If I killed you and said you were a spy people would just have to take my word for it.
I don't know what really happened in that scenario....For me, it looked like a group of people were involved in the killings, and if the group says the people they killed were spies, then it was it is...
I made my comment based on the information given in this thread...
My attitude is based on the fact that there is a double standard in this world where the nations with the most power are perceived to have the moral high ground (for the most part) and given the benefit of the doubt...
Millions of Americans celebrated when Osama Bin Laden was killed, or should I say "assassinated." There was no concrete evidence (that I know of) that Osama was involved in 911, he was never put on trial, and found guilty (even though a trial would of just been a formality)...
Basically, we can argue Americans celebrated the "murder" of Osama, and Obama is a conspirator to murder...
With all this said, I have no sympathy for Osama, because he declared war on America, and thus, he gave America the right to seek and kill him...
My main point is...
When politics are involved, the moral and ethical lines become blurred...It comes down to that same old cliche, "one person's terrorist is another's freedom fighter."
Thus, I personally would not use terms like murder, terrorist, and etc to describe people and actions involving political uprisings...