ho phase was because the age bracket of the character.
Yet, outside that. As far as women making a stance to be able to mate without committment. I feel it created negative energy.
the longer it kept being referred to as that. Issa is a cheater and a twit.
She was never a ho,...none of the girls on the show were hoes.
So, I just never liked that part for a show.
That I thought was trying to create some type of understanding of women who are not committed.
I felt that limited the characters and this story arc.
As issa having fun and trying to find a suitable mate should have been that.
Not connected to her labeled as a ho phase.
If you not committed you are able to mate with whom you like.
Making and terming her a ho when she was not selling anything and not even gold digg'n created a funk about this season that I wish was not there.
I felt that opportunity was wasted and should have been created to give women more wiggle room in the dialogue this show creates and as a cushion content wise on tv.
Instead it worked negatively and was termed negatively.
When there was an opportunity for much more and more understanding as well.
Outside that and the weirdness of how the season finale was.
I really liked this season and felt it did stay true to what happens to the college couple.
that does not make it because of infidelity on the part of the woman in the relationship.
downplaying her esso because of material, professional and silly emotional issues.
This show is called insecure.
Yet issa having fun looking for a mate.
Should have been a step to fortify her issues and develop her into being secure.
Art Barr