The pressure is starting to get to them. I just saw an NBC poll showing, for the first time ever, Trump ahead of Biden for the 2024 presidential elections. And it appears this conflict is a major cause of his losing that support.
It might be too early for polls, but with all the recent polling, this seems to have some degree of staying power. With stagflation and Biden overestimating his accomplishments, then backing Netanyahu on's too costly.
Israel army just bombing indiscriminately was bound to alienate a lot of the people who support them--at least publicly. Either justify that billion-dollar military budget and support by improving your targeting or suffer people not cool with innocent children getting blown up.
Unfortunately for Republicans, any other "decent" candidate would easily capture the dissatisfied Dems--but they've moved so far right that they all sound increasingly unhinged. I mean, Trump of all people sounds more decent in his takes than them.