More Violations...
Res. 298 (Sep. 25, 1971) Recalls resolutions 252 and 267 and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254 concerning Israels measures to annex Jerusalem, reaffirms the principle that acquisition of territory by military conquest is inadmissible, notes the non-compliance by Israel of the recalled resolutions, deplores Israels failure to respect the resolutions, confirms that Israels actions are totally invalid, and urgently calls on Israel to rescind its measures and take no further steps in the occupied section of Jerusalem to change the status of the city.
Res. 313 (Feb. 28, 1972) Demands that Israel immediately desist and refrain from any ground and air military action against Lebanon and forthwith withdraw all its military forces from Lebanese territory.
Res. 316 (Jun. 26, 1972) Deplores the tragic loss of life resulting from all acts of violence, expresses grave concern at Israels failure to comply with Security Council resolutions 262, 270, 280, 285, and 313 calling on Israel to desist forthwith from any violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Lebanon, calls on Israel to abide by the resolutions, and condemns the repeated attacks of Israeli forces on Lebanese territory and population in violation of the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and Israels obligations thereunder.
Res. 317 (Jul. 21, 1972) Notes resolution 316, deplores the fact that Israel had not yet released Syrian and Lebanese military and security personnel abducted by Israeli armed forces from Lebanese territory on June 21, 1972, and calls on Israel to release the prisoners.
Res. 332 (Apr. 21, 1972) Condemns the repeated military attacks conducted by Israel against Lebanon and Israels violation of Lebanons territorial integrity and sovereignty in violation of the U.N. Charter, the armistice agreement, and cease-fire resolutions.
Res. 337 (Aug. 15, 1972) Notes the violation of Lebanons sovereignty and territorial integrity by Israel and the hijacking, by the Israeli air force, of a Lebanese civilian airliner on lease to Iraqi Airways, expresses grave concern that such an act carried out by Israel, a Member of the United Nations, constitutes a serious interference with international civil aviation and a violation of the Charter of the United Nations, recognizes that such an act could jeopardize the lives and safety of passengers and crew and violates the provisions of international conventions safeguarding civil aviation, condemns Israel for violating Lebanons sovereignty and territorial integrity and for the forcible diversion and seizure by the Israeli air force of a Lebanese airliner from Lebanons air space, and considers that Israels actions constitute a violation of the armistice agreement, cease-fire resolutions, the U.N. Charter, the international conventions on civil aviation and the principles of international law and morality.
Res. 347 (Apr. 24, 1974) Condemns Israels violation of Lebanons territorial integrity and sovereignty and calls once more on the Government of Israel to refrain from further military actions and threats against Lebanon, and calls on Israel to release and return to Lebanon the abducted Lebanese civilians.
Res. 425 (Mar. 19, 1978) Calls for strict respect for the territorial integrity, sovereignty and political independence of Lebanon within its internationally recognized boundaries, and Calls upon Israel immediately to cease its military action against Lebanese territorial integrity and withdraw forthwith its forces from all Lebanese territory.
Res. 427 (May 3, 1978) Calls upon Israel to complete its withdrawal from all Lebanese territory without any further delay.
Res. 446 (Mar. 22, 1979) Affirms once more that the Fourth Geneva Convention
is applicable to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, Determines that the policy and practices of Israel in establishing settlements in the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967 have no legal validity and constitute a serious obstruction to achieving a comprehensive, just and lasting peace in the Middle East, Strongly deplores the failure of Israel to abide by resolutions 237, 252, and 298, and General Assembly resolutions 2253 and 2254, and calls on Israel as the occupying Power to abide by the Fourth Geneva Convention, to rescind its previous measures and to desist from any action which would result in changing the legal status and geographical nature and materially affecting the demographic composition of the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, and, in particular, not to transfer parts of its own civilian population into the occupied Arab territories.
Res. 450 (Jun. 14, 1979) Strongly deplores acts of violence against Lebanon that have led to the displacement of civilians, including Palestinians, and brought about destruction and loss of innocent lives, and calls on Israel to cease actions against Lebanon, in particular its incursions into Lebanon and the assistance it continues to lend to irresponsible armed groups.
