Israel–Hamas War: 10/7/2023 - Present


May 3, 2012
Actually a lot of people care. Holocaust denial will get your locked up in a good portion of the world.

Please don’t tell me you believe that anti-semitism, racism, conspiracy theories, and literal Nazism is how to combat the depredations of Israel. :mjlol:
Playing victim doesn’t work when you DEVILS literally do all of this freely and daily




Brought to you by them DEVILS
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Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Brought to you by them DEVILS


Something got brought alright

A southern white lady that posts white supremacist Republican content, supports Trump but hates Israel and posts like a 22 year old college frat bro. Joined in 2020 yet already has 60,000 followers.

Yep that’s called a paid Bot. You migrants are down bad. :sadcam:


Nov 1, 2015

It is profoundly disturbing to watch a journalist document the lead-up to his own impending murder at the hands of genocidal occupying forces in real time.

[Quoted tweet]
Palestinian journalists like @HossamShabat are covering their own extermination while their colleagues in the West largely ignore what’s happening in northern Gaza.

To post tweets in this format, more info here:


Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
im not a holocaust denier


knowing what we know today and how the jews/israel will blatantly lie, control media, propagranda, play the victim card at every turn, etc.

It does make me wonder how much of the holocaust was... how do I say this in a non offensive way... over exaggerated ?

this entire conflict was escalated due to a false story of beheaded babies and a concert massacre that ended up being proven that the IDF killed their own people
I'm not a holocaust denier either but I understand what you are saying. I actually want to learn more about the Jewish resistance in Europe during the holocaust. I know they were fighting back with small underground militias but does anyone know if they were going as hard on the Nazis as they were on the Palestinian Arabs and British officers in the 30s and 40s with literal acts of terrorism?

I didn't learn till after Oct. 7th how ruthless the European Jewish immigrants were to the Arabs and Brits in Palestine before it became Israel. They were bombing trains, buses, markets, cinemas, hotels. Killing innocent civilians. These were European immigrants committing these acts. We freak out in America over fake stories about immigrants eating cats. Imagine if they were bombing civilian targets on the regular. And these attacks were rampant with mass casualties. I would like to know if they had the same kind of smoke for the Nazis as they did for the people of a land they were immigrating to around the same time.

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Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022

Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
Thank you for the links. I do know about the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well as the French resistance. Without a doubt very heroic. I just don't remember ever reading about terrorism against German civilian targets. Not that that should be warranted or commended in any way. I just don't understand if terrorism was not warranted as a counter to being exterminated. How and why could they use terrorism as a tactic to acquire territory in a land they are immigrating to from Europe? It seems like if they would use terrorism in that case they would use terrorism in Germany as well.

They killed 43 people with a bomb in a marketplace in Haifa in 1938 before the holocaust
They killed 91 people in the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem in 1946 after the holocaust.

Those are just 2 examples of many terrorist acts pre and post holocaust carried out in Palestine. The 2 Jewish militias linked in the previous post are credited with inventing modern day terrorism and were proud to be labeled as terrorists. Are there any examples of jewish militias committing acts of "terrorism" as we know it today (bombing areas where civilians gather) in Germany? Again, I'm not saying that civilians should have been targeted, I'm genuinely curious why these extreme tactics were used in Palestine before, during and after WW2 but not in any of the European countries involved in WW2 (if that is the case).

Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
I just don't understand if terrorism was not warranted as a counter to being exterminated. How and why could they use terrorism as a tactic to acquire territory in a land they are immigrating to from Europe? It seems like if they would use terrorism in that case they would use terrorism in Germany as well.
Damn, I'll answer my own question since it just became obvious to me that when the objective is to scare people away to take their land, terrorism would be an effective method and the resistance against the Nazis would see no benefit from killing civilians. I still think it's a fukked up history that not many people know about. The jews immigrating from Europe to another land in order to escape persecution. And while their people are being exterminated, they are simultaneously trying to expel the people in the land they are fleeing to with extreme brutality and violence. But we don't hear much about that part of the story.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
Thank you for the links. I do know about the Warsaw ghetto uprising as well as the French resistance. Without a doubt very heroic. I just don't remember ever reading about terrorism against German civilian targets. Not that that should be warranted or commended in any way. I just don't understand if terrorism was not warranted as a counter to being exterminated. How and why could they use terrorism as a tactic to acquire territory in a land they are immigrating to from Europe? It seems like if they would use terrorism in that case they would use terrorism in Germany as well.

They killed 43 people with a bomb in a marketplace in Haifa in 1938 before the holocaust
They killed 91 people in the King David Hotel bombing in Jerusalem in 1946 after the holocaust.

Those are just 2 examples of many terrorist acts pre and post holocaust carried out in Palestine. The 2 Jewish militias linked in the previous post are credited with inventing modern day terrorism and were proud to be labeled as terrorists. Are there any examples of jewish militias committing acts of "terrorism" as we know it today (bombing areas where civilians gather) in Germany? Again, I'm not saying that civilians should have been targeted, I'm genuinely curious why these extreme tactics were used in Palestine before, during and after WW2 but not in any of the European countries involved in WW2 (if that is the case).
1. The Jews did commit acts of terrorism against German forces and sabotage. 20-30% of the French Resistance were Jews. This man Herbert Baum - Wikipedia firebombed a museum and was captured and tortured to death. This man formed a partisan unit, killed collaborators and destroyed German infrastructure and ambushed troops

There are many examples.

2. Where were Jews supposed to blow up German civilians? The vast majority of Jews killed were killed outside German borders when the Nazis invaded. Furthermore Jews were an extreme minority of Germany. And as what occurred in Eastern Europe, if a partisan killed a German soldier they would massacre the entire village. There was no political solution to the Nazis as they would be happy because they could just kill you all.

