Which is why I hate when people post that map like the transfer of land is all you need to know about the situation over there.
It's a purposely misleading map that deflects blame to the jews.
Breh, that land belonged to Britain after Palestinians snaked out the ottomans, that's what the map isn't showing.It's just a map showing the displacement of land/transfer of territory brehNO map of current countries or states is holding up this standard you expect. I don't get it but go off.
Israel is 100 percent to blame for the current state of Palestine.it is not.
but rather than imprecise statements let's get down to brass tacks.
A. who is to blame for israel slowly encroaching on palestinian territory (in contravention of UN decisions) ? who? and how?
B. rather than complaining multiple times about the map, make your case.
Israel is 100 percent to blame for the current state of Palestine.
That's why I clarified in my first post that I only have an issue with the map from 1946-1967, after that year there is no excusing Israel's actions in the region.
Breh, that land belonged to Britain after Palestinians snaked out the ottomans, that's what the map isn't showing.
They allowed the white man to draw borders on their shyt and that's what they did. That's what happens when you trust cacs.
Breh, that land belonged to Britain after Palestinians snaked out the ottomans, that's what the map isn't showing.
They allowed the white man to draw borders on their shyt and that's what they did. That's what happens when you trust cacs.
Major movement of US troops departing for the Middle East. Almost 50 plus military transports heading out.
A large number of C-17A Globemaster lll and C-5M Super Galaxy Transport Aircraft from the US Air Force’s Air Mobility Command have been arriving in the Middle East as well.
Patriot MIM104 systems online and waiting for THAAD battery installation near Jordan, Israel, Saudi Arabia and Iraq..THAAD is a primarily a ANTI AIR DEFENSE SYSTEM THAT INTERCEPTS ICBM AND BALLISTIC MISSILES AT HIGH ALTITUDE. People should pay attention to this.
Hearing that Turkey is dispatching warships to Israel. Will check naval traffic and post what I see.
A. Israel is at fault for encroaching on Palestinian territory.1. can you break that down in terms of A and B for me?
2. can you break down what absolves israel from 46 - 67