That's exactly what "peace in the middle east. looks like, and exactly why they constantly plot and scheme to keep it that way.
They're using their religion against them. Iran was the only Shia majority country in the middle east (Unlil the US decided to invade Iraq, which eventually led to them become majority Shia). Iran is also the only major power in the region that rejected western culture. And the US funds countries like Saudi Arabia with weapons to fight proxy wars in Yemen against Iran.
But what Saudi Arabia doesn't get is that Israel and the United States see them as equally worthless. Those countries have something the United States want. If they didn't have anything, they wouldn't care. In fact, Palestine would've been ethnically cleansed along time ago, and Israel would've expanded into other countries.
China just brokered a peace agreement with Iran and Saudi Arabia which basically undermines the US being there in the first place.
Israel is basically the US only real unconditional ally in the Middle East. Everyone else simply tolerates them. But how long before all of those countries stop fukking with the US altogether. How long before it becomes economically reliable to simply deal with China and Russia.
Europe and the United States and their colonial DNA have been trying to control the middle east for decades. Eventually they are going to get tired of it. All of the death and destruction from foreign weaponry.