3. The King David Hotel bombing wasn’t targeting civilians but to destroy documents related to Jewish anti-British activities. Civilians weren’t a primary target and there is debate on if there was advanced notice to evacuate or not. I’d compare it to the IRA bombings more than anything.

4. Many Israeli Jews justify their brutal behavior by saying that Jews during WW2 didn’t resist and meekly went to the gas chambers. That “never again” and there is a machismo culture in Israel about trying to be tough a not weak like western jews.

Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
4. Many Israeli Jews justify their brutal behavior by saying that Jews during WW2 didn’t resist and meekly went to the gas chambers. That “never again” and there is a machismo culture in Israel about trying to be tough a not weak like western jews.
But their brutal behavior was happening years before the gas chambers. So that can't be the justification for all their terrorist attacks in Palestine. I know they claim they gave advance notice on the hotel bombing, which I personally don't believe but let's play the devil's advocate and say they did and 91 people still died. They definitely did not give advance notice for all the other countless terrorist attacks and bombings in 30s. And they weren't trying to destroy documents in all those terror attacks. Their goal was to drive the Arabs out of their land.

Mister Terrific

It’s in the name
May 24, 2022
But their brutal behavior was happening years before the gas chambers. So that can't be the justification for all their terrorist attacks in Palestine. I know they claim they gave advance notice on the hotel bombing, which I personally don't believe but let's play the devil's advocate and say they did and 91 people still died. They definitely did not give advance notice for all the other countless terrorist attacks and bombings in 30s. And they weren't trying to destroy documents in all those terror attacks. Their goal was to drive the Arabs out of their land.
The Palestinians and Jews were going at each other equally hard in Palestine. You trying to frame it as Jews just showing up in Europe one day and killing innocent people is incorrect and ahistorical.

In the nineteenth century, under the Ottoman Empire, Palestinian Jews lived mainly in Jerusalem, Safed and Tiberias. Haifa and Saint-Jean-d’Acre had smaller communities. In Jerusalem, as is often the case in the Arab-Muslim area, the Jewish condition was marked by a climate of humiliation and widespread fear, as witnessed in the nineteenth century by the Jewish traveler Abraham Yaari in his book Voyages en Eretz-Israel5: “The Arabs are violently hostile to the Jews, and persecute the children of Israel in the streets of the city. If a notable or even lower-class citizen lays their hands on a Jew, we have no right to reciprocate, whether Arabs or Turks, for they are of the same religion. If a Jew is hit, he must adopt a supplicant attitude and not retaliate with unkind words, lest he receive even more blows, for, in their eyes, we are people of nothing. Sephardim behave like this because they’re already used to it. But Ashkenazim are not yet used to being struck by Arabs, and they respond with insults if they can speak their language. If not, they gesticulate in anger, and then they are beaten even more. […] It’s the same for the uncircumcised (i.e. Christians) who are in exile [sic] like the Jews, except that the uncircumcised have a lot of money, because they receive it from the kingdoms of Europe, and with this money they can bribe the Turks. The Jews don’t have enough money to do the same, therefore they’re even more “exiled””.

In 1831, “Southern Syria” (the Arabic name for the province known to Westerners as the “Holy Land” or Palestine), of which Safed was a part, was annexed by Mehemet-Ali, Viceroy of Egypt. Safed’s Jewish community, one of the largest in the country, had long been predominantly Jewish, as evidenced around 1625 by the Italian orientalist Franciscus Quaresmius, who wrote of Safed that it was “inhabited mainly by Hebrews, where they have their synagogues and schools”

You can find multiple pogroms against Palestinian Jews in this source.

Accounts of the month-long event tell of large-scale looting,[6] as well as killing and raping of Jews and the destruction of homes and synagogues by Druze and Muslims.[7] Many Torah scrolls were desecrated[3] and many Jews were left severely wounded.[8][9] The event has been described as a pogrom or "pogrom-like" by some authors.[10][11]Hundreds fled the town, seeking refuge in the open countryside or neighbouring villages. Lebanese Druze troops quelled the rioting under the orders of Ibrahim Pasha following the intervention of foreign consuls. The instigators were arrested and later executed in Acre

So you can say the Jewish extremist ethic is combination of past treatment in the Middle East, the holocaust, and finally having superior numbers.

Smalley Biggs

May 27, 2012
The Palestinians and Jews were going at each other equally hard in Palestine. You trying to frame it as Jews just showing up in Europe one day and killing innocent people is incorrect and ahistorical.
no, I know there was an Arab revolt due to the influx of jews into Palestine. I'm specifically talking about the tactic of terrorism as we know it today. Targeting areas where civilians gather with bombs (trains, busses, markets, cinemas, etc.). Since Hamas is labeled as the terrorists in this conflict and therefor are painted as the villains it's interesting that the roots of terrorism in that part of the world are never credited to the jews. The European Jewish militias in Palestine referred to themselves as terrorists. In my opinion they are still terrorists till this day. I consider Israel a terrorist state.

And those that say Hamas are terrorists and nothing will ever be accomplished by using terrorism. Well just look at what came out of a decade of terrorism by the European jews. The land they were committing terrorism on was awarded to them and they got their sovereign nation. So there wasn't much of a penalty or punishment for all that terrorism. Seems to me like it accomplished their goal. Or at the very least the terrorism did not hinder them from accomplishing their goal. And we are not talking about ancient history. It was less than 100 years ago. And they weren't being oppressed by the Arabs or Brits in the way Palestinians are being oppressed by Israel.
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