Res. 452 (Jul. 20, 1979) Strongly deplores the lack of co-operation of Israel with the Security Council Commission established under resolution 446 (1979) to examine the situation relating to settlements in the Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, considers that the policy of Israel in establishing settlements in the occupied Arab territories has no legal validity and constitutes a violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention, expresses deep concern at Israels policy of constructing settlements in the occupied Arab territories, including Jerusalem, and its consequences for the local Arab and Palestinian population, and calls on Israel to cease such activities.
Res. 465 (Mar. 1, 1980) Strongly deplores Israels refusal to co-operate with the Security Council Commission, regrets Israels formal rejection of resolutions 446 and 452, deplores Israels decision to officially support Israeli settlement in the occupied territories, expresses deep concern over Israels settlement policy and its consequences for the local Arab and Palestinian population, Strongly deplores the decision of Israel to prohibit the free travel of the mayor of Hebron to appear before the Security Council, and Determines that all measures taken by Israel to change the physical character, demographic composition, institutional structure or status of the Palestinian and other Arab territories occupied since 1967, including Jerusalem, or any part thereof, have no legal validity and that Israels policy and practices of settling parts of its population and new immigrants in those territories constitute a flagrant violation of the Fourth Geneva Convention.
Res. 467 (Apr. 24, 1980) Condemns all actions contrary to resolutions 425, 426, 427, 434, 444, 450, and 459 and, in particular, strongly deplores any violation of Lebanese sovereignty and territorial integrity and Israels military intervention into Lebanon.
Res. 468 (May 8, 1980) Expresses deep concern at the expulsion by the Israeli military occupation authorities of the Mayors of Hebron and Halhoul and the Sharia Judge of Hebron and Calls upon the Government of Israel as occupying Power to rescind these illegal measures and facilitate the immediate return of the expelled Palestinian leaders so that they can resume the functions for which they were elected and appointed.
Res. 469 (May 20, 1980) Recalls the Fourth Geneva Convention and in particular article 1, which reads The High Contracting Parties undertake to respect and to ensure respect for the present Convention in all circumstances, and article 49, which reads Individual or mass forcible transfers, as well as deportations of protected persons from the occupied territory to the territory of the occupying Power or to that of any other country, occupied or not, are prohibited, regardless of their motive, Strongly deplores the failure of the Government of Israel to implement Security Council resolution 468, Calls again upon the Government of Israel, as occupying Power, to rescind the illegal measures taken by the Israeli military occupation authorities in expelling the Mayors of Hebron and Halhoul and the Sharis Judge of Hebron, and to facilitate the immediate return of the expelled Palestinian leaders, so that they can resume their functions for which they were elected and appointed.
Res. 471 (Jun. 5, 1980) Recalls once again the Fourth Geneva Convention, and in particular article 27, which reads, Protected persons are entitled, in all circumstances, to respect for their persons
They shall at all times be humanely treated, and shall be protected especially against all acts of violence or threats thereof
, reaffirms the applicability of the Fourth Geneva Convention to the Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem, expresses deep concern that the Jewish settlers in the occupied Arab territories are allowed to carry arms, thus enabling them to perpetrate crimes against the civilian Arab population, Condemns the assassination attempts against the Mayors of Nablus, Ramallah and Al Bireh and calls for the immediate apprehension and prosecution of the perpetrators of these crimes, Expresses deep concern that Israel, as the occupying Power, has failed to provide adequate protection to the civilian population in the occupied territories in conformity with the provisions of the Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, calls on Israel to provide the victims with adequate compensation for the damage suffered as a result of these crimes, Calls again upon the government of Israel to respect and to comply with the provisions of the Fourth Geneva Convention and the relevant resolutions of the Security Council, Calls once again upon all States not to provide Israel with any assistance to be used specifically in connexion [sic] with settlements in the occupied territories, Reaffirms the overriding necessity to end the prolonged occupation of Arab territories occupied by Israel since 1967, including Jerusalem.